lannodev / we_slide

A backdrop animated widget
MIT License
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Transparency of the footer #14

Closed elertan closed 2 years ago

elertan commented 2 years ago

Hey Luciano!

Awesome package. I'm having some trouble configuring transparency for the footer though, I have a BottomNavigationBar that was transparent using a gradient before, but that does not seem to work out of the box. I have tried setting overlayColor and backgroundColor to be transparent but with no luck. It seems as if it is being drawn onto some other color.

I'll try to set up a small proof-of-concept if that would be helpful later.


lannodev commented 2 years ago

Hi @elertan 👋 Please, could you send me an example using darpad, like this:

elertan commented 2 years ago

I was unable to figure out quickly how to share the dartpad here so I'll be sharing the source instead.

Here's an example that shows a scaffold with transparency that has a gradient that reveals what is below:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() => runApp(MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Demo',
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      theme: ThemeData(
      home: const Home(),

class Home extends StatelessWidget {
  const Home({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    const bottomNavigationBarColor =;

    return Scaffold(
      extendBody: true,
      body: ListView.builder(
        itemCount: 30,
        itemBuilder: (context, i) {
          return SizedBox(
            height: 65,
            child: Text("Number $i"),
      bottomNavigationBar: Container(
        decoration: BoxDecoration(
          gradient: LinearGradient(
            colors: [
            begin: Alignment.topCenter,
            end: Alignment.bottomCenter,
            tileMode: TileMode.clamp,
        child: BottomNavigationBar(
          type: BottomNavigationBarType.fixed,
          items: const <BottomNavigationBarItem>[
              icon: Icon(Icons.home),
              label: 'Home',
              icon: Icon(,
              label: 'Business',
              icon: Icon(,
              label: 'School',
          currentIndex: 0,
          onTap: (_) {},
          backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
          unselectedItemColor: Colors.grey,
          selectedItemColor: Colors.white,

And here's an example that shows why it's not working the way I want it to using we_slide

import 'dart:ui';

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      themeMode: ThemeMode.dark,
      //theme: AppTheme.lightThemeData,
      //darkTheme: AppTheme.darkThemeData,
      title: 'WeSlide Demo',
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      //home: MusicApp(),
      //home: StoreApp(),
      home: Basic(),

class Basic extends StatefulWidget {
  Basic({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  _BasicState createState() => _BasicState();

class _BasicState extends State<Basic> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final _colorScheme = Theme.of(context).colorScheme;
    final double _panelMinSize = 130.0;
    final double _panelMaxSize = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
    final _controller = WeSlideController();
    const bottomNavigationBarColor =;

    return Scaffold(
      body: WeSlide(
        parallax: true,
        hideAppBar: true,
        hideFooter: false,
        panelMinSize: _panelMinSize,
        panelMaxSize: _panelMaxSize,
        backgroundColor: Colors.tealAccent,
        panelBorderRadiusBegin: 20.0,
        panelBorderRadiusEnd: 20.0,
        parallaxOffset: 0.3,
        appBarHeight: 80.0,
        footerHeight: 60.0,
        controller: _controller,
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text("We Slide"),
          leading: BackButton(),
        body: ListView.builder(
          itemCount: 30,
          itemBuilder: (context, i) {
            return SizedBox(
              height: 65,
              child: Text("Number $i"),
        panel: Container(
          color: _colorScheme.primary,
          child: Center(child: Text("This is the panel 😊")),
        panelHeader: GestureDetector(
          onTap: () {
          child: Container(
            height: 90.0,
            color: _colorScheme.secondary,
            child: Center(child: Text("Slide to Up ☝️")),
        footer: Container(
          decoration: BoxDecoration(
            gradient: LinearGradient(
              colors: [
              begin: Alignment.topCenter,
              end: Alignment.bottomCenter,
              tileMode: TileMode.clamp,
          child: BottomNavigationBar(
            type: BottomNavigationBarType.fixed,
            items: const <BottomNavigationBarItem>[
                icon: Icon(Icons.home),
                label: 'Home',
                icon: Icon(,
                label: 'Business',
                icon: Icon(,
                label: 'School',
            currentIndex: 0,
            onTap: (_) {},
            backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
            unselectedItemColor: Colors.grey,
            selectedItemColor: Colors.white,

class WeSlide extends StatefulWidget {
  /// This is the widget that will be below as a footer,
  /// this can be used as a [BottomNavigationBar]
  final Widget? footer;

