langerhans / dogecoin-wallet-new

Dogecoin Wallet app for your Android device. Standalone Dogecoin node, no centralized backend required. Forked from the popular Bitcoin Wallet.
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Prefix in the QR encoding. #114

Open mremmerspersonal opened 2 years ago

mremmerspersonal commented 2 years ago

I noticed that the QR encoding includes the prefix "dogecoin:". Is this something new?

Also, if I create my own paper wallet, is it recommend that I include it in my QR encoding of the WIF private key?

One final question. With the two paper wallet generators I found online, they were both creating uncompressed public keys. I was planning on using compressed. Is there any reason not to?

zogith commented 1 year ago

first one is already noted in

it would be really great for the usability of the dogecoin ecosystem if this minor but easy to fix issue was addressed!