langdon / summit-2015-lab-15812

Containerizing applications, existing and new
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lab 4 notes #51

Closed scollier closed 9 years ago

scollier commented 9 years ago

at the beginning, we don't need to rm the containers because we did that at the end of lab 3.

I was not able to open a browser to my vagrant VM. "curl -L http://localhost" on that host works. see:

#   curl -L http://localhost
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Database Error</title>

    <h1>Error establishing a database connection</h1>

after the second "docker start mariadb", the web site did not come back up. still error establishing connection.

both containers were up:

# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
b5fbf835b3a9        wordpress:latest    "/bin/bash /scripts/   5 minutes ago       Up 5 minutes>80/tcp       wordpress           
35b9945fe56b        mariadb:latest      "/bin/bash /scripts/   5 minutes ago       Up About a minute>3306/tcp   mariadb             

this was a tad confusing:

Replace the containers:


after we do the creates, should we curl to make sure they work?

same thing after launching services. we need to confirm functionality.

before this sentence:

"All right, let's switch to the remote, don't forget to replace YOUR_LAB_DEPLOY_MACHINE with the correct name:"

we need to tell them how to get that IP, or what it is, etc...

i got lost here, but it's 12:20am. fried. we'll discuss tomorrow.

ssh root@summit_rhel_deploy_target
ssh -L *:9080:<WPFRONTEND_ENDPOINT>:80 root@localhost

I finished everything else, was really cool with kubectl. I hadn't done the context stuff before.

langdon commented 9 years ago

We actually do verify the stuff is up. We can't test the "website" because we only have pods and they connect across services (not pod to pod direct). It may work because our containers happen to tolerate getting the env info from a bunch of ways but it isn't "supposed" too.