lanl / dfnWorks

dfnWorks is a parallelized computational suite to generate three-dimensional discrete fracture networks (DFN) and simulate flow and transport. If you download the software please fill out our interest form to stay up to date on releases and join our google group . Precompiled Docker Container
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SimFrac issue #59

Closed je-santos closed 1 year ago

je-santos commented 1 year ago

`myfrac1 = SimFrac( h = 1.0, lx = 512, ly = 128, method = "spectral")

myfrac1.params['aniso']['value'] = 0.0 myfrac1.params['H']['value'] = 0.7 myfrac1.params['roughness']['value'] = 4 myfrac1.params['mismatch']['value'] = 0.25 myfrac1.params['lambda_0']['value'] = 0.6 myfrac1.params['model']['value'] = 'smooth' myfrac1.params['seed']['value'] = 1 myfrac1.create_fracture()`

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [2], in <cell line: 10>() 8 myfrac1.params['model']['value'] = 'smooth' 9 myfrac1.params['seed']['value'] = 1 ---> 10 myfrac1.create_fracture() 13 myfrac1.set_mean_aperture(15) 14 myfrac1.voxelize(solid_voxels=5)

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pysimfrac-0.2-py3.9.egg/pysimfrac/src/methods/, in create_fracture(self) 110 self.create_gaussian() 111 elif self.method == 'spectral': --> 112 self.create_spectral() 113 elif self.method == 'box': 114 self.create_box()

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pysimfrac-0.2-py3.9.egg/pysimfrac/src/methods/, in create_spectral(self) 194 Phase2[mismatching] = Phase1[mismatching] 196 # Top surface in Fourier space --> 197 A1 = Fmodulus (np.cos(Phase1) + 1j np.sin(Phase1) 198 ) / np.abs(np.cos(Phase1) + 1j np.sin(Phase1)) 200 # Bottom surface in Fourier space 201 A2 = Fmodulus (np.cos(Phase2) + 1j np.sin(Phase2) 202 ) / np.abs(np.cos(Phase2) + 1j np.sin(Phase2))

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (65535,) (128,512)

hymanjd commented 1 year ago

@je-santos This is the same issue that we fixed with issue #32 in the simfrac repo. Please see that for the fix. Modify the source code here via a fork and submit a pull request. I'll review and approve. Thanks.