lantonov / asmFish

A continuation of the nice project asmFish by Mohammed Li. Latest version: 07.08.2019
118 stars 49 forks source link

asmFish vs Stockfish #66

Closed lantonov closed 7 years ago

lantonov commented 7 years ago

15000 games pgn file with depth 14 games played by ssj. Below are games in which SF wins and asmFish draws or loses, or SF draws and asmFish loses. First, 2 pairs of games in which SF wins and asmFish draws. The first pair was taken from the beginning of the pgn file and the second pair was taken from the end. It is interesting that although these pairs were so far apart and they belong to different openings, they are in fact the same as the openings are just transposed. All the moves of the second pair (excluding the transposed openings) are repeats of the first pair. A systematic search in the pgn file showed that there are 54 such pairs of exactly the same games. This means that the set of openings is limited and they repeat at more or less equal intervals. The different move is 58...Kf7 by SF vs 58...Nd1 by asmFish.

[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2017.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[White "asmFishW_2017-06-28_bmi2"]
[Black "stockfish_x64_bmi2_June21ultimaq"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "A04"]
[Opening "Reti Opening"]
[PlyCount "151"]
[TimeControl "inf"]

1. Nf3 {book} Nc6 {book} 2. e4 {book} e5 {book} 3. Bb5 {book} a6 {book}
4. Ba4 {book} Nf6 {book} 5. O-O {book} Be7 {book} 6. Re1 {book} b5 {book}
7. Bb3 {book} O-O {book} 8. d4 {book} d6 {-0.25/14 0.15s} 9. c3 {+0.16/14 0.12s}
Bg4 {-0.18/14 0.063s} 10. Be3 {+0.16/14 0.13s} Na5 {-0.25/14 0.14s}
11. Bc2 {+0.23/14 0.081s} Nc4 {-0.16/14 0.090s} 12. Bc1 {+0.27/14 0.062s}
Nd7 {-0.27/14 0.092s} 13. b3 {+0.27/14 0.055s} Ncb6 {-0.20/14 0.090s}
14. Be3 {+0.33/14 0.10s} exd4 {-0.17/14 0.11s} 15. cxd4 {+0.37/14 0.041s}
c5 {-0.08/14 0.11s} 16. Nbd2 {+0.11/14 0.15s} cxd4 {-0.08/14 0.039s}
17. Bxd4 {+0.11/14 0.037s} Bf6 {-0.04/14 0.027s} 18. Bxf6 {-0.07/14 0.030s}
Qxf6 {+0.11/14 0.025s} 19. h3 {-0.02/14 0.055s} Bh5 {+0.08/14 0.040s}
20. Qb1 {-0.13/14 0.12s} h6 {+0.17/14 0.13s} 21. a4 {-0.33/14 0.17s}
bxa4 {+0.06/14 0.036s} 22. bxa4 {-0.08/14 0.088s} Rac8 {+0.13/14 0.16s}
23. Ra3 {-0.08/14 0.049s} a5 {+0.09/14 0.11s} 24. Bd3 {-0.07/14 0.092s}
Bg6 {-0.04/14 0.11s} 25. Qa1 {-0.08/14 0.031s} Qxa1 {-0.04/14 0.012s}
26. Raxa1 {0.00/14 0.035s} Nc5 {-0.08/14 0.057s} 27. Bb5 {+0.02/14 0.029s}
Rc7 {-0.13/14 0.040s} 28. Nd4 {+0.06/14 0.083s} d5 {-0.13/14 0.080s}
29. exd5 {+0.10/14 0.039s} Nxd5 {-0.08/14 0.037s} 30. N2b3 {+0.14/14 0.041s}
Nxb3 {0.00/14 0.049s} 31. Nxb3 {+0.07/14 0.023s} Ra8 {0.00/14 0.004s}
32. Re8+ {+0.08/14 0.035s} Rxe8 {-0.04/14 0.020s} 33. Bxe8 {+0.08/14 0.001s}
Nf4 {0.00/14 0.027s} 34. Re1 {+0.08/14 0.019s} Nd3 {-0.08/14 0.027s}
35. Rf1 {+0.08/14 0.004s} Rc2 {-0.04/14 0.024s} 36. Bb5 {+0.10/14 0.026s}
Ra2 {-0.11/14 0.051s} 37. Nxa5 {+0.10/14 0.056s} Nc5 {-0.08/14 0.015s}
38. Nc6 {+0.10/14 0.056s} Nxa4 {-0.11/14 0.011s} 39. Ne7+ {+0.10/14 0.017s}
Kh7 {-0.18/14 0.043s} 40. Nxg6 {+0.09/14 0.037s} fxg6 {-0.09/14 0.024s}
41. Rc1 {+0.24/14 0.022s} Nb6 {-0.12/14 0.028s} 42. Rd1 {+0.12/14 0.034s}
Rb2 {-0.09/14 0.046s} 43. Bc6 {+0.24/14 0.027s} Nc4 {-0.11/14 0.023s}
44. Rd4 {+0.09/14 0.026s} Na3 {-0.41/14 0.063s} 45. g3 {+0.30/14 0.045s}
Nb1 {-0.26/14 0.15s} 46. Rd3 {+0.45/14 0.084s} Nd2 {-0.28/14 0.041s}
47. Kg2 {+0.51/14 0.025s} Nc4 {-0.31/14 0.10s} 48. Rd4 {+0.54/14 0.046s}
Ne3+ {-0.18/14 0.080s} 49. Kf3 {+0.58/14 0.012s} Nf5 {-0.28/14 0.022s}
50. Rd7 {+0.42/14 0.024s} Rb3+ {-0.15/14 0.018s} 51. Kf4 {+0.57/14 0.010s}
Rb2 {-0.57/14 0.029s} 52. f3 {+0.41/14 0.007s} Kg8 {-0.28/14 0.10s}
53. Bd5+ {+0.33/14 0.10s} Kf8 {-0.22/14 0.024s} 54. g4 {+0.31/14 0.034s}
Rb4+ {-0.08/14 0.022s} 55. Ke5 {+0.14/14 0.022s} Ke8 {-0.22/14 0.065s}
56. Rb7 {+0.28/14 0.017s} Rxb7 {-0.28/14 0.024s} 57. Bxb7 {+0.20/14 0.016s}
Ne3 {-0.16/14 0.017s} 58. f4 {+0.34/14 0.036s} Kf7 {-0.32/14 0.052s}
59. Ba6 {+0.21/14 0.014s} Nd1 {-0.32/14 0.020s} 60. Bc4+ {+0.23/14 0.012s}
Kf8 {-0.17/14 0.010s} 61. Be2 {+0.16/14 0.007s} Nf2 {-0.14/14 0.002s}
62. Bf1 {+0.15/14 0.012s} Nd1 {-0.11/14 0.004s} 63. Be2 {+0.18/14 0.014s}
Nf2 {-0.11/14 0.001s} 64. Bf1 {+0.31/14 0.003s} Nd1 {-0.10/14 0.002s}
65. h4 {+0.21/14 0.010s} Ne3 {-0.08/14 0.021s} 66. Bh3 {+0.08/14 0.007s}
Kf7 {-0.08/14 0.007s} 67. g5 {+0.15/14 0.011s} Ke7 {-0.08/14 0.032s}
68. Ke4 {+0.08/14 0.005s} Nc2 {-0.08/14 0.014s} 69. Bg2 {+0.08/14 0.003s}
Ne1 {-0.08/14 0.004s} 70. Bh1 {+0.08/14 0.001s} Ke6 {-0.08/14 0.012s}
71. Ke3 {+0.08/14 0.003s} hxg5 {-0.08/14 0.006s} 72. hxg5 {+0.08/14 0.010s}
Nc2+ {-0.08/14 0.011s} 73. Ke4 {+0.08/14 0.001s} Ne1 {-0.08/14 0.004s}
74. Ke3 {+0.08/14 0.003s} Nc2+ {0.00/14 0.002s} 75. Ke4 {0.00/14 0.004s}
Ne1 {0.00/14 0s} 76. Ke3 {0.00/14 0s, Draw by 3-fold repetition} 1/2-1/2

[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2017.07.02"]
[Round "1"]
[White "stockfish_x64_bmi2_June21ultimaq"]
[Black "asmFishW_2017-06-28_bmi2"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A04"]
[Opening "Reti Opening"]
[PlyCount "235"]
[TimeControl "inf"]

