langerhans / multidoge

MultiDoge is a desktop Dogecoin client, powered by dogecoinj. Ported from the MultiBit Bitcoin client.
MIT License
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How can I recover a really old account? #93

Open NikitaZOne opened 3 years ago

NikitaZOne commented 3 years ago

Hi everyone!

Can someone help me, please? 5 or 6 years ago I had an account on multidoge wallet, I bought some DOGE and totally forgot about it. I remember that I logged in via website (I remember my account name and password), but I don't have any IDs of my wallet. At the moment the only way to enter a wallet is to download a PC program and enter the IDs. Is my account lost or I can recover it?

Thanks a lot for any help! I will definitely send some DOGE if you help me =)

gosdorxda commented 3 years ago

contact me on telegram @gosdorxda, I will help

doge2021 commented 2 years ago

ultidoge does not need a username. so i guess you used online exchange, or freewallet. or try them. you can use btc2doge to help you. they helped me earlier.