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retriever.get_relevant_documents is broken. tutorial (PART 1-4) #19

Open ca-mi-lo opened 2 months ago

ca-mi-lo commented 2 months ago

Following the tutorial (PART 1-4), I noticed that the model answered with "not enough information to answer". Looking at "docs" I get this output: [Document(page_content='Conversatin samples:\n[\n {\n "role": "system",', metadata={'source': ''})] Seems like docs = retriever.get_relevant_documents("What is Task Decomposition?") is not generating a correct page_content. If I invoke the chain for the whole context, aka splits, not docs I do get a meaningful answer. chain.invoke({"context":splits,"question":"What is Task Decomposition?"})

Note: I'm using using googles API, but I would expect that to be irrelevant.