1. Nf3 {book} Nc6 {book} 2. e4 {book} e5 {book} 3. Bb5 {book} a6 {book}
4. Ba4 {book} Nf6 {book} 5. O-O {book} Be7 {book} 6. Re1 {book} b5 {book}
7. Bb3 {book} O-O {book} 8. d4 {book} d6 {-0.25/14 0.12s} 9. c3 {+0.16/14 0.14s}
Bg4 {-0.18/14 0.052s} 10. Be3 {+0.16/14 0.14s} Na5 {-0.25/14 0.12s}
11. Bc2 {+0.23/14 0.094s} Nc4 {-0.16/14 0.076s} 12. Bc1 {+0.27/14 0.075s}
Nd7 {-0.27/14 0.079s} 13. b3 {+0.27/14 0.065s} Ncb6 {-0.20/14 0.078s}
14. Be3 {+0.33/14 0.13s} exd4 {-0.17/14 0.090s} 15. cxd4 {+0.37/14 0.049s}
c5 {-0.08/14 0.094s} 16. Nbd2 {+0.11/14 0.18s} cxd4 {-0.08/14 0.033s}
17. Bxd4 {+0.11/14 0.044s} Bf6 {-0.04/14 0.022s} 18. Bxf6 {-0.07/14 0.037s}
Qxf6 {+0.11/14 0.021s} 19. h3 {-0.02/14 0.066s} Bh5 {+0.08/14 0.034s}
20. Qb1 {-0.13/14 0.13s} h6 {+0.17/14 0.11s} 21. a4 {-0.33/14 0.20s}
bxa4 {+0.06/14 0.029s} 22. bxa4 {-0.08/14 0.11s} Rac8 {+0.13/14 0.13s}
23. Ra3 {-0.08/14 0.061s} a5 {+0.09/14 0.084s} 24. Bd3 {-0.07/14 0.11s}
Bg6 {-0.04/14 0.096s} 25. Qa1 {-0.08/14 0.035s} Qxa1 {-0.04/14 0.009s}
26. Raxa1 {0.00/14 0.042s} Nc5 {-0.08/14 0.047s} 27. Bb5 {+0.02/14 0.036s}
Rc7 {-0.13/14 0.036s} 28. Nd4 {+0.06/14 0.096s} d5 {-0.13/14 0.068s}
29. exd5 {+0.10/14 0.050s} Nxd5 {-0.08/14 0.032s} 30. N2b3 {+0.14/14 0.050s}
Nxb3 {0.00/14 0.036s} 31. Nxb3 {+0.07/14 0.027s} Ra8 {0.00/14 0.003s}
32. Re8+ {+0.08/14 0.034s} Rxe8 {-0.04/14 0.016s} 33. Bxe8 {+0.08/14 0.001s}
Nf4 {0.00/14 0.023s} 34. Re1 {+0.08/14 0.024s} Nd3 {-0.08/14 0.022s}
35. Rf1 {+0.08/14 0.005s} Rc2 {-0.04/14 0.020s} 36. Bb5 {+0.10/14 0.028s}
Ra2 {-0.11/14 0.043s} 37. Nxa5 {+0.10/14 0.067s} Nc5 {-0.08/14 0.012s}
38. Nc6 {+0.10/14 0.072s} Nxa4 {-0.11/14 0.009s} 39. Ne7+ {+0.10/14 0.021s}
Kh7 {-0.18/14 0.034s} 40. Nxg6 {+0.09/14 0.045s} fxg6 {-0.09/14 0.020s}
41. Rc1 {+0.24/14 0.027s} Nb6 {-0.12/14 0.023s} 42. Rd1 {+0.12/14 0.043s}
Rb2 {-0.09/14 0.039s} 43. Bc6 {+0.24/14 0.032s} Nc4 {-0.11/14 0.018s}
44. Rd4 {+0.09/14 0.031s} Na3 {-0.41/14 0.053s} 45. g3 {+0.30/14 0.055s}
Nb1 {-0.26/14 0.13s} 46. Rd3 {+0.45/14 0.10s} Nd2 {-0.28/14 0.036s}
47. Kg2 {+0.51/14 0.030s} Nc4 {-0.31/14 0.084s} 48. Rd4 {+0.54/14 0.057s}
Ne3+ {-0.18/14 0.067s} 49. Kf3 {+0.58/14 0.017s} Nf5 {-0.28/14 0.018s}
50. Rd7 {+0.42/14 0.030s} Rb3+ {-0.15/14 0.014s} 51. Kf4 {+0.57/14 0.012s}
Rb2 {-0.57/14 0.024s} 52. f3 {+0.41/14 0.009s} Kg8 {-0.28/14 0.086s}
53. Bd5+ {+0.33/14 0.13s} Kf8 {-0.22/14 0.019s} 54. g4 {+0.31/14 0.042s}
Rb4+ {-0.08/14 0.018s} 55. Ke5 {+0.14/14 0.028s} Ke8 {-0.22/14 0.057s}
56. Rb7 {+0.28/14 0.020s} Rxb7 {-0.28/14 0.019s} 57. Bxb7 {+0.20/14 0.019s}
Ne3 {-0.16/14 0.013s} 58. f4 {+0.34/14 0.043s} Nd1 {-0.17/14 0.088s}
59. g5 {+0.25/14 0.060s} Nf2 {-0.53/14 0.024s} 60. Bg2 {+0.37/14 0.006s}
Nd3+ {-0.48/14 0.007s} 61. Ke4 {+0.28/14 0.007s} Ne1 {-0.50/14 0.006s}
62. Bh1 {+0.23/14 0.005s} Kf7 {-0.42/14 0.007s} 63. Kd4 {+0.52/14 0.011s}
Nc2+ {-0.79/14 0.014s} 64. Kd3 {+0.62/14 0.010s} Na3 {-0.64/14 0.002s}
65. Bd5+ {+0.45/14 0.034s} Ke7 {-0.58/14 0.002s} 66. Be4 {+0.36/14 0.008s}
Kf7 {-0.50/14 0.008s} 67. Kd4 {+0.58/14 0.006s} Nb5+ {-0.83/14 0.009s}
68. Ke5 {+0.38/14 0.007s} Nc3 {-0.74/14 0.008s} 69. Bc2 {+0.58/14 0.007s}
Ne2 {-0.55/14 0.016s} 70. h4 {+0.39/14 0.030s} Nc3 {-0.45/14 0.010s}
71. Bb3+ {+0.70/14 0.013s} Ke7 {-0.31/14 0.006s} 72. Bc2 {+0.54/14 0.006s}
Kf7 {-0.33/14 0.007s} 73. Bd3 {+0.32/14 0.011s} Na4 {-0.54/14 0.007s}
74. Kd6 {+0.69/14 0.011s} Nb6 {-0.58/14 0.014s} 75. Ba6 {+0.58/14 0.007s}
Na4 {-0.66/14 0.003s} 76. Bc4+ {+0.50/14 0.009s} Kf8 {-0.50/14 0.003s}
77. Bb5 {+0.48/14 0.009s} Nc3 {-0.50/14 0.001s} 78. Bd3 {+0.31/14 0.005s}
Kf7 {-0.50/14 0s} 79. Bc4+ {+0.31/14 0.005s} Kf8 {-0.45/14 0.003s}
80. Bd3 {+0.63/14 0.004s} Kf7 {-0.45/14 0s} 81. Bc4+ {+0.29/14 0.007s}
Kf8 {-0.45/14 0s} 82. Ke6 {+0.28/14 0.002s} Ne4 {-0.45/14 0.005s}
83. Bb5 {+0.28/14 0.008s} Nc5+ {-0.45/14 0.014s} 84. Kd6 {+0.22/14 0.003s}
Nb7+ {-0.45/14 0.003s} 85. Kc6 {+0.57/14 0.017s} Na5+ {-0.64/14 0.010s}
86. Kd6 {+0.72/14 0.005s} Nb3 {-0.45/14 0.004s} 87. Bd3 {+0.91/14 0.010s}
Nd4 {-1.23/14 0.011s} 88. Bxg6 {+0.90/14 0.005s} Nf3 {-1.07/14 0.002s}
89. Be4 {+0.92/14 0.009s} Nxh4 {-0.78/14 0.003s} 90. g6 {+1.21/14 0.009s}
h5 {-1.01/14 0.005s} 91. Kd7 {+1.52/14 0.006s} Nxg6 {-1.33/14 0.002s}
92. Bxg6 {+1.42/14 0.004s} h4 {-1.50/14 0.003s} 93. Bf5 {+1.76/14 0.003s}
Kf7 {-2.17/14 0.008s} 94. Bg4 {+2.05/14 0.007s} Kf6 {-2.13/14 0.002s}
95. Ke8 {+2.20/14 0.004s} Kg6 {-2.21/14 0.003s} 96. Ke7 {+2.50/14 0.003s}
Kh6 {-2.33/14 0.001s} 97. Kf7 {+2.66/14 0.005s} Kh7 {-2.33/14 0.001s}
98. Ke6 {+2.66/14 0.002s} Kg6 {-2.33/14 0.001s} 99. Ke5 {+2.66/14 0.002s}
h3 {-2.80/14 0.008s} 100. Bxh3 {+3.30/14 0.007s} Kh5 {-3.66/14 0.008s}
101. Kf5 {+3.73/14 0.005s} Kh6 {-4.00/14 0.002s} 102. Bg4 {+3.85/14 0.002s}
Kh7 {-4.02/14 0.005s} 103. Kg5 {+4.14/14 0.003s} Kg8 {-4.16/14 0.001s}
104. Kg6 {+13.16/14 0.004s} Kh8 {-13.19/14 0.002s} 105. Bf3 {+13.54/14 0.001s}
Kg8 {-13.58/14 0.001s} 106. Be4 {+50.95/14 0.002s} Kh8 {-50.87/14 0.001s}
107. Kf7 {+51.11/14 0.004s} g6 {-50.91/14 0.005s} 108. Kxg6 {+54.44/14 0.004s}
Kg8 {-54.36/14 0.006s} 109. f5 {+54.44/14 0.004s} Kf8 {-M20/14 0.003s}
110. f6 {+54.52/14 0.006s} Kg8 {-M16/14 0.001s} 111. f7+ {+M23/14 0.001s}
Kf8 {-M14/14 0.001s} 112. Bf3 {+M13/14 0.004s} Ke7 {-M12/14 0.002s}
113. Kg7 {+M11/14 0.003s} Kd6 {-M10/14 0.001s} 114. f8=Q+ {+M9/14 0.002s}
Kd7 {-M8/14 0.001s} 115. Qc5 {+M7/14 0.003s} Ke8 {-M6/14 0s}
116. Bg4 {+M5/14 0.001s} Kd8 {-M4/14 0s} 117. Kf6 {+M3/14 0.001s}
Ke8 {-M2/14 0s} 118. Qe7# {+M1/14 0s, White mates} 1-0
[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2017.07.03"]
[Round "1"]
[White "asmFishW_2017-06-28_bmi2"]
[Black "stockfish_x64_bmi2_June21ultimaq"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C88"]
[Opening "Ruy Lopez"]
[PlyCount "151"]
[TimeControl "inf"]
[Variation "Closed, 7...O-O"]

1. e4 {book} e5 {book} 2. Nf3 {book} Nc6 {book} 3. Bb5 {book} a6 {book}
4. Ba4 {book} Nf6 {book} 5. O-O {book} Be7 {book} 6. Re1 {book} b5 {book}
7. Bb3 {book} O-O {book} 8. d4 {book} d6 {-0.25/14 0.15s} 9. c3 {+0.16/14 0.12s}
Bg4 {-0.18/14 0.065s} 10. Be3 {+0.16/14 0.13s} Na5 {-0.25/14 0.14s}
11. Bc2 {+0.23/14 0.082s} Nc4 {-0.16/14 0.092s} 12. Bc1 {+0.27/14 0.064s}
Nd7 {-0.27/14 0.094s} 13. b3 {+0.27/14 0.055s} Ncb6 {-0.20/14 0.092s}
14. Be3 {+0.33/14 0.10s} exd4 {-0.17/14 0.11s} 15. cxd4 {+0.37/14 0.041s}
c5 {-0.08/14 0.12s} 16. Nbd2 {+0.11/14 0.16s} cxd4 {-0.08/14 0.044s}
17. Bxd4 {+0.11/14 0.041s} Bf6 {-0.04/14 0.028s} 18. Bxf6 {-0.07/14 0.030s}
Qxf6 {+0.11/14 0.028s} 19. h3 {-0.02/14 0.062s} Bh5 {+0.08/14 0.044s}
20. Qb1 {-0.13/14 0.11s} h6 {+0.17/14 0.14s} 21. a4 {-0.33/14 0.17s}
bxa4 {+0.06/14 0.038s} 22. bxa4 {-0.08/14 0.092s} Rac8 {+0.13/14 0.16s}
23. Ra3 {-0.08/14 0.051s} a5 {+0.09/14 0.11s} 24. Bd3 {-0.07/14 0.095s}
Bg6 {-0.04/14 0.12s} 25. Qa1 {-0.08/14 0.031s} Qxa1 {-0.04/14 0.012s}
26. Raxa1 {0.00/14 0.036s} Nc5 {-0.08/14 0.059s} 27. Bb5 {+0.02/14 0.029s}
Rc7 {-0.13/14 0.042s} 28. Nd4 {+0.06/14 0.083s} d5 {-0.13/14 0.082s}
29. exd5 {+0.10/14 0.041s} Nxd5 {-0.08/14 0.038s} 30. N2b3 {+0.14/14 0.043s}
Nxb3 {0.00/14 0.044s} 31. Nxb3 {+0.07/14 0.023s} Ra8 {0.00/14 0.004s}
32. Re8+ {+0.08/14 0.030s} Rxe8 {-0.04/14 0.021s} 33. Bxe8 {+0.08/14 0.001s}
Nf4 {0.00/14 0.029s} 34. Re1 {+0.08/14 0.020s} Nd3 {-0.08/14 0.028s}
35. Rf1 {+0.08/14 0.004s} Rc2 {-0.04/14 0.025s} 36. Bb5 {+0.10/14 0.023s}
Ra2 {-0.11/14 0.049s} 37. Nxa5 {+0.10/14 0.057s} Nc5 {-0.08/14 0.015s}
38. Nc6 {+0.10/14 0.059s} Nxa4 {-0.11/14 0.012s} 39. Ne7+ {+0.10/14 0.017s}
Kh7 {-0.18/14 0.040s} 40. Nxg6 {+0.09/14 0.037s} fxg6 {-0.09/14 0.024s}
41. Rc1 {+0.24/14 0.023s} Nb6 {-0.12/14 0.029s} 42. Rd1 {+0.12/14 0.034s}
Rb2 {-0.09/14 0.047s} 43. Bc6 {+0.24/14 0.026s} Nc4 {-0.11/14 0.023s}
44. Rd4 {+0.09/14 0.027s} Na3 {-0.41/14 0.067s} 45. g3 {+0.30/14 0.050s}
Nb1 {-0.26/14 0.15s} 46. Rd3 {+0.45/14 0.085s} Nd2 {-0.28/14 0.041s}
47. Kg2 {+0.51/14 0.025s} Nc4 {-0.31/14 0.10s} 48. Rd4 {+0.54/14 0.047s}
Ne3+ {-0.18/14 0.081s} 49. Kf3 {+0.58/14 0.013s} Nf5 {-0.28/14 0.022s}
50. Rd7 {+0.42/14 0.024s} Rb3+ {-0.15/14 0.018s} 51. Kf4 {+0.57/14 0.010s}
Rb2 {-0.57/14 0.029s} 52. f3 {+0.41/14 0.007s} Kg8 {-0.28/14 0.10s}
53. Bd5+ {+0.33/14 0.10s} Kf8 {-0.22/14 0.024s} 54. g4 {+0.31/14 0.034s}
Rb4+ {-0.08/14 0.022s} 55. Ke5 {+0.14/14 0.023s} Ke8 {-0.22/14 0.066s}
56. Rb7 {+0.28/14 0.017s} Rxb7 {-0.28/14 0.025s} 57. Bxb7 {+0.20/14 0.019s}
Ne3 {-0.16/14 0.021s} 58. f4 {+0.34/14 0.040s} Kf7 {-0.32/14 0.054s}
59. Ba6 {+0.21/14 0.015s} Nd1 {-0.32/14 0.021s} 60. Bc4+ {+0.23/14 0.012s}
Kf8 {-0.17/14 0.012s} 61. Be2 {+0.16/14 0.007s} Nf2 {-0.14/14 0.002s}
62. Bf1 {+0.15/14 0.012s} Nd1 {-0.11/14 0.004s} 63. Be2 {+0.18/14 0.015s}
Nf2 {-0.11/14 0.001s} 64. Bf1 {+0.31/14 0.003s} Nd1 {-0.10/14 0.002s}
65. h4 {+0.21/14 0.010s} Ne3 {-0.08/14 0.022s} 66. Bh3 {+0.08/14 0.008s}
Kf7 {-0.08/14 0.006s} 67. g5 {+0.15/14 0.013s} Ke7 {-0.08/14 0.033s}
68. Ke4 {+0.08/14 0.005s} Nc2 {-0.08/14 0.014s} 69. Bg2 {+0.08/14 0.003s}
Ne1 {-0.08/14 0.004s} 70. Bh1 {+0.08/14 0.001s} Ke6 {-0.08/14 0.012s}
71. Ke3 {+0.08/14 0.003s} hxg5 {-0.08/14 0.006s} 72. hxg5 {+0.08/14 0.011s}
Nc2+ {-0.08/14 0.011s} 73. Ke4 {+0.08/14 0.001s} Ne1 {-0.08/14 0.004s}
74. Ke3 {+0.08/14 0.003s} Nc2+ {0.00/14 0.002s} 75. Ke4 {0.00/14 0.004s}
Ne1 {0.00/14 0s} 76. Ke3 {0.00/14 0s, Draw by 3-fold repetition} 1/2-1/2

