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feat: support AnalyticDB vector store #5586

Open lpdink opened 4 days ago

lpdink commented 4 days ago


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bowenliang123 commented 3 days ago

As for the dependencies, add the required packages to the pyproject.toml, and then use dev/sync-poetry to update the poetry lockfile.

And I'm new to ADB concepts, any reference or ADB docs for alibabacloud_gpdb20160503 and alibabacloud_tea_openapi. The package name sound abnormal to me especially the exact date inside the name which may indicate an version or compatibility issue? Why we would have it?

lpdink commented 3 days ago


As for the dependencies, add the required packages to the pyproject.toml, and then use dev/sync-poetry to update the poetry lockfile.

And I'm new to ADB concepts, any reference or ADB docs for alibabacloud_gpdb20160503 and alibabacloud_tea_openapi. The package name sound abnormal to me especially the exact date inside the name which may indicate an version or compatibility issue? Why we would have it?

Done, Thank you for your suggestion. I added the specific description and updated pyproject.toml . As for the naming of alibabacloud_gpdb20160503, this is named according to the implementation time of the first API, but the module itself is newest and continuously maintained. The quick start of AnalyticDB also added to config, here

bowenliang123 commented 3 days ago

cc @JohnJyong

bowenliang123 commented 3 days ago

lpdink commented 1 day ago

@bowenliang123 Hey, The alibabacloud-tea has released version 0.3.7, and I've updated the poetry.lock. Now, urllib3 will no longer be downgraded. Could you please approve with this PR?

lpdink commented 1 day ago

@laipz8200 Hey, could you please review this PR?