langchain4j / langchain4j

Java version of LangChain
Apache License 2.0
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[FEATURE] UX: Observability: minimalistic logging #988

Open langchain4j opened 1 month ago

langchain4j commented 1 month ago

When debugging requests/responses to/from ChatLanguageModel, it is too noisy. It would be nicer to have an option ot enable minimalistic loggic instead, something that is much easier to parse/debug with eyes:

[System]: You are a helpful assistant
[User  ]: Hello
[AI    ]: Hi, how can I help you?
[User  ]: Tell me a joke
[AI    ]: Why did the math book look sad? Because it had too many problems.

If the request contains tools, they should be formatted nicely:

[System]: You are a helpful assistant
[User  ]: What's the weather in Munich?
[Tools ]: getWeather(location)

If there are tool execution request(s) in the response, they should be formatted nicely:

[AI    ]: [Tools]: getWeather("Munich")
langchain4j commented 1 month ago