[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2017.07.03"]
[Round "1"]
[White "stockfish_x64_bmi2_June21ultimaq"]
[Black "asmFishW_2017-06-28_bmi2"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C88"]
[Opening "Ruy Lopez"]
[PlyCount "235"]
[TimeControl "inf"]
[Variation "Closed, 7...O-O"]

1. e4 {book} e5 {book} 2. Nf3 {book} Nc6 {book} 3. Bb5 {book} a6 {book}
4. Ba4 {book} Nf6 {book} 5. O-O {book} Be7 {book} 6. Re1 {book} b5 {book}
7. Bb3 {book} O-O {book} 8. d4 {book} d6 {-0.25/14 0.12s} 9. c3 {+0.16/14 0.14s}
Bg4 {-0.18/14 0.052s} 10. Be3 {+0.16/14 0.14s} Na5 {-0.25/14 0.12s}
11. Bc2 {+0.23/14 0.095s} Nc4 {-0.16/14 0.076s} 12. Bc1 {+0.27/14 0.074s}
Nd7 {-0.27/14 0.078s} 13. b3 {+0.27/14 0.065s} Ncb6 {-0.20/14 0.076s}
14. Be3 {+0.33/14 0.12s} exd4 {-0.17/14 0.090s} 15. cxd4 {+0.37/14 0.050s}
c5 {-0.08/14 0.093s} 16. Nbd2 {+0.11/14 0.18s} cxd4 {-0.08/14 0.032s}
17. Bxd4 {+0.11/14 0.046s} Bf6 {-0.04/14 0.022s} 18. Bxf6 {-0.07/14 0.036s}
Qxf6 {+0.11/14 0.021s} 19. h3 {-0.02/14 0.066s} Bh5 {+0.08/14 0.033s}
20. Qb1 {-0.13/14 0.13s} h6 {+0.17/14 0.12s} 21. a4 {-0.33/14 0.20s}
bxa4 {+0.06/14 0.030s} 22. bxa4 {-0.08/14 0.11s} Rac8 {+0.13/14 0.13s}
23. Ra3 {-0.08/14 0.061s} a5 {+0.09/14 0.089s} 24. Bd3 {-0.07/14 0.11s}
Bg6 {-0.04/14 0.10s} 25. Qa1 {-0.08/14 0.038s} Qxa1 {-0.04/14 0.010s}
26. Raxa1 {0.00/14 0.043s} Nc5 {-0.08/14 0.050s} 27. Bb5 {+0.02/14 0.036s}
Rc7 {-0.13/14 0.035s} 28. Nd4 {+0.06/14 0.10s} d5 {-0.13/14 0.069s}
29. exd5 {+0.10/14 0.049s} Nxd5 {-0.08/14 0.033s} 30. N2b3 {+0.14/14 0.052s}
Nxb3 {0.00/14 0.037s} 31. Nxb3 {+0.07/14 0.028s} Ra8 {0.00/14 0.003s}
32. Re8+ {+0.08/14 0.035s} Rxe8 {-0.04/14 0.017s} 33. Bxe8 {+0.08/14 0.001s}
Nf4 {0.00/14 0.023s} 34. Re1 {+0.08/14 0.024s} Nd3 {-0.08/14 0.023s}
35. Rf1 {+0.08/14 0.005s} Rc2 {-0.04/14 0.020s} 36. Bb5 {+0.10/14 0.027s}
Ra2 {-0.11/14 0.040s} 37. Nxa5 {+0.10/14 0.066s} Nc5 {-0.08/14 0.012s}
38. Nc6 {+0.10/14 0.068s} Nxa4 {-0.11/14 0.009s} 39. Ne7+ {+0.10/14 0.021s}
Kh7 {-0.18/14 0.033s} 40. Nxg6 {+0.09/14 0.044s} fxg6 {-0.09/14 0.020s}
41. Rc1 {+0.24/14 0.026s} Nb6 {-0.12/14 0.023s} 42. Rd1 {+0.12/14 0.041s}
Rb2 {-0.09/14 0.039s} 43. Bc6 {+0.24/14 0.032s} Nc4 {-0.11/14 0.018s}
44. Rd4 {+0.09/14 0.031s} Na3 {-0.41/14 0.052s} 45. g3 {+0.30/14 0.055s}
Nb1 {-0.26/14 0.13s} 46. Rd3 {+0.45/14 0.10s} Nd2 {-0.28/14 0.035s}
47. Kg2 {+0.51/14 0.031s} Nc4 {-0.31/14 0.083s} 48. Rd4 {+0.54/14 0.056s}
Ne3+ {-0.18/14 0.067s} 49. Kf3 {+0.58/14 0.015s} Nf5 {-0.28/14 0.018s}
50. Rd7 {+0.42/14 0.030s} Rb3+ {-0.15/14 0.015s} 51. Kf4 {+0.57/14 0.012s}
Rb2 {-0.57/14 0.024s} 52. f3 {+0.41/14 0.009s} Kg8 {-0.28/14 0.086s}
53. Bd5+ {+0.33/14 0.13s} Kf8 {-0.22/14 0.020s} 54. g4 {+0.31/14 0.042s}
Rb4+ {-0.08/14 0.018s} 55. Ke5 {+0.14/14 0.028s} Ke8 {-0.22/14 0.055s}
56. Rb7 {+0.28/14 0.021s} Rxb7 {-0.28/14 0.020s} 57. Bxb7 {+0.20/14 0.019s}
Ne3 {-0.16/14 0.014s} 58. f4 {+0.34/14 0.044s} Nd1 {-0.17/14 0.089s}
59. g5 {+0.25/14 0.058s} Nf2 {-0.53/14 0.024s} 60. Bg2 {+0.37/14 0.006s}
Nd3+ {-0.48/14 0.007s} 61. Ke4 {+0.28/14 0.007s} Ne1 {-0.50/14 0.006s}
62. Bh1 {+0.23/14 0.005s} Kf7 {-0.42/14 0.007s} 63. Kd4 {+0.52/14 0.011s}
Nc2+ {-0.79/14 0.014s} 64. Kd3 {+0.62/14 0.010s} Na3 {-0.64/14 0.002s}
65. Bd5+ {+0.45/14 0.034s} Ke7 {-0.58/14 0.002s} 66. Be4 {+0.36/14 0.008s}
Kf7 {-0.50/14 0.008s} 67. Kd4 {+0.58/14 0.006s} Nb5+ {-0.83/14 0.009s}
68. Ke5 {+0.38/14 0.007s} Nc3 {-0.74/14 0.008s} 69. Bc2 {+0.58/14 0.007s}
Ne2 {-0.55/14 0.016s} 70. h4 {+0.39/14 0.029s} Nc3 {-0.45/14 0.010s}
71. Bb3+ {+0.70/14 0.013s} Ke7 {-0.31/14 0.006s} 72. Bc2 {+0.54/14 0.006s}
Kf7 {-0.33/14 0.007s} 73. Bd3 {+0.32/14 0.011s} Na4 {-0.54/14 0.007s}
74. Kd6 {+0.69/14 0.011s} Nb6 {-0.58/14 0.014s} 75. Ba6 {+0.58/14 0.007s}
Na4 {-0.66/14 0.003s} 76. Bc4+ {+0.50/14 0.009s} Kf8 {-0.50/14 0.003s}
77. Bb5 {+0.48/14 0.009s} Nc3 {-0.50/14 0.001s} 78. Bd3 {+0.31/14 0.005s}
Kf7 {-0.50/14 0s} 79. Bc4+ {+0.31/14 0.005s} Kf8 {-0.45/14 0.003s}
80. Bd3 {+0.63/14 0.004s} Kf7 {-0.45/14 0s} 81. Bc4+ {+0.29/14 0.007s}
Kf8 {-0.45/14 0s} 82. Ke6 {+0.28/14 0.002s} Ne4 {-0.45/14 0.005s}
83. Bb5 {+0.28/14 0.008s} Nc5+ {-0.45/14 0.014s} 84. Kd6 {+0.22/14 0.003s}
Nb7+ {-0.45/14 0.003s} 85. Kc6 {+0.57/14 0.017s} Na5+ {-0.64/14 0.010s}
86. Kd6 {+0.72/14 0.005s} Nb3 {-0.45/14 0.004s} 87. Bd3 {+0.91/14 0.010s}
Nd4 {-1.23/14 0.011s} 88. Bxg6 {+0.90/14 0.005s} Nf3 {-1.07/14 0.002s}
89. Be4 {+0.92/14 0.009s} Nxh4 {-0.78/14 0.003s} 90. g6 {+1.21/14 0.009s}
h5 {-1.01/14 0.005s} 91. Kd7 {+1.52/14 0.006s} Nxg6 {-1.33/14 0.002s}
92. Bxg6 {+1.42/14 0.004s} h4 {-1.50/14 0.003s} 93. Bf5 {+1.76/14 0.003s}
Kf7 {-2.17/14 0.008s} 94. Bg4 {+2.05/14 0.007s} Kf6 {-2.13/14 0.002s}
95. Ke8 {+2.20/14 0.004s} Kg6 {-2.21/14 0.003s} 96. Ke7 {+2.50/14 0.003s}
Kh6 {-2.33/14 0.002s} 97. Kf7 {+2.66/14 0.005s} Kh7 {-2.33/14 0.001s}
98. Ke6 {+2.66/14 0.002s} Kg6 {-2.33/14 0.001s} 99. Ke5 {+2.66/14 0.002s}
h3 {-2.80/14 0.008s} 100. Bxh3 {+3.30/14 0.007s} Kh5 {-3.66/14 0.008s}
101. Kf5 {+3.73/14 0.006s} Kh6 {-4.00/14 0.002s} 102. Bg4 {+3.85/14 0.002s}
Kh7 {-4.02/14 0.004s} 103. Kg5 {+4.14/14 0.003s} Kg8 {-4.16/14 0.001s}
104. Kg6 {+13.16/14 0.004s} Kh8 {-13.19/14 0.002s} 105. Bf3 {+13.54/14 0.001s}
Kg8 {-13.58/14 0.001s} 106. Be4 {+50.95/14 0.002s} Kh8 {-50.87/14 0.001s}
107. Kf7 {+51.11/14 0.004s} g6 {-50.91/14 0.005s} 108. Kxg6 {+54.44/14 0.004s}
Kg8 {-54.36/14 0.006s} 109. f5 {+54.44/14 0.004s} Kf8 {-M20/14 0.003s}
110. f6 {+54.52/14 0.006s} Kg8 {-M16/14 0.001s} 111. f7+ {+M23/14 0.001s}
Kf8 {-M14/14 0.001s} 112. Bf3 {+M13/14 0.004s} Ke7 {-M12/14 0.002s}
113. Kg7 {+M11/14 0.003s} Kd6 {-M10/14 0.001s} 114. f8=Q+ {+M9/14 0.002s}
Kd7 {-M8/14 0.001s} 115. Qc5 {+M7/14 0.002s} Ke8 {-M6/14 0s}
116. Bg4 {+M5/14 0.001s} Kd8 {-M4/14 0s} 117. Kf6 {+M3/14 0s} Ke8 {-M2/14 0s}
118. Qe7# {+M1/14 0s, White mates} 1-0
lantonov commented 7 years ago

