lanmaster53 / recon-ng

Open Source Intelligence gathering tool aimed at reducing the time spent harvesting information from open sources.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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recon-ng marketplace module installation error #108

Open AnujK2901 opened 4 years ago

AnujK2901 commented 4 years ago

I am new to recon-ng and while currently installing modules, I am facing an issue for which I can not find any possible fix. Bug/Issue recreation steps:

  1. Running recon-ng from Kali terminal
  2. executing marketplace refresh
  3. then typing marketplace install all

Error I am facing:

[recon-ng][default] > marketplace install all    
[*] Module installed: discovery/info_disclosure/cache_snoop    
[*] Module installed: discovery/info_disclosure/interesting_files
[*] Module installed: exploitation/injection/command_injector    
[*] Module installed: exploitation/injection/xpath_bruter
[*] Module installed: import/csv_file
[*] Module installed: import/list
[*] Module installed: import/masscan
[*] Module installed: import/nmap
[*] Module installed: recon/companies-contacts/bing_linkedin_cache
[*] Module installed: recon/companies-contacts/censys_email_address
[*] Module installed: recon/companies-contacts/pen
[*] Module installed: recon/companies-domains/censys_subdomains
[*] Module installed: recon/companies-domains/pen
[*] Module installed: recon/companies-domains/viewdns_reverse_whois
[*] Module installed: recon/companies-domains/whoxy_dns
[*] Module installed: recon/companies-hosts/censys_org
[*] Module installed: recon/companies-hosts/censys_tls_subjects
[*] Module installed: recon/companies-multi/github_miner
[*] Module installed: recon/companies-multi/shodan_org
[*] Module installed: recon/companies-multi/whois_miner
[*] Module installed: recon/contacts-contacts/abc
[*] Module installed: recon/contacts-contacts/mailtester
[*] Module installed: recon/contacts-contacts/mangle
[*] Module installed: recon/contacts-contacts/unmangle
[*] Module installed: recon/contacts-credentials/hibp_breach
[*] Module installed: recon/contacts-credentials/hibp_paste
[*] Module installed: recon/contacts-credentials/scylla
[*] Module installed: recon/contacts-domains/migrate_contacts
[*] Module installed: recon/contacts-profiles/fullcontact
[*] Module installed: recon/credentials-credentials/adobe
[*] Module installed: recon/credentials-credentials/bozocrack
[*] Module installed: recon/credentials-credentials/hashes_org
[*] Module installed: recon/domains-companies/censys_companies
[*] Module installed: recon/domains-companies/pen
[!] Module installation failed: recon/domains-companies/whoxy_whois.
[!] Invalid response from module repository (404).

I have tried following:

jasonmull commented 4 years ago

I'm also seeing this error at the same place. v5.1.1

0xGh0st commented 4 years ago

Yes the error exists due to the modules.yml file in recon-ng-marketplace: line 383: last_updated: '2020-06-17' name: Whoxy Whois Lookup path: recon/domains-companies/whoxy_whois but in the modules on that repo you have:, I believe there is an issue in how the url is being resolved, the naming convention is incorrect.

TheTechromancer commented 4 years ago

I believe the true issue here is that an error in the installation of a single module cancels the entire process for all modules.

leebaird commented 4 years ago

I confirm the same errors and versions as well.

AnujK2901 commented 4 years ago

I believe the true issue here is that an error in the installation of a single module cancels the entire process for all modules.

Yes. It seems like this module has been removed and while installing this module, this failure terminates the overall process to complete installation of all remaining modules.

AnujK2901 commented 4 years ago

From my point of view, there are two things developers contributing in this project can perform.

lanmaster53 commented 4 years ago

This should be fixed now, but I agree that it should be handled more gracefully. Thank you for reporting and for your recommendations.

jayakrishnanvkm commented 2 years ago

try to install modules one by one as many of them need api keys.

keys add github

and then install github module

rawr-droid commented 1 year ago

Type the Cat etc/nsswitch.conf and look for hosts line and the value should be files DNS, if there's anything that comes between the files DNS words, delete it with a text editor and save it.Hope this helps

julietasafa commented 5 months ago

I have a problem. When i try to install the modules: marketplace install example... the answer is: No such file or directory. This mensage apear in all attempts to install diferent modules. I triyed to use AI to solve this, but yhe problem persist.