lanl / dfnWorks

dfnWorks is a parallelized computational suite to generate three-dimensional discrete fracture networks (DFN) and simulate flow and transport. If you download the software please fill out our interest form to stay up to date on releases and join our google group . Precompiled Docker Container
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Error using well-package during "Gathering points on fractures" #82

Open kralovcova opened 3 months ago

kralovcova commented 3 months ago

Hello, using well package, sometimes an error occurs during "Gathering points on fractures".

I run the "well example" model. The original model generates 400 fractures. I also tried to increase the fracture density . The problem arises at a higher fracture density. If I increase nPoly to 1000, then processing the well data ends with an error: "IndexError: index 4 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 4":

--> Working on well inject
--> Interpolating well coordinates into a polyline
--> Interpolating well coordinates into a polyline: Complete
--> Writing polyline into avs file: well_inject_line.inp
--> Writing polyline into avs file : well_inject_line.inp : Complete
--> Running: /dfnWorks//bin/lagrit < find_well_inject_segment.lgi -log find_well_inject_segment.log -out find_well_inject_segment.out > find_well_inject_segment.dump
--> LaGriT script find_well_inject_segment.lgi was run successfully
--> Finding well points on DFN for injection
--> Gathering points on fractures
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/dfnWorks/work/02_well_example/[](;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!CpprKkKV6y8RqxFKcXZT5GypourQmJ2GPGDKfUnoKE2FMiXiQ_YPnnuJ_FMpX-7tdzYr7cxwnCEIT1UQBQnYbdgBIpg$)", line 78, in <module>
   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pydfnworks/dfnGen/well_package/[](;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!CpprKkKV6y8RqxFKcXZT5GypourQmJ2GPGDKfUnoKE2FMiXiQ_YPnnuJ_FMpX-7tdzYr7cxwnCEIT1UQBQnY7mzUkxc$)", line 591, in find_well_intersection_points
   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pydfnworks/dfnGen/well_package/[](;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!CpprKkKV6y8RqxFKcXZT5GypourQmJ2GPGDKfUnoKE2FMiXiQ_YPnnuJ_FMpX-7tdzYr7cxwnCEIT1UQBQnY7mzUkxc$)", line 640, in run_find_well_intersection_points
   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pydfnworks/dfnGen/well_package/[](;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!CpprKkKV6y8RqxFKcXZT5GypourQmJ2GPGDKfUnoKE2FMiXiQ_YPnnuJ_FMpX-7tdzYr7cxwnCEIT1UQBQnY7mzUkxc$)", line 850, in well_point_of_intersection
     points = self.gather_points()
   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pydfnworks/dfnGen/meshing/udfm/[](;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!CpprKkKV6y8RqxFKcXZT5GypourQmJ2GPGDKfUnoKE2FMiXiQ_YPnnuJ_FMpX-7tdzYr7cxwnCEIT1UQBQnYP7w_mOo$)", line 72, in gather_points
     point = self.polygons[name][j]
IndexError: index 4 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 4