A different pair of games in which asmFish draws and SF wins. This pair is repeated 77 times in the pgn. The different moves are 37. Rxb5 by asmFish vs 37. Rd5 by SF.

[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2017.07.03"]
[Round "1"]
[White "asmFishW_2017-06-28_bmi2"]
[Black "stockfish_x64_bmi2_June21ultimaq"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C42"]
[Opening "Petrov"]
[PlyCount "400"]
[TimeControl "inf"]
[Variation "Classical attack"]

1. e4 {book} e5 {book} 2. Nf3 {book} Nf6 {book} 3. Nxe5 {book} d6 {book}
4. Nf3 {book} Nxe4 {book} 5. d4 {book} d5 {book} 6. Bd3 {book} Nc6 {book}
7. O-O {book} Be7 {book} 8. c4 {book} Nb4 {book} 9. cxd5 {+0.60/14 0.090s}
Nxd3 {-0.70/14 0.12s} 10. Qxd3 {+0.68/14 0.049s} Nd6 {-0.74/14 0.086s}
11. Bf4 {+0.69/14 0.060s} Bf5 {-0.83/14 0.085s} 12. Qb3 {+0.81/14 0.039s}
g5 {-0.62/14 0.17s} 13. Be5 {+0.69/14 0.090s} O-O {-0.62/14 0.10s}
14. Nc3 {+0.59/14 0.098s} Rb8 {-0.85/14 0.21s} 15. h3 {+0.71/14 0.097s}
Re8 {-0.85/14 0.25s} 16. Rfe1 {+0.77/14 0.13s} a6 {-0.77/14 0.080s}
17. Nd2 {+0.79/14 0.068s} f6 {-0.82/14 0.22s} 18. Bh2 {+0.76/14 0.093s}
b6 {-0.93/14 0.22s} 19. Re2 {+0.92/14 0.20s} Bf8 {-0.78/14 0.14s}
20. Re3 {+0.92/14 0.043s} Kg7 {-1.00/14 0.16s} 21. Rae1 {+0.79/14 0.18s}
Bg6 {-0.75/14 0.26s} 22. Qd1 {+0.87/14 0.20s} Nb5 {-0.92/14 0.17s}
23. Rxe8 {+1.13/14 0.090s} Bxe8 {-1.34/14 0.16s} 24. f4 {+0.97/14 0.12s}
gxf4 {-1.48/14 0.13s} 25. Qg4+ {+1.25/14 0.15s} Bg6 {-1.06/14 0.090s}
26. Qxf4 {+1.22/14 0.021s} Rb7 {-0.92/14 0.13s} 27. Nxb5 {+0.92/14 0.065s}
axb5 {-0.67/14 0.049s} 28. Ne4 {+0.91/14 0.056s} Ra7 {-1.43/14 0.14s}
29. Bg3 {+1.12/14 0.12s} Rxa2 {-1.21/14 0.13s} 30. Qxc7+ {+0.93/14 0.077s}
Qxc7 {-0.75/14 0.042s} 31. Bxc7 {+0.85/14 0.014s} Rxb2 {-1.50/14 0.042s}
32. d6 {+0.92/14 0.048s} Bf5 {-1.15/14 0.011s} 33. g4 {+1.19/14 0.038s}
Bc8 {-1.47/14 0.019s} 34. Rf1 {+1.33/14 0.021s} f5 {-0.87/14 0.039s}
35. Ng3 {+1.04/14 0.050s} Rd2 {-0.95/14 0.14s} 36. Rxf5 {+1.35/14 0.024s}
Kg8 {-1.31/14 0.16s} 37. Rxb5 {+0.85/14 0.098s} Rxd4 {-1.00/14 0.31s}
38. Rxb6 {+0.93/14 0.13s} Bd7 {-1.02/14 0.090s} 39. Kf2 {+1.03/14 0.074s}
Bg7 {-1.05/14 0.22s} 40. Nf5 {+1.01/14 0.094s} Rd3 {-1.74/14 0.30s}
41. Rb7 {+0.97/14 0.15s} Bf8 {-1.48/14 0.16s} 42. Ke2 {+1.31/14 0.062s}
Rd5 {-1.55/14 0.086s} 43. Rb8 {+1.42/14 0.033s} Kf7 {-1.49/14 0.052s}
44. Rd8 {+1.40/14 0.047s} Bb5+ {-1.48/14 0.038s} 45. Ke3 {+1.56/14 0.027s}
Bg7 {-1.40/14 0.014s} 46. Nxg7 {+1.56/14 0.002s} Kxg7 {-1.47/14 0.026s}
47. Kf4 {+1.43/14 0.050s} Bc6 {-1.25/14 0.091s} 48. h4 {+1.41/14 0.045s}
Kf7 {-1.26/14 0.046s} 49. h5 {+1.55/14 0.015s} Rb5 {-1.46/14 0.13s}
50. Rh8 {+1.38/14 0.018s} Kg7 {-1.50/14 0.014s} 51. Rd8 {+1.38/14 0.005s}
Kf7 {-1.57/14 0.003s} 52. d7 {+1.38/14 0.014s} Rd5 {-1.39/14 0.017s}
53. Rh8 {+1.35/14 0.009s} Rd4+ {-1.33/14 0.015s} 54. Kg3 {+1.34/14 0.005s}
Bxd7 {-1.33/14 0.002s} 55. Rxh7+ {+1.34/14 0.015s} Kg8 {-1.33/14 0.002s}
56. Rg7+ {+1.34/14 0.001s} Kxg7 {-1.33/14 0.001s} 57. Be5+ {+1.34/14 0s}
Kh7 {-1.33/14 0.001s} 58. Bxd4 {+1.34/14 0s} Ba4 {-1.33/14 0.002s}
59. Kh4 {+1.34/14 0.002s} Bd1 {-1.26/14 0.004s} 60. Be3 {+1.29/14 0.003s}
Be2 {-1.26/14 0.002s} 61. Bd4 {+1.23/14 0.002s} Bd3 {-1.26/14 0.001s}
62. Be5 {+1.23/14 0.001s} Bc2 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 63. Bg3 {+1.23/14 0.001s}
Be4 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 64. Bd6 {+1.23/14 0s} Bd3 {-1.26/14 0.001s}
65. Bg3 {+1.23/14 0.001s} Be2 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 66. Bc7 {+1.23/14 0.001s}
Bd3 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 67. Bd6 {+1.23/14 0s} Be4 {-1.26/14 0.001s}
68. Bg3 {+1.23/14 0s} Bd3 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 69. Be5 {+1.23/14 0s}
Bc2 {-1.26/14 0s} 70. Bc3 {+1.23/14 0s} Bd3 {-1.26/14 0.001s}
71. Bf6 {+1.23/14 0s} Be4 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 72. Bd4 {+1.23/14 0.001s}
Bd3 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 73. Bc3 {+1.23/14 0s} Bc2 {-1.26/14 0s}
74. Bf6 {+1.23/14 0.001s} Be4 {-1.26/14 0s} 75. Kg5 {+1.23/14 0s}
Bd3 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 76. Be5 {+1.20/14 0.001s} Be2 {-1.26/14 0.001s}
77. Bf4 {+1.12/14 0.001s} Bb5 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 78. Bc7 {+1.12/14 0.001s}
Bd3 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 79. Be5 {+1.04/14 0.002s} Be2 {-1.26/14 0s}
80. Bc3 {+1.16/14 0.001s} Bd3 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 81. Kh4 {+1.04/14 0.003s}
Bb5 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 82. Kg5 {+1.04/14 0.001s} Bd3 {-1.26/14 0s}
83. Bd4 {+1.04/14 0s} Bc2 {-1.26/14 0s} 84. Ba1 {+1.04/14 0.001s}
Bb3 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 85. Bc3 {+1.04/14 0.001s} Bc2 {-1.26/14 0.001s}
86. Bd2 {+1.04/14 0s} Bd3 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 87. Bc3 {+1.04/14 0s}
Be2 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 88. Bd4 {+1.04/14 0s} Bd3 {-1.26/14 0s}
89. Be3 {+1.04/14 0s} Be2 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 90. Bf2 {+1.04/14 0s}
Bd3 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 91. Bg3 {+1.04/14 0s} Be2 {-1.26/14 0s}
92. Be5 {+1.04/14 0s} Bc4 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 93. Bf6 {+1.04/14 0s}
Be2 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 94. Bd4 {+1.04/14 0s} Bd3 {-1.26/14 0s}
