langalex / culerity

Culerity integrates Cucumber and Celerity in order to test your application's full stack including Javascript. Your Rails app doesn't have to run in JRuby.
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select_list().options returns RemoteProxy object #2

Closed caius closed 15 years ago

caius commented 15 years ago

I'm trying to get the list of <option>s in a <select>. This is what currently happens:

>> $browser.select_list(:id, "select_id").options
=> #<Culerity::RemoteObjectProxy:0x2158784 @remote_object_id=78, @io=#<IO:0x21a5fd4>

Testing using Celerity under jirb it should be returning an Array object.

irb(main):020:0> b.select_list(:id, "select_id").options
=> ["One", "Two", "Three"]

What I expect is for Culerity to return the array Celerity is returning.

langalex commented 15 years ago

culerity currently proxies almost all objects and then hands any method calls to the actual object sitting in the java process. you should be able to use the proxy object as if it was the actual array. if not then this really is a bug.

caius commented 15 years ago

Pushed my fix which fixes it by returning the original array to start with.

langalex commented 15 years ago

the problem with your patch might be that when celerity returns an array of non primitive objects, then any method calls on those objects in the array would fail because they wouldn't be in the java process anymore. maybe checking recursively checking the contents of the array for their type would solve that.

langalex commented 15 years ago
