langflow-ai / langflow

Langflow is a low-code app builder for RAG and multi-agent AI applications. It’s Python-based and agnostic to any model, API, or database.
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How to implement components with custom UI elements? #2442

Closed kklemon closed 3 months ago

kklemon commented 3 months ago

What is the recommended way to implement components with custom UI behavior? I'm specifically thinking about adding UI elements for visualization, advanced data editing and so on to workflow nodes. I worked a lot with ComfyUI where custom nodes with node-specific UI elements are very common and I'm therefore wondering how to achieve the same with Langflow.

dosubot[bot] commented 3 months ago

Hey @kklemon, I'm here to help you out with any bugs, questions, or contributions you may have. If you need any assistance, feel free to ask!

The recommended way to implement components with custom UI behavior in Langflow, specifically for adding UI elements for visualization and advanced data editing to workflow nodes, is as follows:

  1. Create a Class Inheriting from CustomComponent:

    • Define a class that inherits from CustomComponent.
    • Implement the necessary methods to define the component's functionality and fields.
  2. Define Component Metadata:

    • Set attributes like display_name, description, and icon to provide metadata for the component.
  3. Specify Inputs and Outputs:

    • Use the inputs and outputs lists to define the inputs and outputs for the component.
    • Inputs can be of various types such as MessageTextInput, IntInput, BoolInput, DropdownInput, etc.
    • Outputs define the output methods for the component.
  4. Implement Processing Logic:

    • Define methods for processing data within the component and returning results.

Here is an example implementation:

from langflow import CustomComponent
from langflow.field_typing import Data
from pathlib import Path
from platformdirs import user_cache_dir
import os

class ExampleComponent(CustomComponent):
    display_name = "Example Component"
    description = "A template for creating custom components."
    icon = "icon-name"

    def build_config(self):
        return {
            "text_input": {
                "display_name": "Text Input",
                "input_types": ["str"]
            "save_path": {
                "display_name": "Save Path",
                "info": "Put the full path with the file name and extension",
                "value": Path(user_cache_dir("langflow")) / "text.t1.txt"

    def build(self, text_input: str, save_path: str) -> str:
            # Create the directory if it doesn't exist
            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(save_path), exist_ok=True)

            # Open the file in write mode and save the text
            with open(save_path, 'w') as file:
        except Exception as e:
            raise e
        self.status = text_input
        return text_input

Loading Custom Components

  1. Set Environment Variable:

    • Set the LANGFLOW_COMPONENTS_PATH environment variable to the path of your custom components directory.
    export LANGFLOW_COMPONENTS_PATH='["/path/to/components"]'
    langflow run
  2. Use CLI Argument:

    • Alternatively, specify the path using the --components-path argument when running the Langflow CLI.
    langflow run --components-path /path/to/components

Example of Custom Components in a Workflow

Here is an example of how custom components can be used in a Langflow workflow:

