lanl / dfnWorks

dfnWorks is a parallelized computational suite to generate three-dimensional discrete fracture networks (DFN) and simulate flow and transport. If you download the software please fill out our interest form to stay up to date on releases and join our google group . Precompiled Docker Container
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Installation information #71

Closed gbene closed 6 months ago

gbene commented 8 months ago

Hi all!

Fist of all thanks for creating this fantastic piece of software. I've just installed it and find it very promising!

For now I am manly interested in dfn generation (dfnGen) and so I wanted to know if to successfully build the pydfnworks package it is necessary that all the dependencies are met or if it possible to install only the dependencies related to the generation step (i.e. mainly LaGrit if I am not mistaken). I also was curious if the generation module is independent from the rest or there are functions and dependencies that are taken from the dfnFlow/Trans/Graph modules and dependency pool.

Thanks in advance!

hymanjd commented 8 months ago

Hello, For dfn generation all you need is dfnGen, pydfnworks, and LaGrit. Thanks, J

gbene commented 6 months ago

Thank you!