  /// This is the widget that will be on top as a AppBar,
  /// this can be used as a [AppBar]
  final Widget? appBar;

  /// This is the widget that will be hided with [Panel].
  /// You can fit any widget. This parameter is required
  final Widget body;

  /// This is the widget that will slide over the [Body].
  /// You can fit any widget.
  final Widget? panel;

  /// This is the header that will be over the [Panel].
  /// You can fit any widget.
  final Widget? panelHeader;

  /// This is the initial value that set the panel min height.
  /// If the value is greater than 0, panel will be this size over [body]
  /// By default is [150.0]. Set [0.0] if you want to hide [Panel]
  final double panelMinSize;

  /// This is the value that set the panel max height.
  /// When slide up the panel this value define the max height
  /// that panel will be over [Body]. By default is [400.0]
  /// if you want that panel cover the whole [Body], set with
  /// MediaQuery.of(context).size.height
  final double panelMaxSize;

  /// This is the value that set the panel width
  /// by default is MediaQuery.of(context).size.width
  final double? panelWidth;

  /// Set this value to create a border radius over Panel.
  /// When panelBorderRadiusBegin is diffrent from panelBorderRadiusEnd
  /// and the panel is slide up, this create an animation border over panel
  /// By default is 0.0
  final double panelBorderRadiusBegin;

  /// Set this value to create a border radius over Panel.
  /// When panelBorderRadiusBegin is diffrent from panelBorderRadiusEnd
  /// and the panel is slide up, this create an animation border over panel
  /// By default is 0.0
  final double panelBorderRadiusEnd;

  /// Set this value to create a border radius over Body.
  /// When bodyBorderRadiusBegin is diffrent from bodyBorderRadiusEnd
  /// and the panel is slide up, this create an animation border over body
  /// By default is 0.0
  final double bodyBorderRadiusBegin;

  /// Set this value to create a border radius over Body.
  /// When bodyBorderRadiusBegin is diffrent from bodyBorderRadiusEnd
  /// and the panel is slide up, this create an animation border over body.
  /// By default is 0.0
  final double bodyBorderRadiusEnd;

  /// This is the value that set the body width.
  /// By default is MediaQuery.of(context).size.width
  final double? bodyWidth;

  /// Set this value to create a parallax effect when the panel is slide up.
  /// By default is 0.1
  final double parallaxOffset;

  /// This is the value that set the footer height.
  /// by default is 60.0
  final double footerHeight;

  /// This is the value that set the appbar height.
  /// by default is 80.0
  final double appBarHeight;

  /// This is the value that defines opacity
  /// overlay effect bethen body and panel.
  final double overlayOpacity;

  /// This is the value that creates an image filter
  /// that applies a Gaussian blur.
  final double blurSigma;

  /// This is the value that defines Transform scale begin effect
  /// By default is 1.0
  final double transformScaleBegin;

  /// This is the value that defines Transform scale end effect
  /// by default is 0.9
  final double transformScaleEnd;

  /// This is the value that defines overlay color effect.
  /// By default is
  final Color overlayColor;

  /// This is the value that defines blur color effect.
  /// By default is
  final Color blurColor;

  /// This is the value that defines background color.
  /// By default is end should be the same as [body]
  final Color backgroundColor;

  /// This is the value that defines if you want to hide the footer.
  /// By default is true
  final bool hideFooter;

  /// This is the value that defines if you want to hide the [panelHeader].
  /// By default is true
  final bool hidePanelHeader;

  /// This is the value that defines if you want to enable paralax effect.
  /// By default is false
  final bool parallax;

  /// This is the value that defines if you want
  /// to enable transform scale effect. By default is false
  final bool transformScale;

