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largerpage in boxes (2-psg.tex) #110

Closed stefan11 closed 4 years ago

stefan11 commented 5 years ago

I use \largerpage in exercise-boxes but this seems to be without effect. How can I increase the size of a box from within this box?

kopeckyf commented 5 years ago

Does the workaround from #42 help?

stefan11 commented 5 years ago

@kopeckyf I think it does not since the boxes are going over several pages.

kopeckyf commented 5 years ago

Right. That was a misunderstanding of the problem on my side.

If the box spans only two pages, try to call \largerpage[n] before the box.

You can also try more classical methods like \widowpenalty=10000 or \nopagebreak within the box.

It may be the case that mdframed offers routines for "execute this before continuing the box on the 2nd/3rd/4th/.../nth page". I'd look this up if needed, i.e. if your box spans more than 2 pages.