langflow-ai / langflow

⛓️ Langflow is a visual framework for building multi-agent and RAG applications. It's open-source, Python-powered, fully customizable, LLM and vector store agnostic.
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Community examples tab missing #1240

Open davide445 opened 5 months ago

davide445 commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug Installed 6.1 release and I got only the store, with way less flows than the community tab. Where is possible to get back also the community flows.

Browser and Version

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Upgrade from 5.12 to 6.1
  2. See the home page, community tab is missing
dosubot[bot] commented 5 months ago


Hi @davide445! 👋 I'm Dosu, a friendly bot here to help out while we wait for a human maintainer. I'm here to assist you with bugs, answer any questions, and help you contribute to our community. So, let's get started!

Based on the current version of the code for Langflow v6.1, it appears that the "Community" tab is not included. The code only includes tabs for "All", "Flows", and "Components". Here is the relevant code snippet from the StorePage/index.tsx file:

<div className="ml-4 flex w-full gap-2 border-b border-border">
    onClick={() => {
      (tabActive === "All"
        ? "border-b-2 border-primary p-3"
        : " border-b-2 border-transparent p-3 text-muted-foreground hover:text-primary") +
      (loading ? " cursor-not-allowed " : "")
    onClick={() => {
      (tabActive === "Flows"
        ? "border-b-2 border-primary p-3"
        : " border-b-2 border-transparent p-3 text-muted-foreground hover:text-primary") +
      (loading ? " cursor-not-allowed " : "")
    onClick={() => {
      (tabActive === "Components"
        ? "border-b-2 border-primary p-3"
        : " border-b-2 border-transparent p-3 text-muted-foreground hover:text-primary") +
      (loading ? " cursor-not-allowed " : "")
  <ShadTooltip content="Coming Soon">
    <button className="cursor-not-allowed p-3 text-muted-foreground">

If the "Community" tab was present in the previous version, it seems it has been removed or renamed in the current version. I wasn't able to find any specific information about this change in the repository. It's possible that this change was intentional, but without further information, it's hard to say for sure.

If you have more details about the issue or if there's anything else you'd like to know, please let me know!


This response is meant to be useful and save you time. It is not meant to be a precise solution, but rather a starting point for your own research.

Help me be more useful! Please leave a 👍 if this is helpful and 👎 if it is irrelevant.

If you want to continue the conversation, start your reply with @dosu-bot.

davide445 commented 5 months ago

This is a screenshot of Langflow 0.5.12 where the Community examples tab is still available, was asking how to get it back in release >= 6.1 image

dosubot[bot] commented 2 months ago

Hi, @davide445,

I'm helping the langflow team manage their backlog and am marking this issue as stale. It seems that you reported the missing "Community" tab after upgrading to release 6.1, and Dosubot responded with a code snippet indicating that the tab is not included in the current version. You also provided a screenshot from Langflow 0.5.12, showing the availability of the Community examples tab.

Could you please confirm if this issue is still relevant to the latest version of the langflow repository? If it is, please let the langflow team know by commenting on the issue. Otherwise, feel free to close the issue yourself, or it will be automatically closed in 7 days. Thank you!

davide445 commented 2 months ago

I have updated to latest release and there is still no community tab Due the lack of useful examples in the marketplace - that was available in the old Community tab - I have finally switched to flowise, that provide me what I need

ogabrielluiz commented 2 months ago

Hey @davide445 I'm sorry to read that.

We've been working really hard to put out the best replacement for the Community Tab and to make Langflow even better for you all.

Have you got access to the Langflow Store? If you ping me your e-mail on discord I can get you off the waitlist.

Also, what examples would you like to see? I'll build them in our next release for you.

davide445 commented 1 month ago

@ogabrielluiz yes I have had access to the store, and there was the beginning of my disappointment due I didnt found anything useful on the contrary of the old community solution. On flowise I was able in a couple of hours to create a RAG + prompt chat with memory using Anthropic Claude 3 LLM.

Not telling this due I'm an evangelist or so - Im just a manager searching for a no code tool to prototype, showcase and eventually deliver innovative solutions, and will actually prefer Python than Node environment - but that worked.

The limitations I have found annoyng so far in flowise are

vertgo commented 1 month ago

What happened to the community examples? Are they not in the store? ( still do not have access to the store, so I can only hope). Does someone have a place to access these outside of langflow?

ogabrielluiz commented 1 month ago

Hey @davide445 and @vertgo

Would you two mind trying out Langflow 1.0 alpha to tell us what you think about it? We are trying to remedy the lack of Community Examples in that version.

People seem to like it in our discord server. Here's the link if you all want to join:

We have an alpha-feedback channel there too.

vertgo commented 1 month ago

Is there a build that I can pull?

vertgo commented 1 month ago

Hey @davide445 and @vertgo

Would you two mind trying out Langflow 1.0 alpha to tell us what you think about it? We are trying to remedy the lack of Community Examples in that version.

People seem to like it in our discord server. Here's the link if you all want to join:

We have an alpha-feedback channel there too.

I tried it, and it still only has a store and no community tab. I haven't been able to get and API key for the store. Why lock away the previous community stuff?

davide445 commented 1 month ago

Just want to point out my remark it's not about I need a thing called "community tab", just need useful nodes and examples, to prototype and deliver fast.

So far I'm working well with flowise and haven't had the time returning back to langflow, and tbh I'm starting to get annoyed with Python endless venv configuration problems.

Node.js is probably an inefficient mess, but so far is hiding a lot of work to get things done.

Just hope next time I will look at langflow will be straightforward like flowise/npx

Btw the flowise limitations I have written before was both solved, so I have nothing to complain so far.

I think make sense to close this issue if "community tab" old features its an outdated way to discuss about the missing features.