  /// This is the value that defines if you want
  /// to enable overlay effect. By default is false
  final bool overlay;

  /// This is the value that defines if you want
  /// to enable Gaussian blur effect. By default is false
  final bool blur;

  /// This is the value that defines if you want
  /// to enable Gaussian blur effect. By default is false
  final bool hideAppBar;

  /// The [isDismissible] parameter specifies whether the panel
  /// will be dismissed when user taps on the screen.
  final bool isDismissible;

  /// This is the value that create a fade transition over panel header
  final List<TweenSequenceItem<double>> fadeSequence;

  /// This is the value that sets the duration of the animation.
  /// By default is 300 milliseconds
  final Duration animateDuration;

  /// This object used to control animations, using methods like hide or show
  /// to display panel or check if is visible with variable [isOpened]
  WeSlideController? controller;

  /// Weslide Contructor
    Key? key,
    required this.body,
    this.panelMinSize = 150.0,
    this.panelMaxSize = 400.0,
    this.panelBorderRadiusBegin = 0.0,
    this.panelBorderRadiusEnd = 0.0,
    this.bodyBorderRadiusBegin = 0.0,
    this.bodyBorderRadiusEnd = 0.0,
    this.transformScaleBegin = 1.0,
    this.transformScaleEnd = 0.85,
    this.parallaxOffset = 0.1,
    this.overlayOpacity = 0.0,
    this.blurSigma = 5.0,
    this.overlayColor =,
    this.blurColor =,
    this.backgroundColor =,
    this.footerHeight = 60.0,
    this.appBarHeight = 80.0,
    this.hideFooter = true,
    this.hidePanelHeader = true,
    this.parallax = false,
    this.transformScale = false,
    this.overlay = false,
    this.blur = false,
    this.hideAppBar = true,
    this.isDismissible = true,
    List<TweenSequenceItem<double>>? fadeSequence,
    this.animateDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
  })  : /*assert(body != null, 'body could not be null'),*/
        assert(panelMinSize >= 0.0, 'panelMinSize cannot be negative'),
        assert(footerHeight >= 0.0, 'footerHeight cannot be negative'),
        assert(appBarHeight >= 0.0, 'appBarHeight cannot be negative'),
        assert(panel != null, 'panel could not be null'),
        assert(panelMaxSize >= panelMinSize,
            'panelMaxSize cannot be less than panelMinSize'),
        fadeSequence = fadeSequence ??
                  weight: 1.0, tween: Tween(begin: 1, end: 0)),
                  weight: 8.0, tween: Tween(begin: 0, end: 0)),
        super(key: key) {
    if (controller == null) {
      // ignore: unnecessary_this
      this.controller = WeSlideController();

  _WeSlideState createState() => _WeSlideState();

class _WeSlideState extends State<WeSlide> with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
  // Main Animation Controller
  late AnimationController _ac;
  // Panel Border Radius Effect[Tween]
  late Animation<double> _panelborderRadius;
  // Body Border Radius Effect [Tween]
  late Animation<double> _bodyBorderRadius;
  // Scale Animation Effect [Tween]
  late Animation<double> _scaleAnimation;
  // PanelHeader animation Effect [Tween]
  late Animation<double> _fadeAnimation;

  // Get current controller
  WeSlideController get _effectiveController => widget.controller!;

  // Check if panel is visible
  bool get _ispanelVisible =>
      _ac.status == AnimationStatus.completed ||
      _ac.status == AnimationStatus.forward;

  void initState() {
    // Subscribe to animated when value change
    // Animation controller;
    _ac = AnimationController(vsync: this, duration: widget.animateDuration);
    // panel Border radius animation

    _panelborderRadius = Tween<double>(
            begin: widget.panelBorderRadiusBegin,
            end: widget.panelBorderRadiusEnd)
    // body border radius animation

    _bodyBorderRadius = Tween<double>(
            begin: widget.bodyBorderRadiusBegin,
            end: widget.bodyBorderRadiusEnd)
    // Transform scale animation

    _scaleAnimation = Tween<double>(
            begin: widget.transformScaleBegin, end: widget.transformScaleEnd)
    // Fade Animation sequence
    _fadeAnimation = TweenSequence(widget.fadeSequence).animate(_ac);

