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bib converter does not recognize more than two authors/editors #26

Closed Lu-Yanru closed 1 year ago

Lu-Yanru commented 1 year ago

Only the "&" symbol is converted into "and" in the entry "author" or "editor", but not the commas between the names. As a result, the citation key is generated as a combination of the surnames of the first and last authors instead of "EtAl".


Bastin, Yvonne, André Coupez & Michael Mann. 1999. Continuity and Divergence in the Bantu Languages: Perspectives from a lexicostatistic study (Annals - Human Sciences 162). Tervuren: Royal Museum for Central Africa.

    address = {Tervuren},
    author = {Bastin, Yvonne, André Coupez and Michael Mann},
    number = {162},
    publisher = {Royal Museum for Central Africa},
    series = {Annals - Human Sciences},
    sortname = {Bastin, Yvonne, Andre Coupez and Michael Mann},
    title = {Continuity and Divergence in the {Bantu} Languages: {{P}}erspectives from a lexicostatistic study},
    year = {1999}

Gibson, Hannah C., Rozenn Guérois & Lutz Marten. 2019. Variation in Bantu copula constructions. In María J. Arche, Antonio Fábregas & Rafael Marín (eds.), The grammar of copulas across languages (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 73), 213–242. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

    address = {New York, NY},
    author = {Gibson, Hannah C., Rozenn Guérois and Lutz Marten},
    booktitle = {The grammar of copulas across languages ({Oxford} Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 73)},
    editor = {María J. Arche, Antonio Fábregas and Rafael Marín},
    pages = {213–242},
    publisher = {Oxford University Press},
    sortname = {Gibson, Hannah C., Rozenn Guerois and Lutz Marten},
    title = {Variation in {Bantu} copula constructions},
    year = {2019}
Glottotopia commented 1 year ago

for strings like

editor = {María J. Arche, Antonio Fábregas and Rafael Marín},

it is difficult to know what the first names and the last names are. It could be that there is someone called "{Antonio Fábregas} {María J. Arche}" and that this work would be a two-author work. Compare "{Sabine Maria} {Schulte im Walde}" from "Schulte im Walde, Sabine Maria". The converter could try some heuristics, but it will be subtly wrong in an non-neglectable number of cases, so it is better to leave this error as it is, which will mean that a human will eventually have a look to fix it.