langchain-ai / langchain-google

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ChatVertexAI never resolves passed Google Credentials #293

Closed julienguarino closed 2 weeks ago

julienguarino commented 3 weeks ago


It seems that when using ChatVertexAI and passing a proper GCP Service Account, the associated identity is never used.

Instead, the implicit Google identity is always used.

Steps to reproduce

from google.oauth2 import service_account
from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage
from langchain_google_vertexai import ChatVertexAI  

text_message = {
        "type": "text",
        "text": "Hi, what kind of skills do you have ?"}

message = HumanMessage(content=[text_message, image_message])

# Load service account credentials
saCredentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(filename="./IAM_SA_CREDENTIALS.json")

myChat = \

output = myChat.invoke([message])



The example above will always use my implicit identity, the GCP audit logs will show that:

audit_log, method: "", principal_email: ""

The example above, if deployed in a Cloud Run for example, will always use the underlying Cloud Run Service Account identity.

I'm not sure but I guess this is related to #290 ?

lkuligin commented 2 weeks ago

it's fixed on main already, could you install from main and try again, please?

julienguarino commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, great it does work perfectly now.

Thanx a lot.