95. Be3 {+1.04/14 0s} Be2 {-1.26/14 0s} 96. Kh4 {+1.05/14 0.001s}
Bd3 {-1.26/14 0.001s} 97. Bd2 {+1.04/14 0.001s} Be4 {-1.26/14 0.001s}
98. Kg3 {+1.04/14 0.001s} Bc2 {-1.26/14 0.002s} 99. Be3 {+1.04/14 0.001s}
Bd3 {-1.25/14 0.003s} 100. Kf3 {+1.04/14 0.001s} Bc2 {-1.25/14 0.002s}
101. Kg3 {+1.04/14 0.001s} Bd3 {-1.21/14 0.001s} 102. Kf2 {+0.97/14 0.003s}
Bc2 {-1.16/14 0.002s} 103. Ke2 {+0.97/14 0s} Be4 {-0.98/14 0.012s}
104. Kf2 {+0.97/14 0.019s} Bc2 {-0.77/14 0.005s} 105. Bd2 {+1.28/14 0.002s}
Bd1 {-0.43/14 0.010s} 106. Kg3 {+1.06/14 0.001s} Be2 {-0.95/14 0.002s}
107. Kh4 {+0.97/14 0.002s} Bd3 {-0.95/14 0.002s} 108. g5 {+0.97/14 0s}
Bf5 {-1.10/14 0.001s} 109. Bc1 {+0.95/14 0.001s} Bd3 {-0.95/14 0.002s}
110. Bf4 {+0.95/14 0.001s} Bc2 {-0.95/14 0.002s} 111. Be5 {+0.95/14 0.001s}
Bf5 {-0.95/14 0.002s} 112. Bf4 {+0.95/14 0s} Bd3 {-0.79/14 0.002s}
113. Bd2 {+0.87/14 0.001s} Be4 {-0.79/14 0.002s} 114. Kg4 {+0.87/14 0.001s}
Bd3 {-0.79/14 0.002s} 115. Kf3 {+0.87/14 0.001s} Bf5 {-0.79/14 0.002s}
116. Be3 {+0.87/14 0.001s} Bc2 {-0.79/14 0.001s} 117. Kg3 {+0.87/14 0.001s}
Bd3 {-0.79/14 0.001s} 118. Bc1 {+0.87/14 0.001s} Be4 {-0.79/14 0.001s}
119. Bf4 {+0.87/14 0.001s} Bf5 {-0.79/14 0.001s} 120. Be3 {+0.87/14 0s}
Bd3 {-0.79/14 0s} 121. Bc1 {+0.87/14 0s} Be4 {-0.79/14 0.002s}
122. Bf4 {+0.87/14 0s} Bf5 {-0.79/14 0.001s} 123. Kh4 {+0.87/14 0s}
Be4 {-0.79/14 0.001s} 124. Bc1 {+0.87/14 0s} Bc2 {-0.79/14 0.001s}
125. Bb2 {+0.87/14 0s} Bd3 {-0.79/14 0.002s} 126. Bc3 {+0.87/14 0.001s}
Bc2 {-0.79/14 0.001s} 127. Be5 {+0.87/14 0s} Bf5 {-0.79/14 0s}
128. Bd6 {+0.87/14 0s} Bc2 {-0.79/14 0.001s} 129. Bb8 {+0.87/14 0s}
Bd3 {-0.79/14 0.001s} 130. Bh2 {+0.87/14 0s} Be4 {-0.79/14 0.001s}
131. Bg3 {+0.87/14 0s} Bc2 {-0.79/14 0.001s} 132. Bc7 {+0.87/14 0s}
Bd3 {-0.79/14 0.001s} 133. Bd6 {+0.87/14 0s} Bc2 {-0.79/14 0.001s}
134. Bc5 {+0.87/14 0s} Bf5 {-0.79/14 0.001s} 135. Be3 {+0.87/14 0s}
Be4 {-0.79/14 0.001s} 136. Bf4 {+0.87/14 0s} Bc2 {-0.79/14 0.001s}
137. Bc1 {+0.87/14 0s} Bd3 {-0.79/14 0.001s} 138. Bb2 {+0.87/14 0s}
Be4 {-0.79/14 0.001s} 139. Bd4 {+0.87/14 0s} Bc2 {-0.79/14 0.001s}
140. Bf2 {+0.87/14 0s} Bd3 {-0.79/14 0.001s} 141. Bg3 {+0.87/14 0s}
Bc2 {-0.79/14 0.001s} 142. Bh2 {+0.87/14 0s} Bd3 {-0.79/14 0s}
143. Bg1 {+0.87/14 0s} Bf5 {-0.79/14 0.001s} 144. Bf2 {+0.87/14 0s}
Bc2 {-0.79/14 0.001s} 145. Bd4 {+0.87/14 0s} Bf5 {-0.79/14 0.002s}
146. Be5 {+0.87/14 0s} Bc2 {-0.79/14 0.002s} 147. Kg4 {+0.87/14 0s}
Bd1+ {-0.79/14 0.002s} 148. Kh4 {+0.87/14 0s} Bc2 {-0.79/14 0.001s}
149. Bd6 {+0.87/14 0s} Bd3 {-0.79/14 0.002s} 150. Ba3 {+0.87/14 0s}
Be4 {-0.79/14 0.002s} 151. Bb4 {+0.87/14 0s} Bf5 {-0.41/14 0.008s}
152. Kg3 {+0.72/14 0.012s} Bc2 {-0.63/14 0.009s} 153. Bd2 {+0.08/14 0.012s}
Bd3 {-0.08/14 0.010s} 154. Be3 {+0.08/14 0.002s} Bc2 {-0.08/14 0.003s}
155. Kf2 {+0.08/14 0.003s} Bd1 {-0.08/14 0.002s} 156. g6+ {+0.08/14 0.011s}
Kg7 {-0.08/14 0.011s} 157. Bd4+ {+0.08/14 0.004s} Kh6 {-0.08/14 0.001s}
158. g7 {+0.08/14 0.001s} Kh7 {-0.08/14 0.001s} 159. h6 {+0.08/14 0.004s}
Kg8 {-0.08/14 0.001s} 160. Bc3 {+0.08/14 0.002s} Bc2 {-0.08/14 0.001s}
161. Ke3 {+0.08/14 0.001s} Bb1 {-0.08/14 0.001s} 162. Kd2 {+0.08/14 0.001s}
Bh7 {-0.08/14 0.001s} 163. Ba1 {+0.08/14 0.001s} Bb1 {-0.08/14 0s}
164. Bf6 {+0.08/14 0s} Bh7 {-0.08/14 0.001s} 165. Kc3 {+0.08/14 0s}
Bb1 {-0.08/14 0.001s} 166. Kc4 {+0.08/14 0.001s} Bh7 {-0.08/14 0.001s}
167. Kb5 {+0.08/14 0.001s} Bb1 {-0.08/14 0.001s} 168. Ka5 {+0.08/14 0.001s}
Bh7 {-0.08/14 0.001s} 169. Kb4 {+0.08/14 0s} Bb1 {-0.08/14 0.001s}
170. Kc3 {+0.08/14 0s} Bh7 {-0.08/14 0.001s} 171. Kb4 {+0.08/14 0s}
Bb1 {-0.08/14 0s} 172. Bc3 {+0.08/14 0s} Bd3 {-0.08/14 0.001s}
173. Bd2 {+0.08/14 0.001s} Bf5 {-0.08/14 0.001s} 174. Bf4 {+0.08/14 0.001s}
Bd3 {-0.08/14 0.001s} 175. Bd2 {+0.08/14 0.001s} Bb1 {-0.08/14 0.001s}
176. Bf4 {+0.08/14 0s} Bf5 {-0.08/14 0.001s} 177. Bh2 {+0.08/14 0s}
Bb1 {-0.08/14 0.001s} 178. Bg1 {+0.08/14 0s} Bh7 {-0.08/14 0.001s}
179. Bh2 {+0.08/14 0s} Bb1 {-0.08/14 0s} 180. Bf4 {+0.08/14 0s}
Bh7 {-0.08/14 0.001s} 181. Bd2 {+0.08/14 0.001s} Bb1 {-0.08/14 0s}
182. Bc1 {+0.08/14 0s} Kh7 {-0.08/14 0.007s} 183. Bf4 {+0.08/14 0.002s}
Bg6 {-0.08/14 0.003s} 184. Ka5 {+0.08/14 0.002s} Bf7 {-0.08/14 0.003s}
185. Bg3 {+0.08/14 0.025s} Kxh6 {-0.08/14 0.026s} 186. Be5 {+0.08/14 0.012s}
Kh7 {-0.08/14 0.027s} 187. Kb6 {+0.08/14 0.024s} Kg8 {0.00/14 0.034s}
188. Bc3 {+0.08/14 0.001s} Bg6 {-0.08/14 0.018s} 189. Kc7 {+0.08/14 0.003s}
Bd3 {-0.08/14 0.003s} 190. Kd6 {0.00/14 0.006s} Bb1 {-0.08/14 0.002s}
191. Ke6 {0.00/14 0.004s} Ba2+ {-0.08/14 0.003s} 192. Kd7 {0.00/14 0.006s}
Bb1 {-0.08/14 0.001s} 193. Kc7 {0.00/14 0s} Ba2 {-0.08/14 0.001s}
194. Kd6 {0.00/14 0.004s} Bb1 {-0.08/14 0s} 195. Ke7 {0.00/14 0.001s}
Ba2 {-0.08/14 0.001s} 196. Bd4 {0.00/14 0.002s} Bb3 {-0.08/14 0.003s}
197. Kd6 {0.00/14 0.003s} Bd1 {-0.08/14 0.010s} 198. Bc3 {0.00/14 0.002s}
Bc2 {-0.08/14 0.003s} 199. Kc7 {0.00/14 0s} Bf5 {0.00/14 0.008s}
200. Kd6 {0.00/14 0s} Bb1 {0.00/14 0s, Draw by 3-fold repetition} 1/2-1/2

[Event "My Tournament"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2017.07.03"]
[Round "1"]
[White "stockfish_x64_bmi2_June21ultimaq"]
[Black "asmFishW_2017-06-28_bmi2"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C42"]
[Opening "Petrov"]
[PlyCount "163"]
[TimeControl "inf"]
[Variation "Classical attack"]

