langateam / react-kendo

React Component Library for Kendo UI Widgets
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kendo.ui #5

Open hosain-cse2 opened 9 years ago

hosain-cse2 commented 9 years ago


I am trying to use the react-kendo in my react project. I want to use the context menu.

Following is my code,

import React from 'react'; var k = React.Kendo = require('react-kendo');

var contextMenuOptions = { target: "#target", alignToAnchor: true };

export default class ContextMenu extends React.Component{



    return  (
            <h1 id="target">Right click here...</h1>
            <k.kendoContextMenu options={contextMenuOptions}></k.kendoContextMenu>


But the problem is when I load the page i am getting the following error,

                                Error: kendo.ui not found

I am also using the webpack. Can you please tell me how can I solve this problem? Do I need to install any other packages?

mikemorton commented 9 years ago

Can you show us the content of your page, including all the scripts you're including?

Are you sure you're including the KendoUI script in your page?

denizdogan commented 8 years ago

Could this be related to #7?

dlucidone commented 8 years ago

I'm getting the same error. Is there any way out Thanks!

shriramdevanathan commented 8 years ago

@hosain-cse2 Were you able to resolve the issue ? ?

hosain-cse2 commented 8 years ago

No. I actually moved into the Material-UI framework. So I did not try it again.

ravindra-tm commented 8 years ago

I included the kendo js script in main.js and using it let say you have a component in render as follow - <div id="TableGrid"></div>

Now define the grid in class definition as - $("#TableGrid").kendoGrid({ columns: [], editable: "inline", sortable: true, reorderable: true, resizable: true, filterable: true, columnMenu: true, pageable: true, dataSource: ds1, });

If need help ping me!

nwhitmont commented 7 years ago

Same issue:

  throw new Error('kendo.ui not found');
Error: kendo.ui not found

Are there some instructions how to resolve this issue?