lang-party / Summer2022

Lang Party 2022
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Sew - Remove a file's outermost indentation levels #22

Open rocketnia opened 1 year ago

rocketnia commented 1 year ago


Sew is a very simple language extension to reduce one or two levels indentation at the outermost level of a file. Using #lang sew and 8<-plan-from-here makes it easy to add and refactor boilerplate that surrounds a whole file without having to change the whole file's indentation.

#lang sew racket

(require (only-in sew 8<-plan-from-here))

[8<-plan-from-here [<> ...]
      (provide main)

      (define (main)
        <> ...))]

(displayln "Hello, world!")

The above is equivalent to this:

#lang racket

(define (main)
  (displayln "Hello, world!"))

But the former makes it a little easier to write the file as though it were an imperative script.

More sophisticated uses of #lang sew could break up a file into multiple sections using a syntax/parse pattern and then use the same section in more than one place. For instance, here's a file that exports its "main" code as both a function and a syntax object while also having a "test" section that becomes a test submodule:

#lang sew racket

(require (for-syntax (only-in syntax/parse expr)))

(require (only-in rackunit check-equal?))

(require (only-in sew 8<-plan-from-here))

[8<-plan-from-here [<main>:expr ... #:test <test>:expr ...]
      (provide (for-syntax main-code))
      (provide main)

      (define-for-syntax main-code #'(begin <main> ...))
      (define (main)
        <main> ...)

      (module+ test
        <test> ...))]

(displayln "Hello, world!")


(check-equal? (+ 1 2) 3)

The Sew documentation goes into some more detail about usage. The Sew codebase is on GitHub.


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PS Your language can use any license.