langerhans / dogecoin-wallet-new

Dogecoin Wallet app for your Android device. Standalone Dogecoin node, no centralized backend required. Forked from the popular Bitcoin Wallet.
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Is the app integration example working? #27

Closed ivoras closed 10 years ago

ivoras commented 10 years ago

I'm not an experienced Android developer so I would like to ask if the app integration example currently works? I've read the commit message on which says "Actually broadcast transaction. Seems to be invalid though..." so if I started adding it to my project and it doesn't work I wouldn't know if the error is my own or not :)

(Or in other words: what is the easiest way for an Android app to request from the Wallet app a paymet to a specified address and with a specified amount? Having multiple wallet-like apps in a mobile device is wasteful.)

I would have sent this message directly email to the developer (langerhans) but apparently he doesn't publish his e-mail address on his github profile...


langerhans commented 10 years ago

Hey, sorry for the late reply. Was on vacation ;)
I got confirmed by another dev that the sample works. The commit you linked is unrelated. Just a version push.

ivoras commented 10 years ago

Thanks, no hurry :)! One last question: does the Android app implement dogecoin://... URL handler? Something like "dogecoin://ADDRESS?amount=X" ? It seems like some BitCoin apps have it.

langerhans commented 10 years ago

It should work with the URIs, yes.

ivoras commented 10 years ago

Right, I've tested it with the URI and it works as advertised! Thanks!

I notice the wallet activity sends back only the "transaction_hash" value to my app. As a feature request, could you also send back the actual amount sent (since it can be changed by the user)?

Are there other arguments which can be sent in the URL besides the amount (e.g. a description/label for this address)?

ivoras commented 10 years ago

Anyway, thanks for your help! I needed that information to do a small weekend project - I wrote about it here: :) You can close this issue if you want to.

langerhans commented 10 years ago

Nice article and cool project! Tipped you a few doges :)
I'll keep an eye on the values to be sent back. Generally I'd advise to check the amount yourself via one of the blockchain's APIs as you'd have added trust from it. You cann also send &label=abc which should be added to the address, but not exactly sure right now.

ivoras commented 10 years ago

Cool, thanks! :D

alexiskattan commented 3 years ago

Hmm this feature with the URIs no longer seems to work. Tried it both though QR code and though URI from chrome and both time it says "invalid dogecoin uri"