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Müller, Stefan et al. (eds): Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The handbook
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punk causes too much space properties.tex #111

Open stefan11 opened 3 years ago

stefan11 commented 3 years ago



Depending where I insert the punk statement I get too much space:

[\punk{head}{ \1}\\
 head-dtr & [head & \1]]

Either before [1] or before [HEAD [1]].

kopeckyf commented 3 years ago

Would this be acceptable?


\avm[align=false, vectorsep=1ex]{
        [head &  \1\\
        head-dtr & [head & \1]]
stefan11 commented 3 years ago

Well, this solution gets rid of the problem by getting rid of punk, which is of course my preferred solution, but if you want to keep punk for whatever reason you may want to fix the original issue.