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Understand Word/LibreOffice styles #28

Open kopeckyf opened 1 year ago

kopeckyf commented 1 year ago

The following styles are currently not understood by the converter although they are used in the Libreoffice template:


Indicates a normal paragraph. Can be omitted from the conversion result.


Should be replaced by \begin{itemize} ... \end{itemize}. A list entered with the style styleLangSciBulletList is converted to blocks like this:

\item \begin{styleLangSciBulletList}
Bullet list 
\item \begin{styleLangSciBulletList}
also known as unordered list

I do not understand why the listLFOixleveli is being added. I can't find info on it within LibreOffice.


Examples look fine, but I don't know where the listLFOiileveli, listLFOiilevelii etc are coming from.

\item \ea\label{ex:key:}
\langinfo{}{}{French (personal knowledge)}\\

\item \ea\label{ex:key:}
\gll Ceci n'est pas une pomme\\
     this \textstyleLangSciCategory{neg} \textstyleLangSciCategory{cop}.\textstyleLangSciCategory{3sg}.\textstyleLangSciCategory{pres}  \textstyleLangSciCategory{neg}  \textstyleLangSciCategory{det}.\textstyleLangSciCategory{f} apple\\
\glt „This is not an apple.”\z

These lists seem to follow a pattern: listLFO<ID1>level<ID2>, where <ID2> is simply the list's nesting level and <ID1> a list id. For example, itemized lists are listLFOix, numbered lists are listLFOx, examples are listLFOii. Will have to find out where listLFO is coming from