1. e4 {book} e5 {book} 2. Nf3 {book} Nf6 {book} 3. Nxe5 {book} d6 {book}
4. Nf3 {book} Nxe4 {book} 5. d4 {book} d5 {book} 6. Bd3 {book} Nc6 {book}
7. O-O {book} Be7 {book} 8. c4 {book} Nb4 {book} 9. cxd5 {+0.60/14 0.11s}
Nxd3 {-0.70/14 0.099s} 10. Qxd3 {+0.68/14 0.058s} Nd6 {-0.74/14 0.071s}
11. Bf4 {+0.69/14 0.073s} Bf5 {-0.83/14 0.071s} 12. Qb3 {+0.81/14 0.048s}
g5 {-0.62/14 0.14s} 13. Be5 {+0.69/14 0.11s} O-O {-0.62/14 0.082s}
14. Nc3 {+0.59/14 0.12s} Rb8 {-0.85/14 0.18s} 15. h3 {+0.71/14 0.12s}
Re8 {-0.85/14 0.21s} 16. Rfe1 {+0.77/14 0.15s} a6 {-0.77/14 0.065s}
17. Nd2 {+0.79/14 0.083s} f6 {-0.82/14 0.18s} 18. Bh2 {+0.76/14 0.11s}
b6 {-0.93/14 0.18s} 19. Re2 {+0.92/14 0.25s} Bf8 {-0.78/14 0.11s}
20. Re3 {+0.92/14 0.053s} Kg7 {-1.00/14 0.13s} 21. Rae1 {+0.79/14 0.22s}
Bg6 {-0.75/14 0.22s} 22. Qd1 {+0.87/14 0.24s} Nb5 {-0.92/14 0.14s}
23. Rxe8 {+1.13/14 0.11s} Bxe8 {-1.34/14 0.13s} 24. f4 {+0.97/14 0.15s}
gxf4 {-1.48/14 0.11s} 25. Qg4+ {+1.25/14 0.18s} Bg6 {-1.06/14 0.074s}
26. Qxf4 {+1.22/14 0.026s} Rb7 {-0.92/14 0.11s} 27. Nxb5 {+0.92/14 0.080s}
axb5 {-0.67/14 0.040s} 28. Ne4 {+0.91/14 0.069s} Ra7 {-1.43/14 0.11s}
29. Bg3 {+1.12/14 0.15s} Rxa2 {-1.21/14 0.11s} 30. Qxc7+ {+0.93/14 0.095s}
Qxc7 {-0.75/14 0.035s} 31. Bxc7 {+0.85/14 0.017s} Rxb2 {-1.50/14 0.035s}
32. d6 {+0.92/14 0.058s} Bf5 {-1.15/14 0.009s} 33. g4 {+1.19/14 0.046s}
Bc8 {-1.47/14 0.015s} 34. Rf1 {+1.33/14 0.026s} f5 {-0.87/14 0.032s}
35. Ng3 {+1.04/14 0.061s} Rd2 {-0.95/14 0.11s} 36. Rxf5 {+1.35/14 0.030s}
Kg8 {-1.31/14 0.13s} 37. Rd5 {+1.45/14 0.068s} Bd7 {-1.48/14 0.025s}
38. Ne4 {+1.22/14 0.022s} Rd1+ {-1.33/14 0.019s} 39. Kh2 {+1.42/14 0.019s}
Bg7 {-1.33/14 0.003s} 40. Bxb6 {+1.25/14 0.028s} Kf7 {-1.42/14 0.009s}
41. Nc5 {+1.40/14 0.030s} Ke8 {-1.58/14 0.012s} 42. Nxd7 {+1.62/14 0.020s}
Kxd7 {-1.77/14 0.014s} 43. Rxb5 {+1.59/14 0.006s} Kxd6 {-1.70/14 0.009s}
44. Rh5 {+1.75/14 0.030s} Ke6 {-1.83/14 0.015s} 45. Kg3 {+2.00/14 0.036s}
Bxd4 {-2.23/14 0.045s} 46. Bxd4 {+2.02/14 0.002s} Rxd4 {-2.23/14 0.003s}
47. Rxh7 {+2.00/14 0.002s} Kf6 {-2.27/14 0.007s} 48. h4 {+2.18/14 0.014s}
Rd3+ {-2.33/14 0.016s} 49. Kf4 {+2.25/14 0.006s} Rd4+ {-2.41/14 0.012s}
50. Kf3 {+2.36/14 0.028s} Rd3+ {-2.34/14 0.015s} 51. Ke4 {+2.37/14 0.002s}
Ra3 {-2.45/14 0.008s} 52. g5+ {+2.44/14 0.016s} Kg6 {-2.23/14 0.002s}
53. Rh6+ {+2.44/14 0.002s} Kg7 {-2.39/14 0.005s} 54. Kf4 {+2.65/14 0.019s}
Ra4+ {-2.44/14 0.003s} 55. Kg3 {+2.65/14 0.001s} Ra1 {-2.44/14 0.001s}
56. Kg4 {+3.58/14 0.035s} Ra4+ {-2.44/14 0.001s} 57. Kh5 {+3.60/14 0.002s}
Ra5 {-2.58/14 0.005s} 58. Rg6+ {+4.25/14 0.033s} Kh7 {-2.71/14 0.008s}
59. Rb6 {+4.39/14 0.010s} Ra7 {-3.60/14 0.024s} 60. Rb4 {+4.96/14 0.014s}
Kg8 {-4.95/14 0.069s} 61. Kg4 {+4.84/14 0.014s} Ra2 {-6.71/14 0.037s}
62. h5 {+4.44/14 0.031s} Rg2+ {-5.27/14 0.010s} 63. Kf5 {+3.91/14 0.007s}
Ra2 {-4.81/14 0.004s} 64. g6 {+4.42/14 0.023s} Ra5+ {-5.47/14 0.017s}
65. Kf6 {+5.62/14 0.006s} Ra6+ {-4.66/14 0.003s} 66. Kg5 {+6.97/14 0.005s}
Ra5+ {-4.56/14 0.007s} 67. Kh6 {+7.59/14 0.004s} Ra8 {-4.56/14 0.002s}
68. Rb6 {+8.20/14 0.007s} Kh8 {-6.64/14 0.004s} 69. Kg5 {+5.00/14 0.009s}
Ra5+ {-41.34/14 0.020s} 70. Kf6 {+8.61/14 0.005s} Ra8 {-50.99/14 0.006s}
71. Rc6 {+50.75/14 0.021s} Rf8+ {-66.42/14 0.016s} 72. Kg5 {+50.95/14 0.003s}
Re8 {-M26/14 0.004s} 73. Rc5 {+66.30/14 0.009s} Kg7 {-M24/14 0.001s}
74. h6+ {+M21/14 0.009s} Kf8 {-M20/14 0.003s} 75. h7 {+M17/14 0.003s}
Ke7 {-M16/14 0.003s} 76. Re5+ {+M15/14 0.004s} Kd6 {-M14/14 0.002s}
77. Rxe8 {+M13/14 0.002s} Kc5 {-M12/14 0.004s} 78. h8=Q {+M11/14 0.007s}
Kb4 {-M10/14 0.004s} 79. Rc8 {+M7/14 0.003s} Kb3 {-M6/14 0.001s}
80. Qd8 {+M5/14 0.001s} Ka4 {-M4/14 0s} 81. Qb6 {+M3/14 0s} Ka3 {-M2/14 0s}
82. Ra8# {+M1/14 0s, White mates} 1-0
tthsqe12 commented 7 years ago

I'm going to need the hash size in order to reproduce this. Also, we should find pairs of differences between the most recent bug-corrected version with bench 5725676.

lantonov commented 7 years ago

AF (July 4) vs AF (July 4) or AF (July 4) vs SF (July 3) or both ? Hash is 16 (default)

0zymandia2 commented 7 years ago

Hash is 16 (default)

That's on the low side of things, for depth 14.

lantonov commented 7 years ago

AF vs AF (both July 4) 5000 games, depth 14 hash 16 -- result +1119 =2762 -1119, 2500 repeating game pairs, 0% different. AF (July 4) vs SF (July 3) 100 games, depth 14 hash 16 -- result +23 =55 -22 for SF, 2 non-repeating game pairs. First non-repeating both games in the pair are draws. Second non-repeating, SF vs AF is draw and AF vs SF is 0-1. The games start to differ at black move 25 where AF plays 25...Nd6 and SF plays 25...Kf8. This pair of games is given below:

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2017.07.07"]
[Round "19"]
[White "stockfish"]
[Black "asmfish"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppp2/7p/6p1/1P6/3P4/P1P1PPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -"]
[PlyCount "83"]
[SetUp "1"]
[TimeControl "inf"]

1. Bb2 {+0.33/14 0.29s} Nf6 {-0.33/14 0.21s} 2. Nd2 {+0.27/14 0.21s}
e5 {-0.27/14 0.15s} 3. a3 {+0.32/14 0.22s} d6 {-0.21/14 0.092s}
4. c4 {+0.34/14 0.13s} Bg7 {-0.30/14 0.16s} 5. e4 {+0.16/14 0.17s}
O-O {-0.24/14 0.18s} 6. Ne2 {+0.10/14 0.079s} Nc6 {-0.20/14 0.27s}
7. g3 {+0.19/14 0.17s} a5 {-0.16/14 0.078s} 8. b5 {+0.31/14 0.12s}
Ne7 {-0.33/14 0.083s} 9. Nc3 {+0.10/14 0.24s} Be6 {-0.09/14 0.33s}
10. h4 {0.00/14 0.12s} gxh4 {-0.21/14 0.11s} 11. Rxh4 {+0.16/14 0.26s}
c6 {-0.14/14 0.17s} 12. a4 {+0.31/14 0.62s} d5 {0.00/14 0.12s}
13. Bg2 {0.00/14 0.25s} d4 {0.00/14 0.23s} 14. Ne2 {0.00/14 0.020s}
c5 {0.00/14 0.11s} 15. Bc1 {-0.02/14 0.18s} Ng6 {-0.12/14 0.16s}
16. Rh1 {+0.10/14 0.088s} b6 {-0.27/14 0.094s} 17. Nf1 {+0.33/14 0.22s}
Qe7 {-0.33/14 0.25s} 18. Ra2 {+0.33/14 0.14s} Rfe8 {-0.27/14 0.11s}
19. f3 {+0.12/14 0.15s} Rad8 {-0.13/14 0.059s} 20. Bxh6 {+0.36/14 0.042s}
Bxh6 {-0.12/14 0.015s} 21. Rxh6 {+0.28/14 0.047s} Kg7 {0.00/14 0.007s}
22. Qd2 {+0.31/14 0.015s} Rh8 {0.00/14 0.063s} 23. Rxh8 {+0.32/14 0.10s}
Rxh8 {0.00/14 0s} 24. g4 {+0.19/14 0.14s} Ne8 {0.00/14 0.056s}
25. Kd1 {0.00/14 0.057s} Nd6 {0.00/14 0.038s} 26. Kc1 {-0.05/14 0.15s}
f6 {0.00/14 0.031s} 27. Qd1 {+0.21/14 0.28s} Kf7 {+0.02/14 0.12s}
28. Nfg3 {+0.32/14 0.055s} Nh4 {-0.16/14 0.063s} 29. Bh1 {+0.62/14 0.096s}
Qf8 {-0.12/14 0.054s} 30. Kb1 {+0.23/14 0.094s} Qh6 {-0.05/14 0.055s}
31. Nh5 {+0.12/14 0.047s} Nxc4 {+0.07/14 0.026s} 32. dxc4 {+0.33/14 0.057s}
Qe3 {+0.19/14 0.023s} 33. Nc1 {+0.37/14 0.077s} Bxc4 {-0.28/14 0.021s}
34. Qc2 {+0.21/14 0.060s} Be6 {-0.19/14 0.055s} 35. Qf2 {0.00/14 0.055s}
Ng6 {-0.47/14 0.10s} 36. Bg2 {+0.33/14 0.025s} Nf4 {0.00/14 0.021s}
37. Nxf4 {+0.20/14 0.030s} exf4 {0.00/14 0.002s} 38. Re2 {+0.39/14 0.039s}
Qa3 {-0.12/14 0.031s} 39. Rb2 {+0.18/14 0.029s} Qe3 {-0.12/14 0.017s}
40. Re2 {0.00/14 0.016s} Qa3 {0.00/14 0.015s} 41. Rb2 {0.00/14 0s}
Qe3 {0.00/14 0s} 42. Re2 {0.00/14 0s, Draw by 3-fold repetition} 1/2-1/2

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2017.07.07"]
[Round "20"]
[White "asmfish"]
[Black "stockfish"]
[Result "0-1"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppp2/7p/6p1/1P6/3P4/P1P1PPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -"]
[PlyCount "229"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[TimeControl "inf"]

