langmanbusi / Semantic-Aware-Low-Light-Image-Enhancement

Semantic-Aware LLIE. CVPR 2023
MIT License
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seg_fea None for #18

Closed ShenZheng2000 closed 7 months ago

ShenZheng2000 commented 7 months ago

I am running:

python --opt LOL-L-SKF.yml

But got the following error:

OrderedDict([('manual_seed', 10), ('lr_G', 0.0005), ('weight_decay_G', 0), ('beta1', 0.9), ('beta2', 0.99), ('lr_scheme', 'MultiStepLR'), ('warmup_iter', 200), ('lr_steps_rel', [0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95]), ('lr_gamma', 0.5), ('weight_l1', 0), ('weight_fl', 1), ('niter', 30000), ('val_freq', 200), ('lr_steps', [15000, 22500, 27000, 28500])])
Load ckpt from: ../ckpt/LOL-LLFlow-SKF/LOL_LLFlow_L_SKF.pth
0it [00:02, ?it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 160, in <module>
  File "", line 141, in main
    sr_t = model.get_sr(lq=lr_t.cuda(), heat=None)
  File "/longdata/anurag_storage/2PCNet/LLIE/Model/SKF/LLFlow_SKF/code/models/", line 354, in get_sr
    return self.get_sr_with_z(lq, heat, seed, z, epses, seg_map, seg_ft)[0]
  File "/longdata/anurag_storage/2PCNet/LLIE/Model/SKF/LLFlow_SKF/code/models/", line 377, in get_sr_with_z
    sr, logdet = self.netG(lr=lq, z=z, eps_std=heat, reverse=True, epses=epses, seg_map=seg_map, seg_fea=seg_fea)
  File "/home/aghosh/anaconda3/envs/2pcnetnew/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1194, in _call_impl
    return forward_call(*input, **kwargs)
  File "/home/aghosh/anaconda3/envs/2pcnetnew/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/amp/", line 14, in decorate_autocast
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/longdata/anurag_storage/2PCNet/LLIE/Model/SKF/LLFlow_SKF/code/models/modules/", line 138, in forward
    return self.reverse_flow(lr, z, y_onehot=y_label, eps_std=eps_std, epses=epses, lr_enc=lr_enc,
  File "/longdata/anurag_storage/2PCNet/LLIE/Model/SKF/LLFlow_SKF/code/models/modules/", line 264, in reverse_flow
    lr_enc = self.rrdbPreprocessing(lr, seg_map, seg_fea)
  File "/longdata/anurag_storage/2PCNet/LLIE/Model/SKF/LLFlow_SKF/code/models/modules/", line 236, in rrdbPreprocessing
    rrdbResults[k] = self.att_block_2(concat_1, seg_fea[1])
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

While investigating the code, I noticed that the problem is that seg_feat is not being passed here. Consequently, when we proceed to the model, seg_feat is always None, which ultimately leads to the error mentioned above

Could you please address this issue?

langmanbusi commented 7 months ago

I didn't modify the file. You can refer to the readme file and use to process the images. As for your error, you can see that

File "", line 141, in main
    sr_t = model.get_sr(lq=lr_t.cuda(), heat=None)

here, the model didn't receive the semantic map and features, thus in the forward function of the LLFlow_model, shown as:

File "/longdata/anurag_storage/2PCNet/LLIE/Model/SKF/LLFlow_SKF/code/models/", line 354, in get_sr
    return self.get_sr_with_z(lq, heat, seed, z, epses, seg_map, seg_ft)[0] 

the features and maps are NoneType. And in the file, we produce the features and map as follows:

with torch.cuda.amp.autocast():
    if opt['seg']:
        seg_map, seg_ft = seg_model(lr_t[:, 0:3, :, :].cuda())
        seg_map, seg_ft = None, None
    sr_t = model.get_sr(lq=lr_t.cuda(), heat=None, seg_map=seg_map, seg_ft=seg_ft)

You can see the differences between this model.get_sr() and which in the file.

Hope the reply can solve your problem. Have a good day!

langmanbusi commented 7 months ago

If you want to test you own data without GT, you can just set the GT path the same as the input path in the file.