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Müller, Stefan et al. (eds): Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The handbook
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cite Kiss91a in Evolution of HPSG #220

Closed stefan11 closed 1 year ago

stefan11 commented 1 year ago

@incollection{Kiss91a, author = {Tibor Kiss}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {HR91a-ed}, date-modified = {2021-12-03 10:19:48 +0100}, doi = {10.1007/3-540-54594-8_61}, pages = {183--199}, title = {The Grammars of {LILOG}}, year = {1991}}

@techreport{SRTD96a, address = {Saar-brü\discretionary{k-}{k}{ck}en}, author = {Paul Schmidt and Sibylle Rieder and Axel Theofilidis}, institution = {IAI}, title = {Final Documentation of the {German} {LS-GRAM} Lingware}, type = {{Deliverable DC-WP6e (German)}}, year = {1996}