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Müller, Stefan et al. (eds): Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The handbook
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footnote number in type index is wrong (cl.tex) #195

Closed stefan11 closed 2 years ago

stefan11 commented 2 years ago

Footnote 8 in cl.tex has index entries for list. They come out as footnote 30 in the index.

    More precisely, in the standard implementation of a list as a feature structure,
    the type \textit{list}\istype{list} has two subtypes \textit{null}\istype{null} and \textit{non-empty-list},\istype{non-empty-list} and
    \textit{non-empty-list} has the features \textsc{first}\isfeat{first}
    and \textsc{rest},\isfeat{rest} where the value of \textsc{rest} is of type \textit{list}.
    This means that the value of \textsc{rest} can itself have the feature \textsc{rest}.
    See also \crossrefchapterw[\page \pageref{page-list-encoding}]{formal-background} on lists.

Well, actually all type footnotes come out as 30.