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add references on complex feature structures in Minimalism #184

Open stefan11 opened 1 year ago

stefan11 commented 1 year ago


Here are minimalist papers that use something like recursive agreement features to handle hybrid agreement and the like. I think all of the ones post-Wechsler & Zlatic's book actually cite it.

@inproceedings{elbourne1999some, address = {Amherst, MA}, author = {Elbourne, Paul}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {N}orth {E}ast {L}inguistics {S}ociety}, editor = {Nancy Hall and Masako Hirotani and Pius Tamanji}, number = {1}, pages = {7}, publisher = {{GLSA}}, title = {Some correlations between semantic plurality and quantifier scope}, volume = {29}, year = {1999}}

@article{sauerland2002total, author = {Sauerland, Uli and Elbourne, Paul}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, number = {2}, pages = {283--319}, title = {Total reconstruction, {PF} movement, and derivational order}, volume = {33}, year = {2002}}

@article{smith2017syntax, author = {Smith, Peter W}, journal = {Journal of Linguistics}, number = {4}, pages = {823--863}, title = {The syntax of semantic agreement in {English}}, volume = {53}, year = {2017}}

@inproceedings{wurmbrand2017formal, address = {Olomouc}, author = {Wurmbrand, Susi}, booktitle = {Language use and linguistic structure: {P}roceedings of the {O}lomouc {L}inguistics {C}olloquium}, editor = {Joseph Emonds and Mark{\'e}ta Janebov{\'a}}, pages = {19--36}, publisher = {Palack{\'y} University}, title = {Formal and semantic agreement in syntax: A dual feature approach}, year = {2017}}

@incollection{anagnostopoulou2017gender, address = {Amherst, MA}, author = {Anagnostopoulou, Elena}, booktitle = {A schrift to fest {K}yle {J}ohnson}, editor = {Nicholas LaCara and Keir Moulton and Anne-Michelle Tessier}, pages = {23--31}, publisher = {Linguistics Open Access Publications }, title = {Gender and defaults}, year = {2017}}

@phdthesis{puskar2017hybrid, author = {Pu{\v{s}}kar, Zorica}, school = {Universit{\"a}tz Leipzig}, title = {Modelling variation, hierarchy effects and $\phi$-feature mismatches}, year = {2017}}

There are also some people who cite Wechsler & Zlatic but don't have recursive features structures. So they posit different nodes corresponding to each type of agreement feature. A prominent one is Landau:

@article{landau2016dp, author = {Landau, Idan}, journal = {Natural Language \& Linguistic Theory}, pages = {975--1020}, title = {{DP}-internal semantic agreement: {A} configurational analysis}, volume = {34}, year = {2016}}