    // Super Init State

  /// Required for resubscribing when hot reload occurs [ValueNotifier]
  void didUpdateWidget(WeSlide oldWidget) {

  /// Animate the panel [ValueNotifier]
  void _animatedPanel() {
    if (_effectiveController.value != _ispanelVisible) {
      _ac.fling(velocity: _ispanelVisible ? -2.0 : 2.0);

  /// Dispose
  void dispose() {
    ///Animation Controller

    /// ValueNotifier

  /// Gesture Vertical Update [GestureDetector]
  void _handleVerticalUpdate(DragUpdateDetails updateDetails) {
    var delta = updateDetails.primaryDelta!;
    var fractionDragged = delta / widget.panelMaxSize;
    _ac.value -= 1.5 * fractionDragged;

  /// Gesture Vertical End [GestureDetector]
  void _handleVerticalEnd(DragEndDetails endDetails) {
    var velocity = endDetails.primaryVelocity!;

    if (velocity > 0.0) {
      _ac.reverse().then((x) {
        _effectiveController.value = false;
    } else if (velocity < 0.0) {
      _ac.forward().then((x) {
        _effectiveController.value = true;
    } else if (_ac.value >= 0.5 && endDetails.primaryVelocity == 0.0) {
      _ac.forward().then((x) {
        _effectiveController.value = true;
    } else {
      _ac.reverse().then((x) {
        _effectiveController.value = false;

  // Get Body Animation [Paralax]
  Animation<Offset> _getAnimationOffSet(
      {required double minSize, required double maxSize}) {
    final _closedPercentage =
        (widget.panelMaxSize - minSize) / widget.panelMaxSize;

    final _openPercentage =
        (widget.panelMaxSize - maxSize) / widget.panelMaxSize;

    return Tween<Offset>(
            begin: Offset(0.0, _closedPercentage),
            end: Offset(0.0, _openPercentage))

  //Get Panel size
  double _getPanelSize() {
    var _size = 0.0;
    /* If footer is visible*/
    if (!widget.hideFooter && widget.footer != null) {
      _size += widget.footerHeight;
    /* If appbar is visible*/
    if (!widget.hideAppBar && widget.appBar != null) {
      _size += widget.appBarHeight;

    return _size;

  /* Get panel maxsize location*/
  double _getPanelLocation() {
    var _location = widget.panelMaxSize;
    if (widget.appBar != null && !widget.hideAppBar) {
      _location += -widget.appBarHeight;
    return _location;

  /* Get Body location*/
  double _getBodyLocation() {
    var _location = 0.0;

    /* if appbar */
    if (widget.appBar != null) {
      _location += widget.appBarHeight;

    /* if paralax*/
    if (widget.parallax) {
      _location += _ac.value *
          (widget.panelMaxSize - widget.panelMinSize) *
    return _location;

  double _getBodyHeight() {
    var _size = widget.panelMinSize;
    /* If appbar is visible*/
    if (widget.appBar != null) _size += widget.appBarHeight;

    /* if no panelMinSize value*/
    if (widget.panelMinSize == 0.0 && widget.footer != null) {
      _size += widget.footerHeight;

    return _size;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    //Get MediaQuery Sizes
    final _height = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
    final _width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;

