langsci / 259

Müller, Stefan et al. (eds): Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The handbook
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Literature reference on the first page of a chapter causes the footer to be linked to the list of references #181

Open stefan11 opened 2 years ago

stefan11 commented 2 years ago

In Chapter 1 (properties.tex) the reference to Flickinger et al is at the page break. This causes the footer to be linked to the list of references. The DOI link does not work any longer.

Glottotopia commented 2 years ago

as a hotfix, use "Flickinger, Pollard \& Wasow (\citeyear{chapters/evolution})." This should make the problem with the link crossing the pagebreak go away.

stefan11 commented 2 years ago

as a hotfix, use "Flickinger, Pollard & Wasow (\citeyear{chapters/evolution})." This should make the problem with the link crossing the pagebreak go away.

Ah, cool. Thanks!