  "name": "Lonely Stonebraker",
  "description": "Design Dialogues with Langflow.",
  "data": {
    "nodes": [
        "id": "CustomComponent-MtJjl",
        "type": "genericNode",
        "data": {
          "type": "CustomComponent",
          "node": {
            "template": {
              "code": {
                "type": "code",
                "required": true,
                "multiline": true,
                "value": "from langflow.custom import CustomComponent\nfrom langflow.field_typing import Data\nfrom pathlib import Path\nfrom platformdirs import user_cache_dir\nimport os\n\nclass Component(CustomComponent):\n    documentation: str = \"\"\n\n    def build_config(self):\n        return {\"text_input\":{\"display_name\":\"Text Input\", \"input_types\":[\"str\"]},\"save_path\":{\"display_name\":\"Save Path\",\n        \"info\":\"Put the full path with the file name and extension\",\"value\":Path(user_cache_dir(\"langflow\"))/\"text.t1.txt\"}}\n\n    def build(self, text_input:str,save_path:str) -> str:\n        try:\n            # Create the directory if it doesn't exist\n            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(save_path), exist_ok=True)\n\n            # Open the file in write mode and save the text\n            with open(save_path, 'w') as file:\n                file.write(text_input)\n        except Exception as e:\n            raise e\n        self.status = text_input\n        return text_input",
                "name": "code"
              "save_path": {
                "type": "str",
                "required": true,
                "value": "/home/vazz/.cache/langflow/text.t1.txt",
                "name": "save_path",
                "display_name": "Save Path",
                "info": "Put the full path with the file name and extension"
              "text_input": {
                "type": "str",
                "required": true,
                "name": "text_input",
                "display_name": "Text Input",
                "input_types": ["str"]
              "_type": "CustomComponent"
            "display_name": "text checkpoint",
            "documentation": "",
            "output_types": ["str"]
          "id": "CustomComponent-MtJjl"
        "id": "CustomComponent-7NQoq",
        "type": "genericNode",
        "data": {
          "type": "CustomComponent",
          "node": {
            "template": {
              "audio": {
                "type": "file",
                "required": true,
                "file_path": "/home/vazz/.cache/langflow/1b0814b7-2964-4e09-9b4b-f7413c4fb50b/b56b043d8940daecbdec03b97ad4346488c58d7cc62016560dd333aa7a6a12ce.m4a",
                "name": "audio",
                "display_name": "audio"
              "OpenAIKey": {
                "type": "str",
                "required": true,
                "password": true,
                "name": "OpenAIKey",
                "display_name": "OpenAIKey"
              "code": {
                "type": "code",
                "required": true,
                "multiline": true,
                "value": "from langflow.custom import CustomComponent\nfrom typing import Optional, List, Dict, Union\nfrom langflow.field_typing import (\n    AgentExecutor,\n    BaseChatMemory,\n    BaseLanguageModel,\n    BaseLLM,\n    BaseLoader,\n    BaseMemory,\n    BaseOutputParser,\n    BasePromptTemplate,\n    BaseRetriever,\n    Callable,\n    Chain,\n    ChatPromptTemplate,\n    Data,\n    Document,\n    Embeddings,\n    NestedDict,\n    Object,\n    PromptTemplate,\n    TextSplitter,\n    Tool,\n    VectorStore,\n)\n\nfrom openai import OpenAI\nimport os\nimport ffmpeg\n\nclass Component(CustomComponent):\n    display_name: str = \"Whisper Transcriber\"\n    description: str = \"Converts audio to text using OpenAI's Whisper.\"\n\n    def build_config(self):\n        return {\"audio\": {\"field_type\": \"file\", \"suffixes\": [\".mp3\", \".mp4\", \".m4a\"]}, \"OpenAIKey\": {\"field_type\": \"str\", \"password\": True}}\n\n    def calculate_segment_duration(self, audio_path, target_chunk_size_mb=24):\n        # Calculate the target chunk size in bytes\n        target_chunk_size_bytes = target_chunk_size_mb * 1024 * 1024\n\n        # Use ffprobe to get the audio file information\n        ffprobe_output = ffmpeg.probe(audio_path)\n        print(ffprobe_output)\n        # Convert duration to float\n        duration = float(ffprobe_output[\"format\"][\"duration\"])\n\n        # Calculate the approximate bitrate\n        bitrate = os.path.getsize(audio_path) / duration\n\n        # Calculate the segment duration to achieve the target chunk size\n        segment_duration = target_chunk_size_bytes / bitrate\n\n        return segment_duration\n\n    def split_audio_into_chunks(self, audio_path, target_chunk_size_mb=24):\n        # Calculate the segment duration\n        segment_duration = self.calculate_segment_duration(audio_path, target_chunk_size_mb)\n\n        # Create a directory to store the chunks\n        output_directory = f\"{os.path.splitext(audio_path)[0]}_chunks\"\n        os.makedirs(output_directory, exist_ok=True)\n\n        # Use ffmpeg-python to split the audio file into chunks\n        (\n            ffmpeg.input(audio_path)\n            .output(f\"{output_directory}/%03d{os.path.splitext(audio_path)[1]}\", codec=\"copy\", f=\"segment\", segment_time=segment_duration)\n            .run()\n        )\n\n        # Get the list of generated chunk files\n        chunks = [os.path.join(output_directory, file) for file in os.listdir(output_directory)]\n\n        return chunks\n\n    def build(self, audio: str, OpenAIKey: str) -> str:\n        # Split audio into chunks\n        audio_chunks = self.split_audio_into_chunks(audio)\n\n        client = OpenAI(api_key=OpenAIKey)\n        transcripts = []\n\n        try:\n            for chunk in audio_chunks:\n                with open(chunk, \"rb\") as chunk_file:\n                    transcript =\n                        model=\"whisper-1\",\n                        file=chunk_file,\n                        response_format=\"text\"\n                    )\n                    transcripts.append(transcript)\n        finally:\n            # Clean up temporary chunk files\n            for chunk in audio_chunks:\n                os.remove(chunk)\n\n        # Concatenate transcripts into the final response\n        final_response = \"\\n\".join(transcripts)\n        self.status = final_response\n        return final_response\n",
                "name": "code"
              "_type": "CustomComponent"
            "description": "Converts audio to text using OpenAI's Whisper.",
            "display_name": "Whisper Transcriber",
            "output_types": ["str"]
          "id": "CustomComponent-7NQoq"
    "edges": [
        "source": "CustomComponent-7NQoq",
        "target": "CustomComponent-MtJjl",
        "data": {
          "targetHandle": {
            "fieldName": "text_input",
            "id": "CustomComponent-MtJjl",
            "inputTypes": ["str"],
            "type": "str"
          "sourceHandle": {
            "baseClasses": ["str"],
            "dataType": "CustomComponent",
            "id": "CustomComponent-7NQoq"
        "style": {
          "stroke": "#555"
        "className": "stroke-gray-900  stroke-connection",
        "animated": false,
        "id": "reactflow__edge-CustomComponent-7NQoq-CustomComponent-MtJjl"
    "viewport": {
      "x": 119.37759169012509,
      "y": 351.3082742479685,
      "zoom": 1
  "is_component": false,
  "updated_at": "2023-12-13T23:51:56.874099",
  "id": "1b0814b7-2964-4e09-9b4b-f7413c4fb50b",
  "user_id": "8b5cf798-f1b8-4108-88fd-d7274d08d471"

By following these steps and examples, you can create and load custom components with advanced UI elements for visualization and data editing in Langflow [1][2][3][4].

To continue talking to Dosu, mention @dosu.

anovazzi1 commented 3 months ago

Hi @kklemon,

Please clone the project and check the ParameterComponent file. Reach out to me if you have further questions: ParameterComponent file.

Thank you!

lucaseduoli commented 3 months ago

Hi @kklemon,

As an additional information, I would like to say that the ParameterComponent is being refactored at the moment and the process of adding a new visualization is going to be much easier. The update is going to happen in the upcoming week.


kklemon commented 3 months ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but to my understanding, ParameterComponent corresponds to one node input or output. I guess it could be misused to add general UI elements, but it doesn't feel right.

@lucaseduoli In which branch can I find the current state of the refactoring? Is it already present in dev?