langerhans / multidoge

MultiDoge is a desktop Dogecoin client, powered by dogecoinj. Ported from the MultiBit Bitcoin client.
MIT License
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> No, you are not screwed. As stated above, you can use "Tools -> Export Private Keys" to export them to a file. If you do not set a password it will be in clear text. #87

Open bigdjc1 opened 3 years ago

bigdjc1 commented 3 years ago

No, you are not screwed. As stated above, you can use "Tools -> Export Private Keys" to export them to a file. If you do not set a password it will be in clear text.


You could then go to another wallet, like and import the private key (not the file, but the funky long hash in the file) and that wallet can then access your account. Now, FreeWallet is just an example, and they will sweep your coins into a wallet in their system, but that's no so bad if it's at least accessible. I've also been looking for an alternative to getting the full Doge Core wallet since that is also a huge download.

Yeah I figured out how to import it into Exodus, so much easier and actually works, I immediately saw the new coin amount. Tools -> Export Private Keys without encrypting the file with a password and then following this guide worked like a charm and I didn't have to wait for hours/days/weeks to scan the blockchain.

I say this is the best solution if you're done with the bad support for this program.

Originally posted by @Matthbo in

Hello my brother and I have been trying to synchronize his multi-doage that we've been trying to sink it for over a year and a half we've now got him on a stable internet where it's unlimited internet and it's 400 MB a second we are synchronized to November 2019 of the 7th but we are still not current and we can't send his coins out of here so I am desperately trying to try Exodus or free wallet free wallet wouldn't even import the private key because it says that it's the wrong kind of hash if you could kindly direct me to work with Exodus I've already tried using Exodus but it keeps telling me that it's not the right format it says unable to move funds non-based 58 character do you have any advice for me please I'm desperate high five in advance thank you guys

heavyoak commented 3 years ago does not import doge, but Exodus does.

AfzalivE commented 3 years ago

Well, doesn't look like it actually imports the key. Just uses the key to do a transaction into the exodus wallet and that incurs a bit of fee.

Eskiboy commented 3 years ago

Could anyone help me? I have a multidoge.key file exported and nothing else. when i open it in a text editor its 2 lines with askkjfsdjd+dkkwfa/dkkd/asfd for example. From research it seems to be the format of an encrypted one but it also wont go back into a new download of multidoge either, on a new machine. Any advice on how i can 1. decrpyt it or 2. import it somewhere? reward for any any info that helps me do this.