langsci / 259

Müller, Stefan et al. (eds): Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The handbook
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German has non-matching free relatives (p. 275) [via PaperHive@docloop] #192

Open docloop[bot] opened 2 years ago

docloop[bot] commented 2 years ago

Annotation imported from PaperHive.

Regarding this part:

Was what. NOM/ACC du you. NOM mir me. DAT gegeben given( OBJ.ACC ) hast, have ist is(SUBJ.NOM ) prächtig. wonderful

Stefan Müller wrote:

The example could be a non-matching free relative in which a downstairs accusative fills the role of an upstairs nominative. To exclude this, the upstairs requiement should be accusative and the downstairs one should be nominative. Example: Ich habe gegessen, was noch übrig war.

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