1. Bb2 {+0.33/14 0.26s} Nf6 {-0.33/14 0.26s} 2. Nd2 {+0.27/14 0.17s}
e5 {-0.27/14 0.17s} 3. a3 {+0.32/14 0.18s} d6 {-0.21/14 0.11s}
4. c4 {+0.34/14 0.12s} Bg7 {-0.30/14 0.18s} 5. e4 {+0.16/14 0.14s}
O-O {-0.24/14 0.22s} 6. Ne2 {+0.10/14 0.077s} Nc6 {-0.20/14 0.32s}
7. g3 {+0.19/14 0.15s} a5 {-0.16/14 0.10s} 8. b5 {+0.31/14 0.085s}
Ne7 {-0.33/14 0.097s} 9. Nc3 {+0.10/14 0.20s} Be6 {-0.09/14 0.40s}
10. h4 {0.00/14 0.10s} gxh4 {-0.21/14 0.13s} 11. Rxh4 {+0.16/14 0.21s}
c6 {-0.14/14 0.19s} 12. a4 {+0.31/14 0.52s} d5 {0.00/14 0.14s}
13. Bg2 {0.00/14 0.21s} d4 {0.00/14 0.26s} 14. Ne2 {0.00/14 0.015s}
c5 {0.00/14 0.14s} 15. Bc1 {-0.02/14 0.15s} Ng6 {-0.12/14 0.18s}
16. Rh1 {+0.10/14 0.082s} b6 {-0.27/14 0.11s} 17. Nf1 {+0.33/14 0.19s}
Qe7 {-0.33/14 0.30s} 18. Ra2 {+0.33/14 0.11s} Rfe8 {-0.27/14 0.13s}
19. f3 {+0.12/14 0.12s} Rad8 {-0.13/14 0.075s} 20. Bxh6 {+0.36/14 0.036s}
Bxh6 {-0.12/14 0.026s} 21. Rxh6 {+0.28/14 0.029s} Kg7 {0.00/14 0.010s}
22. Qd2 {+0.31/14 0.020s} Rh8 {-0.06/14 0.084s} 23. Rxh8 {+0.32/14 0.079s}
Rxh8 {0.00/14 0.047s} 24. g4 {+0.19/14 0.11s} Ne8 {-0.02/14 0.14s}
25. Kd1 {0.00/14 0.065s} Kf8 {+0.09/14 0.10s} 26. Qe1 {-0.12/14 0.24s}
Nd6 {+0.15/14 0.18s} 27. Nfg3 {0.00/14 0.18s} Nh4 {0.00/14 0.15s}
28. Qf2 {-0.04/14 0.15s} Qg5 {0.00/14 0.25s} 29. Nf1 {0.00/14 0.16s}
Ke7 {+0.19/14 0.099s} 30. Neg3 {0.00/14 0.063s} Ng6 {+0.12/14 0.16s}
31. Nh5 {0.00/14 0.023s} f6 {0.00/14 0.069s} 32. Nfg3 {+0.04/14 0.18s}
Nh4 {0.00/14 0.084s} 33. Rc2 {+0.09/14 0.31s} Bf7 {-0.14/14 0.27s}
34. Re2 {+0.22/14 0.089s} Bxh5 {-0.07/14 0.18s} 35. Nxh5 {0.00/14 0.049s}
Ng6 {+0.25/14 0.031s} 36. Re1 {-0.19/14 0.033s} Nf4 {+0.37/14 0.036s}
37. Nxf4 {-0.20/14 0.016s} Qxf4 {+0.53/14 0.015s} 38. Qd2 {-0.31/14 0.032s}
Qg3 {+0.51/14 0.022s} 39. g5 {-0.72/14 0.031s} fxg5 {+0.64/14 0.042s}
40. Re2 {-0.67/14 0.027s} Nf7 {+1.16/14 0.047s} 41. Qe1 {-1.30/14 0.031s}
Qxe1+ {+1.25/14 0.020s} 42. Kxe1 {-1.05/14 0.002s} Nd8 {+1.16/14 0.015s}
43. Kf2 {-1.05/14 0s} Ne6 {+1.04/14 0s} 44. Rd2 {-1.02/14 0.020s}
Kd6 {+1.04/14 0s} 45. Kg3 {-1.02/14 0s} Nf4 {+1.04/14 0.016s}
46. Kf2 {-1.02/14 0s} Rh4 {+1.04/14 0s} 47. Kg1 {-1.02/14 0s}
Ne6 {+1.04/14 0.016s} 48. Bf1 {-0.99/14 0s} Nf4 {+1.04/14 0s}
49. Bg2 {-0.98/14 0.015s} Ne6 {+1.04/14 0s} 50. Kf2 {-1.02/14 0s}
Rh8 {+1.04/14 0s} 51. Kg1 {-0.97/14 0s} Rh5 {+1.04/14 0.018s}
52. Kf2 {-0.97/14 0s} Nf4 {+1.04/14 0s} 53. Kf1 {-0.97/14 0s} Ne6 {+1.04/14 0s}
54. Kg1 {-0.99/14 0s} Rh8 {+1.04/14 0.016s} 55. Kf2 {-0.97/14 0s}
Rh4 {+1.04/14 0s} 56. Kg3 {-0.91/14 0s} Nf4 {+1.04/14 0s}
57. Kf2 {-0.94/14 0.015s} Ke6 {+1.04/14 0s} 58. Kg1 {-0.94/14 0s}
Ke7 {+0.97/14 0.016s} 59. Kf2 {-0.91/14 0s} Kf6 {+0.97/14 0s}
60. Kf1 {-0.91/14 0s} Kg6 {+1.04/14 0.016s} 61. Kf2 {-0.91/14 0s}
Rh5 {+0.97/14 0s} 62. Kf1 {-0.91/14 0s} Kf6 {+0.97/14 0s}
63. Kf2 {-0.91/14 0.015s} Ke6 {+0.97/14 0s} 64. Kg1 {-0.91/14 0s}
Rh4 {+0.97/14 0s} 65. Kf2 {-0.91/14 0s} Rh5 {+0.97/14 0.016s}
66. Kg1 {-0.91/14 0.001s} Rh8 {+0.97/14 0.003s} 67. Kf2 {-0.91/14 0.002s}
Rh4 {+0.97/14 0.004s} 68. Kg1 {-0.91/14 0.001s} Kd6 {+0.97/14 0.003s}
69. Kf2 {-0.91/14 0.002s} Rh8 {+0.97/14 0.001s} 70. Kg1 {-0.91/14 0s}
Rh5 {+0.97/14 0s} 71. Kf1 {-0.91/14 0s} Ke7 {+0.96/14 0.015s}
72. Kg1 {-0.91/14 0s} Ke6 {+0.96/14 0s} 73. Kf1 {-0.91/14 0s} Kd6 {+0.96/14 0s}
74. Kf2 {-0.91/14 0s} Ke7 {+0.96/14 0s} 75. Kg1 {-0.91/14 0s}
Ne6 {+0.91/14 0.015s} 76. Kf2 {-0.91/14 0s} Rh4 {+0.90/14 0s}
77. Kg3 {-0.91/14 0s} Nf4 {+0.90/14 0.016s} 78. Kf2 {-0.91/14 0s}
Rh8 {+0.90/14 0s} 79. Kf1 {-0.91/14 0.016s} Rh2 {+0.91/14 0.005s}
80. Kg1 {-0.91/14 0.002s} Rh8 {+0.91/14 0.002s} 81. Kf1 {-0.91/14 0s}
Kf6 {+0.91/14 0s} 82. Kf2 {-0.91/14 0s} Kf7 {+0.90/14 0s}
83. Kg1 {-0.91/14 0.016s} Kf6 {+0.90/14 0s} 84. Kf2 {-0.91/14 0s}
Ke6 {+0.90/14 0s} 85. Kg3 {-0.89/14 0.016s} Kf7 {+0.88/14 0s}
86. Kf2 {-0.83/14 0.015s} Kf6 {+1.17/14 0.016s} 87. Kf1 {-0.86/14 0.016s}
Rh4 {+1.06/14 0.004s} 88. Kf2 {-0.86/14 0.005s} g4 {+1.75/14 0.042s}
89. fxg4 {-1.74/14 0.031s} Rxg4 {+1.76/14 0.034s} 90. Bf1 {-1.77/14 0.004s}
Kg5 {+1.92/14 0s} 91. Ra2 {-1.65/14 0s} Kh4 {+1.83/14 0.015s}
92. Rd2 {-1.70/14 0.016s} Rg3 {+1.95/14 0s} 93. Rd1 {-2.31/14 0.033s}
Re3 {+2.43/14 0.017s} 94. Ra1 {-2.60/14 0.018s} Nxd3+ {+2.18/14 0.047s}
95. Bxd3 {-2.55/14 0.031s} Rxd3 {+2.62/14 0s} 96. Rg1 {-2.58/14 0.020s}
Ra3 {+2.60/14 0.022s} 97. Rg6 {-2.73/14 0.023s} Rxa4 {+2.73/14 0.016s}
98. Rxb6 {-2.72/14 0.015s} Kg4 {+2.60/14 0.019s} 99. Rc6 {-3.53/14 0.023s}
Rxc4 {+3.60/14 0.031s} 100. b6 {-3.87/14 0.049s} a4 {+3.87/14 0.004s}
101. Ke2 {-4.08/14 0.036s} Kf4 {+4.21/14 0.031s} 102. b7 {-4.23/14 0.015s}
Rb4 {+4.37/14 0.018s} 103. Rxc5 {-4.75/14 0.031s} Rxb7 {+4.73/14 0.032s}
104. Ra5 {-4.83/14 0.015s} Rb2+ {+5.24/14 0.038s} 105. Kd3 {-5.11/14 0.016s}
Rb3+ {+5.40/14 0.015s} 106. Kc2 {-4.89/14 0.016s} Rc3+ {+5.50/14 0.032s}
107. Kd2 {-5.18/14 0.005s} a3 {+5.78/14 0.015s} 108. Ke2 {-5.18/14 0.016s}
Rg3 {+6.03/14 0.040s} 109. Kd2 {-5.88/14 0.028s} a2 {+41.33/14 0.095s}
110. Kc2 {-8.37/14 0.021s} d3+ {+47.09/14 0.016s} 111. Kc3 {-47.05/14 0.019s}
d2+ {+47.09/14 0s} 112. Kxd2 {-47.09/14 0s} Rg1 {+47.09/14 0.016s}
113. Rxa2 {-47.09/14 0s} Rg2+ {+47.09/14 0s} 114. Kc3 {-47.09/14 0s}
Rxa2 {+47.09/14 0s} 115. Kc4 {-47.09/14 0.016s, Black wins by adjudication} 0-1

To check for repeatability, I played 100 alternating games with this opening (rnbqkbnr/pppppp2/7p/6p1/1P6/3P4/P1P1PPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -). Result was +50 =50 -0 for SF. All 50 pairs were same as that given above.

