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Anthropic Claude 3 API error:403 #5445

Open stephonye opened 1 week ago

stephonye commented 1 week ago

Self Checks

Dify version


Cloud or Self Hosted

Self Hosted (Docker)

Steps to reproduce

When I select Anthropic in the model provider settings and enter the API Key, an error message appears: Error code: 403 - {'error': {'type': 'forbidden', 'message': 'Request not allowed'}}. The model cannot be added normally. Background: The network I am on can access the Anthropic API, and I can access Anthropic Claude 3 normally using the same API Key in other ways.

✔️ Expected Behavior

Anthropic model added successfully

❌ Actual Behavior

Error code: 403 - {'error': {'type': 'forbidden', 'message': 'Request not allowed'}} 2024-06-20 14 44 41

dosubot[bot] commented 1 week ago

Hey @stephonye! 👋 I'm here to help you with bug fixes, answer your questions, and guide you on becoming a contributor.

To resolve the 403 error with the message "Request not allowed" when trying to add the Anthropic model in your self-hosted Dify instance, ensure that you have linked to either OpenAI or Azure OpenAI Service first. The Anthropic model requires a connection to one of these services before it can be enabled [1].

Additionally, verify that the Anthropic model parameters are correctly configured. For example, ensure that the parameter values fall within the allowed range for the current model to avoid errors like invalid request errors [2].

Make sure the environment variables for the Anthropic model are correctly set in your api/ file:


Ensure these configurations are correctly set to enable proper communication with the Anthropic API [3].

To continue talking to Dosu, mention @dosu.

stephonye commented 1 week ago

Hey @stephonye! 👋 I'm here to help you with bug fixes, answer your questions, and guide you on becoming a contributor.

To resolve the 403 error with the message "Request not allowed" when trying to add the Anthropic model in your self-hosted Dify instance, ensure that you have linked to either OpenAI or Azure OpenAI Service first. The Anthropic model requires a connection to one of these services before it can be enabled [1].

Additionally, verify that the Anthropic model parameters are correctly configured. For example, ensure that the parameter values fall within the allowed range for the current model to avoid errors like invalid request errors [2].

Make sure the environment variables for the Anthropic model are correctly set in your api/ file:


Ensure these configurations are correctly set to enable proper communication with the Anthropic API [3].

To continue talking to Dosu, mention @dosu.

I used Postman to test connecting to the Anthropic Claude 3 API on the same server and it was successful. I also checked the environment variables in api/ and they are OK. However, in Dify's model settings, adding Anthropic's API Key still results in a 403 error. Please refer to the screenshots, 1 is postman, 2 is

截屏2024-06-21 18 42 05

截屏2024-06-21 18 41 52

dosubot[bot] commented 1 week ago

Since you've confirmed that the API key works with Postman and the environment variables in api/ are correctly set, the issue might be related to how Dify is handling the API key or the request configuration.

Here are a few additional steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

  1. Check API Key Permissions: Ensure that the API key has the necessary permissions to access the Anthropic model. Sometimes, API keys have restricted scopes that might not allow certain operations.

  2. Verify API Endpoint Configuration: Double-check the API endpoint configuration in Dify to ensure it matches the one used in Postman. Any discrepancies in the endpoint URL or request headers could cause a 403 error.

  3. Enable Debug Logging: Enable debug logging in Dify to get more detailed logs. This can help identify any issues with the request being sent to the Anthropic API. Modify the docker-compose.yaml file to set the log level to DEBUG:

    version: '3'
       image: langgenius/dify-api:0.6.11
       restart: always
         DEBUG: true
         FLASK_DEBUG: true
         # other environment variables...

    Then restart the Docker services:

    docker-compose down
    docker-compose up -d
  4. Review Detailed Error Messages: Check the detailed error messages in the logs to understand why the request is being forbidden. Look for any specific error codes or messages that might indicate the root cause.

  5. Cross-Check Configuration: Ensure that the configuration in Dify's model settings matches the successful configuration in Postman. Pay attention to headers, request body, and any other parameters.

If the issue persists, please provide the detailed error logs from Dify after enabling debug logging for further analysis.

To continue talking to Dosu, mention @dosu.