Open SebastianGhafafian opened 3 months ago
Hi @SebastianGhafafian ,
I encountered the same issue. I had to therefore use a custom function to parse the actual SQL Query from the response before executing it on the db:
def get_query(response):
start_index = response.find("SQLQuery:") + len("SQLQuery:")
return response[start_index:].strip()
then this works:
response = chain.invoke({"question": "How many employees are there"})
response = get_query(response)
for the chain:
from import QuerySQLDataBaseTool
execute_query = QuerySQLDataBaseTool(db=db)
write_query = create_sql_query_chain(llm, db)
chain = write_query | get_query| execute_query
chain.invoke({"question": "How many employees are there"})
Issue with current documentation:
Source: This tutorial gives you the option to choose the model. The documentation is supposed to adjust accordingly. Yet, for the Groq version, every invoke returns an unexpected result or an error. An example: The documentation states that:
returns 'SELECT COUNT("EmployeeId") AS "TotalEmployees" FROM "Employee"\nLIMIT 1;'
Yet, it returns a string: 'Question: How many employees are there\nSQLQuery: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "Employee"' which is not runable in in the next step.
These types of errors run through the complete document, making it completely unusable.
Idea or request for content:
It seems like and create_sql_query_chain are not adjusted for groq using LLama3.