Open marcoagpinto opened 1 year ago
Looks good although the suggestion is longer than what it'll replace. As for the kind, maybe all alternatives?
I can't remember the alternatives 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢
What kind of rule shall it be? Formal? Academic? Scientific? These are the alternatives
Ahhhhh… I thought “alternatives” meant to suggest other words.
I will work on it in the afternoon.
Heya, Ricardo!
It is done!:
Portuguese (Portugal): 60 total matches
Portuguese (Portugal): 599999 total sentences considered
Portuguese (Portugal): ø0.00 rule matches per sentence
<!-- DE PROPÓSITO deliberadamente -->
<rulegroup id='DE_PROPOSITO_DELIBERADAMENTE' name="[Científico] 'de propósito' → 'deliberadamente'" type="style" tags="picky" default='temp_off'>
<!-- Created by Marco A.G.Pinto with Ricardo Joseh Lima suggestions, Portuguese rule 2023-05-25 (2-MAR-2023+) -->
Eles fizeram de propósito. → Eles fizeram deliberadamente.
Eles fizeram aquilo de propósito. → Eles fizeram aquilo deliberadamente.
Eles fizeram-no de propósito. → Eles fizeram-no deliberadamente.
<token inflected='yes'>fazer</token>
<token min='0' max='1' postag='(SPS00:)?[DP][ADIPRT].+' postag_regexp='yes'/>
<message>Num contexto formal/científico, é preferível escrever 'deliberadamente'.</message>
<example correction="deliberadamente">Eles fizeram <marker>de propósito</marker>.</example>
<example correction="deliberadamente">Eles fizeram aquilo <marker>de propósito</marker>.</example>
<token inflected='yes'>fazer</token>
<token regexp='yes' spacebefore='no'>&tracos_de_separacao;</token>
<token regexp='yes' spacebefore='no'>&pronomes_obliquos;</token>
<message>Num contexto formal/científico, é preferível escrever 'deliberadamente'.</message>
<example correction="deliberadamente">Eles fizeram-no <marker>de propósito</marker>.</example>
🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Heya, Ricardo.
What about this idea?:
fizeram [aquilo] de propósito
de propósito
Is it a good idea?
Does it only work with the verb “fazer”?
What kind of rule shall it be? Formal? Academic? Scientific?