lanl / dfnWorks

dfnWorks is a parallelized computational suite to generate three-dimensional discrete fracture networks (DFN) and simulate flow and transport. If you download the software please fill out our interest form to stay up to date on releases and join our google group . Precompiled Docker Container
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A tiny typo in README #42

Closed n2uts closed 1 year ago

n2uts commented 1 year ago

Totally harmless, but in README python sectionnetworkx shown twice, I believe one of them should be mplstereonet.Maybe a pip freeze > deps.txt from docker container can be added to README?

pip install numpy h5py scipy networkx fpdf matplotlib mplstereonet seaborn multiprocess

I wrote a simple instruction for setting up dfnWorks v2.5 early this year in lark (a notion-like note-taking software), though it's not written in English, it should not affect understanding of the notes. While I personally suggesting writing about .dfnworksrc as follows:

cd ~ && touch .dfnworksrc
echo '{  
    "dfnworks_PATH": "dfnworks_path",
    "PETSC_DIR": "petsc_path",
    "PETSC_ARCH": "petsc_arch_name",
    "PFLOTRAN_EXE": "pflotran_exe_path",
    "PYTHON_EXE": "python_exe_path",
    "LAGRIT_EXE": "lagrit_exe_path",   
    "FEHM_EXE": "fehm_exe_path"
}' >> .dfnworksrc

# PFLOTRAN executable path and it's environment variable
sed -i "s|pflotran_exe_path|$PFLOTRAN_DIR/src/pflotran/pflotran|g" ~/.dfnworksrc
sed -i "s|petsc_path|$PETSC_DIR|g" ~/.dfnworksrc && sed -i "s|petsc_arch_name|$PETSC_ARCH|g" ~/.dfnworksrc
hymanjd commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I updated the!