I started using GRAINet however I wasn't able to install the versions of the packages stated in the instructions. So I installed the same packages with the updated versions. By doing this I needed to change a few details in the code to make it work with the updated versions of keras and tensorflow. Particularly the function initialize_weight is not working anymore as the "kernel.initializer.run" function is not available anymore.
I create a new function called "initialize_weigh2 (attached)" to solve this problem, and now I am able to run GRAINet with the updated packages. However, it seems that I am getting higher val_loss values (Results figure attached). I think this is associated with the selected method to initialize the weights, however, I could find in the code with method is calling the "kernel.initializer.run".
Does anyone know wich method should work better to initialize the weights?
def initialize_weights2(model, layer_name=None):
Re-initialize the weights before starting a new experiment/training
:param model: keras model
:param layer_name: if None initialize all model layers, else only specified layer
session = K.get_session()
for layer in model.layers:
I started using GRAINet however I wasn't able to install the versions of the packages stated in the instructions. So I installed the same packages with the updated versions. By doing this I needed to change a few details in the code to make it work with the updated versions of keras and tensorflow. Particularly the function initialize_weight is not working anymore as the "kernel.initializer.run" function is not available anymore.
I create a new function called "initialize_weigh2 (attached)" to solve this problem, and now I am able to run GRAINet with the updated packages. However, it seems that I am getting higher val_loss values (Results figure attached). I think this is associated with the selected method to initialize the weights, however, I could find in the code with method is calling the "kernel.initializer.run".
Does anyone know wich method should work better to initialize the weights?
def initialize_weights2(model, layer_name=None): """ Re-initialize the weights before starting a new experiment/training :param model: keras model :param layer_name: if None initialize all model layers, else only specified layer :return: """ session = K.get_session() for layer in model.layers:
layer.kernel_initializer = glorot_uniform(seed=None)