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Integration of Baidu Search for Enhanced Information Retrieval #5008

Open ironartisan opened 2 weeks ago

ironartisan commented 2 weeks ago

Self Checks

1. Is this request related to a challenge you're experiencing?

Yes, when searching for information, especially in Chinese, having results from multiple search engines can enhance the credibility and comprehensiveness of the results.

2. Describe the feature you'd like to see

I propose the integration of Baidu search into Dify. This feature should be accessible from the tool's menu, and the display of results should be consistent with other tools in Dify.

3. How will this feature improve your workflow or experience?

This feature will improve my workflow by providing a more comprehensive set of search results. By integrating results from multiple search engines, I can ensure the credibility of the information I retrieveNone.

4. Additional context or comments


5. Can you help us with this feature?

lvjiajjjlzy commented 2 weeks ago
