langsci / 259

Müller, Stefan et al. (eds): Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The handbook
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consolidate the analysis of the German copula in the complex-predicates chapter #179

Open stefan11 opened 3 years ago

stefan11 commented 3 years ago

The data suggests that the copula has to enter coherent constructions, but the LIGHT value of the copula is not defined (it cannot be since NPs and PPs are permitted as well) and the LIGHT value of the head cluster schema is not defined either. In the copula paper it was LEX+. But in the German Clause Structure book it is not defined.

stefan11 commented 3 years ago


As for the rule, since the head verb (aux) requires to select a LIGHT expression, I don't think we need to say the non-head to be [LIGHT +]. As you said, it is redundant.

Stefan: For German it is needed since the copula does not select LEX+. So the schema has to decide. Maybe.