lanthaler / JsonLD

JSON-LD processor for PHP
MIT License
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No expansion of JSON field with name "0" #102

Open frmichel opened 4 years ago

frmichel commented 4 years ago

Hi Markus,

Just found a very curious behaviour. I'm using JsonLD:toRDF to expand a JSON-LD file, but any field "0" seems to be ignored.


  "@context": { "@vocab": "" },

   "0": { "field0": "value0" },
   "1": { "field1": "value1" }


_:b0 <> _:b1 .
_:b1 <> "value1" .

Same thing if another field anywhere in the document is named "0", it is always sort of ignored. Have you seen that already? Any idea?


Thx, Franck.

dereuromark commented 3 years ago

Sounds like empty() usage somewhere where a more strict check would be good.