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Calendar does not update daily #96

Closed egillespie closed 5 years ago

egillespie commented 5 years ago

I think the server-side rendering of the calendar on the page is very aggressively locking in the view of the calendar to the day that the most recent build ran.

For example, if I build and deploy the site on Tuesday, June 11th, the calendar correctly highlights the 11th on the calendar view for that day. However, if I return to the site on the 12th, the calendar still places an orange border/highlight around June 11th.

The calendar should accurately highlight the current date and show the subsequent three weeks worth of events at the very least whenever I refresh the page. In other words, a build/deployment should not be required to update the calendar.

egillespie commented 5 years ago

After a little research, it appears that the site is being built using prerendering and producing a completely static site:

Changing the mode to spa for now should resolve this, with a slight SEO and page load penalty.