lanl-ansi / PowerModels.jl

A Julia/JuMP Package for Power Network Optimization
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Not able to solve pti model #888

Open jay-dave opened 12 months ago

jay-dave commented 12 months ago

I am able to solve power flow on attached model using PSSE but not using PowerModels (shows invalid model). Below is the code to run the attached example model. The model is reduced to only 3 bus system for easy reference. Can someone help me to figure out the issue?

using PowerModels import InfrastructureModels import Ipopt import JuMP import JSON

if !isdefined(JuMP, :num_nonlinear_constraints) num_nonlinear_constraints = JuMP.num_nl_constraints else num_nonlinear_constraints = JuMP.num_nonlinear_constraints end nlp_solver = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer, "tol"=>1e-6, "print_level"=>2)

Pglib_file = "yourpath/example.raw"

setting generator scheduled voltage as bus voltage

source_data = parse_file(Pglib_file) for (g,gen) in source_data["gen"] genbus = gen["gen_bus"] source_data["bus"]["$genbus"]["vm"] = gen["vg"] end Pglib_solution = PowerModels.run_pf(source_data, ACPPowerModel, nlp_solver, setting = Dict("output" => Dict("branch_flows" => true, "duals" => true)))

jay-dave commented 12 months ago

I think this is somewhat related to issue #737. when I changed the CZ and CW to 1, the branch reactance takes nonzero value and it works. However, it was not working for CZ = 3 and CW = 2.

On a closer look, it seems that pti assumes transformer base kV = Bus base kV when NOM1, NOM2 (or NOM3 for three winding transformers) =0. However, transformer base kV is taken as zero in data processing in PM. Hence, the branch reactance becomes zero during pu conversion and causes model to be invalid.

hei06j commented 3 months ago

This issue is mostly addressed in pull request #917, but the case in this issue is still problematic due to transformer sbase values. With the PR in place, I could solve this example with Sbase>70, but Sbase=60 still does not solve. Note that one of the unit tests as part of this PR is the example in this issue with Sbase=100.