A developer is working with a JSON response from an API and needs to extract specific data points dynamically. Instead of manually traversing the JSON structure or writing custom code for each query, the developer can use the JSONPath feature to streamline the process.
Feat: Add JSONPath Query Support for Dynamic JSON Data Extraction.
New Feature
This feature will allow users to input a JSON object and specify a JSONPath expression to extract specific data points efficiently.
Key Features:
Use Case
Dynamic JSON Data Extraction with JSONPath
Use Case Overview
A developer is working with a JSON response from an API and needs to extract specific data points dynamically. Instead of manually traversing the JSON structure or writing custom code for each query, the developer can use the JSONPath feature to streamline the process.
Example Workflow
Input JSON
The developer provides a JSON object, such as:
JSONPath Query
The developer specifies a query to extract all book titles:
The system processes the query and returns the following result:
This use case demonstrates how JSONPath functionality simplifies working with structured JSON data, making it a valuable tool for developers.
Implementation Plan
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