langchain-ai / langsmith-sdk

LangSmith Client SDK Implementations
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DOC: How to setup LangSmith threads in LangServe #625

Closed camba1 closed 4 months ago

camba1 commented 4 months ago

Issue with current documentation:

The documentation indicates how to setup thread in LangChain using the SDK (

from langchain_anthropic import ChatAnthropic
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage, AIMessage
from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser
import uuid
model = ChatAnthropic(model="claude-3-haiku-20240307")
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([('placeholder', "{messages}")])
chain = prompt | model
messages = [HumanMessage(content="hi! I'm bob")]
config = {"metadata": {"conversation_id": str(uuid.uuid4())}}
response = chain.invoke({"messages": messages}, config=config)
messages = messages + [response, HumanMessage(content="whats my name")]
response = chain.invoke({"messages": messages}, config=config)

But how do you accomplish the same thing if the application is running in LangServe? My understanding is that you pass the chain to LangServe and it is LangServe that runs it when a request comes in. So, where would you add the thread configuration?

Idea or request for content:

Add another tab to the section where it explains how to set this up in python and LangChain Python with an example on how to accomplish this on LangServe.

hinthornw commented 4 months ago

Hi @camba1 - are you using RemoteRunnable? If so, you can pass in metadata the same way as you would here!

camba1 commented 4 months ago

Oh, ok. So the client would be in charge of setting the correct metadata. Something like this:

    chain = RemoteRunnable("")
    config = {"metadata": {"conversation_id": str(uuid.uuid4())}}
    result = chain.invoke({"input": "Hello"}, config=config)

Cool. Thanks!

nrakocz commented 2 months ago

This does not work for me. I get multiple traces. One which contains the run but without the metadata. And another that contains just the metadata but without the run.

ashantanu commented 2 months ago

facing the same issue. using metadata or configurable config does not work