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Müller, Stefan et al. (eds): Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The handbook
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list bracket are too high in AVMs properties.tex #48

Open stefan11 opened 3 years ago

stefan11 commented 3 years ago


stefan11 commented 3 years ago


stefan11 commented 3 years ago

I did this with:

\avm[stretch=.5]{[arg-st & \sliste{S} \+ \2]} $\mapsto$
    \avm[stretch=.5]{[arg-st & <NP![\type{it}]!>  \+ \2 \+ \sliste{S}]}

Where \sliste is defined as follows:

$\left\langle\mbox{\upshape\scshape #1}\right\rangle$}%

The problem is that stretch also affects things inside my command, but the escpae ! does not work within the command. Otherwise one could do this without stretch and have the outer brackets a bit bigger and the inner one normal text brackets.

stefan11 commented 3 years ago

@kopeckyf you may close this.