lanoxx / tilda

A Gtk based drop down terminal for Linux and Unix
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Rename Tab Functionality? #134

Open pik opened 9 years ago

pik commented 9 years ago

I wanted to discuss this pull/functionality request - Is renaming tab functionality something Tilda needs? (This maybe can be done better by the shell rather than by Tilda?).

If it is preferable to do this with Tilda I think it may be better to allow editing the tab name by double-clicking rather than a hotkey with a separate dialog box. Although for the later since gtk.Label is not editable I think it would involve switching to gtk.Entry.

pik commented 9 years ago

Something alone these lines:

aplatypus commented 8 years ago

Hi - I prefer the facility to name the tab of the current shell. User-interface for me should be command line first and optionally a [right-click] on a tab for rename.

That said; such a very useful facility would serve users well if it is also reflected in the Preferences dialogue as "Start-up tabs/shells". As you may note I think the most powerful use-case for tab-names is to persistently identify purpose-full-shell instances.

With that in mind, a [right-click] could be used to open the "startup=tabs" Preferences automatically and we might have a check-box for "retain this tab" and a "start-up" script following the nominal log-in script.

Does this need to be a new feature?

AlexAtkinson commented 6 years ago

Named tabs are useful. Some examples might including indicating tabs for different environments, servers, or projects. I frequently have ten to twenty tabs open, and most of those are tmuxed.

I'll be sticking with Guake until this feature is implemented.

bonedaddy commented 6 years ago

Has this been implemented yet?

loveJesus commented 6 years ago in Jesus name

Sorry first time doing something like this, God still does miracles my dad here even spoke in tongues in perfect arabic, he didn't know what he said and someone came to him and asked "Do you know what you said?" "you spoke it perfect arabic without an accent and among other things you said 'i love you more than my own eyes!'" . We can have a relationship with God through His Holy Spirit, because of what Jesus did, i want to encourage us all to remember the love God has for us through Jesus Christ

kylescousin commented 6 years ago

Any news on this?

aplatypus commented 6 years ago

Hi not too sure what is being requested. The I use following bash function inside a script I called tab-title to change the tab name:

        echo -e  "\e]2;${1}\a  tab --> [${1}]"

That escape sequence works with xterm compatible terminal programs not just tilda. It probably/should work with quake too. Works a treat with Terminal and Terminator ;-)

As said (above) there's no need for a new feature where existing functionality supports the request.

joaov777 commented 5 years ago

I've been sticking with Guake solely for the tab renaming feature. It's definitely useful. I wonder whether there is any branch under development for such option.

Thanks for all contributors.

aplatypus commented 5 years ago

@joaov777 ...

This command will rename your tab:

NAME="tab name here"
echo -e  "\e]2;$NAME\a  tab --> [$NAME]"

This has worked for many years now. You'd need to make a use-case for a special new feature to do what it already does (me thinks).

joaov777 commented 5 years ago

@aplatypus Thank you for your reply.

benjamin-rood commented 5 years ago

For anyone using ZSH rather than Bash the above solutions might not work.

Check out this link for more info, including solutions for Oh-My-Zsh users:

sambrightman commented 5 years ago

Some people (myself included) think that rename tab should be part of the functionality of a windowed terminal emulator. The workarounds are often inconvenient/long-winded, depending on one's environment.

Can it be clarified whether Tilda is opposed to adding such a feature (in which case this issue might as well be closed) or if a PR would be accepted?

aplatypus commented 5 years ago

Hi ya for 'some people et al' -- Yes that can be added, of course -- That was my original tought too. That feature will make Tilda unique. A great differentiator.

Every other Term program can/will use the escape sequence. I reckon make a pull request and consider the response. One point to consider about an implementation is this.

I believe the design discussion will be stimulating nontheless.

venteto commented 2 years ago

This would be a nice feature ... it's more intuitive to, e.g., right/secondary-click in the Tilda window for some context menu option to rename the tab (or just double-click the tab label itself) than to remember an escape sequence to type or a custom alias name for the escape sequence

It would also be nice to have the tab name stored in the config file ... and even the option to start up Tilda with a custom layout with one or more tabs preserved with custom names.

aplatypus commented 2 years ago

@venteto ... Most if not all of that functionality exists in the Terminator terminal project

venteto commented 2 years ago

I know ... but I was speaking specifically about Tilda ... I use Tilda and Terminator for different purposes

aplatypus commented 2 years ago

@venteto ... Hi well ALL the X-11 terminal programs seem to work with the hack I've been using:

name: "XXX"
`set-ttile XXX`

        echo -e  "\e]2;${1}\a  tab --> [${1}]"
joaov777 commented 2 years ago

It has been a while I have not used Tilda but it seems like this issue still persists.

Digit commented 7 months ago

+1 for

Secondarily also acceptable to also have

Perhaps also

My vision of it is text entry in the tab, no separate dialogue.

Most highly enthused to see this feature in Tilda

P.S. The script method offered, while much appreciated, is an awkward workaround available if one goes out of their way, from the general level of convenience tilda offers, sufficient to find it. I wonder how to convert echo -e "\e]2;${1}\a tab --> [${1}]" to fish and other shells. Would be more convenient and useful to have tab renaming out of the box.

minibiti commented 3 months ago

Hi, I am new to the Tilda party (mostly due to the Guake lack of proper support for dual screen), but renaming tabs is really a must I think. I use the "set title" trick from the command line, and it works well. Until I ssh into another host and then the tab is renamed to the prompt from the remote host. I running "set title" from there does not help! :P