lanl-ansi / Juniper.jl

A JuMP-based Nonlinear Integer Program Solver
MIT License
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Warnings are issued despite all log levels being turned off #257

Open baggepinnen opened 1 year ago

baggepinnen commented 1 year ago

Hello and thanks for this cool solver :)

I'm using it like this

solver = OptimizationMOI.MOI.OptimizerWithAttributes(Juniper.Optimizer,
    "nl_solver" => inner_solver, 

and despite the fact that I've turned off all logging, I still get my terminal full of warnings like these

┌ Warning: Start value incumbent only almost locally solved. Disable with `allow_almost_solved_integral=false`
└ @ Juniper ~/.julia/packages/Juniper/0Z1vO/src/model.jl:74

could these warnings also be placed behind a check if the appropriate log level is selected?