    return Container(
      height: _height,
      color: widget.backgroundColor, // Same as body,
      child: Stack(
        alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
        children: <Widget>[
          /** Body widget **/
            animation: _ac,
            builder: (context, child) {
              return Positioned(
                top: _getBodyLocation(),
                child: Transform.scale(
                  scale: widget.transformScale ? _scaleAnimation.value : 1.0,
                  alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
                  child: ClipRRect(
                    borderRadius: BorderRadius.only(
                      topLeft: Radius.circular(_bodyBorderRadius.value),
                      topRight: Radius.circular(_bodyBorderRadius.value),
                    child: child,
            child: Container(
              height: _height - _getBodyHeight(),
              width: widget.bodyWidth ?? _width,
              child: widget.body,
          /** Enable Blur Effect **/
          if (widget.blur)
              animation: _ac,
              builder: (context, _) {
                /** Fix problem with body scroll */
                if (_ac.value <= 0) return SizedBox.shrink();
                return BackdropFilter(
                  filter: ImageFilter.blur(
                      sigmaX: widget.blurSigma * _ac.value,
                      sigmaY: widget.blurSigma * _ac.value),
                  child: Container(
                    color: widget.blurColor.withOpacity(0.1),
          /** Enable Overlay Effect **/
          if (widget.overlay)
              animation: _ac,
              builder: (context, _) {
                return Container(
                  color: _ac.value == 0.0
                      ? null
                      : widget.overlayColor
                          .withOpacity(widget.overlayOpacity * _ac.value),
          /** Dismiss Panel **/
            valueListenable: _effectiveController,
            builder: (_, __, ___) {
              if (_effectiveController.isOpened && widget.isDismissible) {
                return GestureDetector(
                  onTap: _effectiveController.hide,
                  child: Container(
                    color: Colors.transparent,
              return SizedBox();
          /** Panel widget **/
            animation: _ac,
            builder: (_, child) {
              return SlideTransition(
                position: _getAnimationOffSet(
                    maxSize: _getPanelLocation(), minSize: widget.panelMinSize),
                child: GestureDetector(
                  onVerticalDragUpdate: _handleVerticalUpdate,
                  onVerticalDragEnd: _handleVerticalEnd,
                  child: AnimatedContainer(
                    height: widget.panelMaxSize,
                    width: widget.panelWidth ?? _width,
                    duration: Duration(milliseconds: 200),
                    child: ClipRRect(
                      borderRadius: BorderRadius.only(
                        topLeft: Radius.circular(_panelborderRadius.value),
                        topRight: Radius.circular(_panelborderRadius.value),
                      child: child,
            child: Stack(
              children: <Widget>[
                /** Panel widget **/
                  height: _height - _getPanelSize(),
                  child: widget.panel!,
                /** Panel Header widget **/
                widget.panelHeader != null && widget.hidePanelHeader
                    ? FadeTransition(
                        opacity: _fadeAnimation,
                        child: ValueListenableBuilder(
                          valueListenable: _effectiveController,
                          builder: (_, __, ___) {
                            return IgnorePointer(
                              ignoring: _effectiveController.value &&
                              child: widget.panelHeader,
                    : SizedBox.shrink(),
                /** panelHeader widget is null ?**/
                widget.panelHeader != null && !widget.hidePanelHeader
                    ? widget.panelHeader!
                    : SizedBox.shrink(),
          // Footer Widget
          widget.footer != null
              ? AnimatedBuilder(
                  animation: _ac,
                  builder: (context, child) {
                    return Positioned(
                      height: widget.footerHeight,
                      bottom: widget.hideFooter
                          ? _ac.value * -widget.footerHeight
                          : 0.0,
                      width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
                      child: widget.footer!,
              : SizedBox.shrink(),
          // AppBar
          widget.appBar != null
              ? AnimatedBuilder(
                  animation: _ac,
                  builder: (context, child) {
                    return Positioned(
                      height: widget.appBarHeight,
                      top: widget.hideAppBar
                          ? _ac.value * -widget.appBarHeight
                          : 0.0,
                      left: 0,
                      right: 0,
                      child: widget.appBar!,
              : SizedBox.shrink(),

class WeSlideController extends ValueNotifier<bool> {
  /// WeslideController Construction
  WeSlideController() : super(false);

  /// show WeSlide Panel
  void show() => value = true;

  /// hide WeSlide Panel
  void hide() => value = false;

  /// Returns if the WeSlide Panel is opened or not
  bool get isOpened => value;

The issue is that the we slide widget renders the full height even when it's off screen.

lannodev commented 2 years ago

@elertan This is your example:

This package uses flutter stack to organize the components "Appbar, Footer, Body Panel etc..." When you set the footer transparency, other components with background will be shown below.

This is a documentation about stack.

I think it is not possible to apply transparency using stack 😔