lanl-ansi / PowerModelsAnalytics.jl

Tools for the analysis and visualization of PowerModels data and results
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Network Data as a DataFrame #12

Open ccoffrin opened 4 years ago

ccoffrin commented 4 years ago

One feature that I have heard a request for is transforming the data dict into a collection of DataFrames so that it can be used in standard data analytics processes.

noahrhodes commented 3 years ago

This has been added to PowerPlots, where the the data in turned into a struct with fields that are dataframes of the components.

For quick code that turns a component dictionary into a dataframe there is _comp_dict_to_dataframe()

This currently works for single and multi-networks (I know nothing about multi-infrastructure). The struct is only for components that PowerPlots currently supports, but that could be modified.

julia> using PowerPlots, PowerModels
julia> data = PowerModels.parse_file("$(joinpath(dirname(pathof(PowerModels)), ".."))/test/data/matpower/case5.m")
julia> data_mn = replicate(data,2)
julia> PMDF = PowerModelsDataFrame(data_mn)
julia> PMDF.bus
10×13 DataFrame
 Row │ zone   bus_i  bus_type  vmax     ComponentType  source_id       nw_id   area   vmin     index  va           vm       base_kv 
     │ Int64  Int64  Int64     Float64  String         String          String  Int64  Float64  Int64  Float64      Float64  Float64 
   1 │     1      4         3      1.1  bus            Any["bus", 4]   1           1      0.9      4   0.0         1.0        230.0
   2 │     1      1         2      1.1  bus            Any["bus", 1]   1           1      0.9      1   0.048935    1.0        230.0
   3 │     1     10         2      1.1  bus            Any["bus", 10]  1           1      0.9     10   0.0626631   1.0        230.0

If there is interest, this feature could be a part of PMA.