lantonov commented 7 years ago

Preliminary analysis-comparison of position after 25. Kd1 in Winboard asmFish

 41   0.00  1.08G   4:50.03 Kf8 Rc2 Nd6 Kc1 Qh4 Kb1 Ke7 Qd1 Qh6 Nfg3 Qe3 Rd2 Kf8 Nh5 Nh4 Neg3 Bxc4 dxc4 Nxc4 Rd3 Qf2 Qc1 Nxg2 Qxc4 Rxh5 Nxh5 Qf1+ Ka2 Qe2+ Kb1 Qf1+
 40   0.00  904.4M  4:02.73 Kf8 Rc2 Nd6 Kc1 Qh4 Kb1 Ke7 Qd1 Qh6 Nfg3 Qe3 Rd2 Kf8 Nh5 Nh4 Neg3 Bxc4 dxc4 Nxc4 Rd3 Qf2 Qc1 Nxg2 Qxc4 Rxh5 Nxh5 Qf1+ Ka2 Qe2+ Kb1 Qf1+
 39   0.00  719.1M  3:13.18 Kf8 Rc2 Nd6 Kc1 Qh4 Kb1 Ke7 Qd1 Qh6 Nfg3 Qe3 Rd2 Kf8 Nh5 Nh4 Neg3 Bxc4 dxc4 Nxc4 Rd3 Qf2 Qc1 Nxg2 Qxc4 Rxh5 Nxh5 Qf1+ Ka2 Qe2+ Kb1 Qf1+
 38   0.00  520.2M  2:19.86 Kf8 Rc2 Nd6 Kc1 Qh4 Kb1 Ke7 Qd1 Qh6 Nfg3 Qe3 Rd2 Kf8 Nh5 Nh4 Neg3 Bxc4 dxc4 Nxc4 Rd3 Qf2 Qc1 Nxg2 Qxc4 Rxh5 Nxh5 Qf1+ Ka2 Qe2+ Kb1 Qf1+
 37   0.00  421.4M  1:53.56 Kf8 Rc2 Nd6 Kc1 Qh4 Kb1 Ke7 Qd1 Qh6 Nfg3 Qe3 Rd2 Kf8 Nh5 Nh4 Neg3 Bxc4 dxc4 Nxc4 Rd3 Qf2 Qc1 Nxg2 Qxc4 Rxh5 Nxh5 Qf1+ Ka2 Qe2+ Kb1 Qf1+
 36   0.00  366.8M  1:38.88 Kf8 Rc2 Nd6 Kc1 Qh4 Kb1 Ke7 Qd1 Qh6 Nfg3 Qe3 Rd2 Kf8 Nh5 Nh4 Neg3 Bxc4 dxc4 Nxc4 Rd3 Qf2 Qc1 Nxg2 Qxc4 Rxh5 Nxh5 Qf1+ Ka2 Qe2+ Kb1 Qf1+
 35   0.00  316.2M  1:25.31 Kf8 Rc2 Nd6 Kc1 Qh4 Kb1 Ke7 Qd1 Ke8 Kb2 Qg5 Kb1 Qh4
 34   0.00  241.9M  1:05.32 Kf8 Rc2 Qh4 Kc1 Nd6 Kb1 Ke7 Qd1 Qh6 Nfg3 Nh4 Bh1 f6 Nf1 Ng6 Nfg3 Nh4
 33   0.00  117.7M  0:31.76 Kf8 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 Ne2
 32   0.00  81.8M   0:22.07 Kf8 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 Ne2
 31   0.00  61.1M   0:16.49 Kf8 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 Ne2
 30   0.00  48.8M   0:13.19 Kf8 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 Ne2
 29   0.00  37.8M   0:10.20 Kf8 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 Ne2
 28   0.00  32.3M   0:08.72 Kf8 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 Ne2
 27   0.00  22.0M   0:05.93 Kf8 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 Ne2
 26   0.00  14.6M   0:03.98 Kf8 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 Ne2
 25   0.00  11.3M   0:03.10 Kf8 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 Ne2
 24   0.00  6.81M   0:01.86 Kf8 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 Ne2
 23   0.00  4.59M   0:01.26 Kf8 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 Ne2
 22   0.00  3.42M   0:00.94 Kf8 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 Ne2
 21   0.00  3.18M   0:00.87 Kf8 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 Ne2
 20   0.00  3.04M   0:00.83 Kf8 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 Ne2
 19   0.00  2.54M   0:00.70 Kf8 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 Ne2
 18   0.00  2.53M   0:00.70 Kf8 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 Ne2
 17   0.00  2.19M   0:00.60 Nd6 Kc1 Qh4 Kb1 Qf2 Nf4 Qxd2 Nxe6+ Kf6 Rxd2 fxe6 Kc2 Kg5 Ng3 Rh2 Nf1 Rh4 Ng3 Rh2
 16   0.00  2.03M   0:00.56 Nd6 Kc1 Qh4 Rc2 Kf8 Qd1 Qf6 Kb1 Ke7 Qd2 Qh4 Qd1 Qh6 Nfg3 Nh4 Nc1 Qg5
 15  -0.11  1.04M   0:00.29 Qh4 Nfg3 Kf8 Qe1 Qh2 Qf2 Nh4 Nc1 Ng6 Bf1 Qh7 Nce2 Qh4 Kc1 Nd6 Kb1 Rh7
 14  -0.07  951775  0:00.27 Nd6 Kc1 Nh4 Neg3 Nxc4 dxc4 Bxc4 Ra1 Bb3 Nf5+ Nxf5 exf5 c4 g5 f6 Ng3 c3 Qe2 Rh2 Ne4
 13   0.00  556944  0:00.16 Qh4 Nfg3 Kf8 Qe1 Qh2 Qf2 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 N1e2
 12  -0.07  451419  0:00.13 Kf8 Kc1 Nd6 Kb1 Qf6 Qd1 Nf4 Nxf4 Qxf4 Qc1 Qxc1+ Kxc1 Ke7 Ng3
 11  -0.11  209243  0:00.06 f6 Kc1 Nd6 Qd1 Qf7 Kb1 Nh4 Neg3 Bxc4 dxc4 Qxc4 Nh5+ Kg6
 10  -0.02  62491   0:00.02 Kg8 Kc1 Qh4 Kb1 Qf2 Nc1 Qxd2 Rxd2 Nf4 Ng3
  9   0.00  37376   0:00.01 Kg8 Neg3 Rh7 Nh5 Nd6 Kc1 Nxc4 dxc4 Bxc4
  8 +0.03   24478   0:00.01 Kg8 Neg3 Rh7 Ne2 Nd6 Kc1 Nxc4 dxc4
  7  -0.11  16670   0:00.01 f6 Qc2 Kf8 Rb2 Bf7 Neg3 Nh4
  6 +0.12   5456        0:00.00 Qf6 g5 Qe7 Qc1 Nh4 Neg3
  5 +2.63   681         0:00.00 Nh4 Nxd4 cxd4 g5 Ng6
  4 +2.80   462         0:00.00 Nh4 Nxd4 cxd4 g5
  3 +3.51   300         0:00.00 Nh4 f4 Nxg2
  2 +3.51   243         0:00.00 Nh4 f4 Nxg2
  1 +0.43   103         0:00.00 Nd6


 39   0.00  730.3M  3:54.89 Nd6 Rc2 f6 Kc1 Qf7 Kb1 Nxc4 dxc4 Bxc4 Neg3 Bb3 Nh5+ Rxh5 gxh5 Bxc2+ Qxc2 Nf4 Ng3 d3 Qb2 Nxg2 Qxg2 Qb3+ Qb2 Qd1+ Qc1 Qb3+ Qb2
 38   0.00  574.5M  3:05.41 Nd6 Rc2 f6 Kc1 Qf7 Kb1 Nxc4 dxc4 Bxc4 Neg3 Bb3 Nh5+ Rxh5 gxh5 Bxc2+ Qxc2 Nf4 Ng3 d3 Qb2 Nxg2 Qxg2 Qb3+ Qb2 Qd1+ Qc1 Qb3+ Qb2
 37   0.00  433.2M  2:20.71 Nd6 Rc2 f6 Kc1 Qf7 Kb1 Nxc4 dxc4 Bxc4 Neg3 Bb3 Nh5+ Rxh5 gxh5 Bxc2+ Qxc2 Nf4 Ng3 d3 Qb2 Nxg2 Qxg2 Qb3+ Qb2 Qd1+ Qc1 Qb3+ Qb2
 36   0.00  282.9M  1:32.13 Nd6 Rc2 f6 Kc1 Qf7 Kb1 Nxc4 dxc4 Bxc4 Neg3 Bb3 Nh5+ Rxh5 gxh5 Bxc2+ Qxc2 Nf4 Ng3 d3 Qb2 Nxg2 Qxg2 Qb3+ Qb2 Qd1+ Qc1 Qb3+ Qb2
 35   0.00  223.6M  1:12.84 Nd6 Rc2 f6 Kc1 Qf7 Kb1 Nxc4 dxc4 Bxc4 Neg3 Bb3 Nh5+ Rxh5 gxh5 Bxc2+ Qxc2 Nf4 Ng3 d3 Qb2 Nxg2 Qxg2 Qb3+ Qb2 Qd1+ Qc1 Qb3+ Qb2
 34   0.00  172.2M  0:56.37 Nd6 Rc2 f6 Kc1 Qf7 Kb1 Nxc4 dxc4 Bxc4 Neg3 Bb3 Nh5+ Rxh5 gxh5 Bxc2+ Qxc2 Nf4 Ng3 d3 Qb2 Nxg2 Qxg2 Qb3+ Qb2 Qd1+ Qc1 Qb3+ Qb2
 33   0.00  134.6M  0:44.22 Nd6 Rc2 f6 Kc1 Qf7 Kb1 Nxc4 dxc4 Bxc4 Neg3 Bb3 Nh5+ Rxh5 gxh5 Bxc2+ Qxc2 Nf4 Ng3 d3 Qb2 Nxg2 Qxg2 Qb3+ Qb2 Qd1+ Qc1 Qb3+ Qb2
 32   0.00  108.7M  0:35.82 Nd6 Rc2 f6 Kc1 Qf7 Kb1 Nxc4 dxc4 Bxc4 Neg3 Bb3 Nh5+ Rxh5 gxh5 Bxc2+ Qxc2 Nf4 Ng3 d3 Qb2 Nxg2 Qxg2 Qb3+ Qb2 Qd1+ Qc1 Qb3+ Qb2
 31   0.00  76.8M   0:25.40 Nd6 Rc2 f6 Kc1 Qf7 Kb1 Nxc4 dxc4 Bxc4 Neg3 Bb3 Nh5+ Rxh5 gxh5 Bxc2+ Qxc2 Nf4 Ng3 d3 Qb2 Nxg2 Qxg2 Qb3+ Qb2 Qd1+ Qc1 Qb3+ Qb2
 30   0.00  60.4M   0:19.94 Nd6 Rc2 f6 Kc1 Qf7 Kb1 Nxc4 dxc4 Bxc4 Neg3 Bb3 Nh5+ Rxh5 gxh5 Bxc2+ Qxc2 Nf4 Ng3 d3 Qb2 Nxg2 Qxg2 Qb3+ Qb2 Qd1+ Qc1 Qb3+ Qb2
 29   0.00  51.2M   0:16.92 Nd6 Rc2 f6 Kc1 Qf7 Kb1 Nxc4 dxc4 Bxc4 Neg3 Bb3 Nh5+ Rxh5 gxh5 Bxc2+ Qxc2 Nf4 Ng3 d3 Qb2 Nxg2 Qxg2 Qb3+ Qb2 Qd1+ Qc1 Qb3+ Qb2
 28   0.00? 35.7M   0:11.84 Nd6 Rc2?
 28 +0.07!  32.2M   0:10.69 Nd6!
 27   0.00  25.6M   0:08.50 Nd6 Rc2 f6 Kc1 Qf7 Kb1 Kf8 Qc1 Nxc4 Rxc4 Bxc4 dxc4 Nh4 Bh1 Ng6 Bg2
 26   0.00  18.4M   0:06.12 Nd6 Rc2 f6 Kc1 Qf7 Kb1 Kf8 Qc1 Nxc4 Rxc4 Bxc4 dxc4 Nh4 Bh1 Ng6 Bg2
 25   0.00  17.6M   0:05.84 Nd6 Rc2 f6 Kc1 Qf7 Kb1 Kf8 Qc1 Nxc4 Rxc4 Bxc4 dxc4 Nh4 Bh1 Ng6 Bg2
 24   0.00  13.1M   0:04.34 Nd6 Rc2 f6 Kc1 Qf7 Kb1 Kf8 Qc1 Nxc4 Rxc4 Bxc4 dxc4 Nh4 Bh1 Ng6 Bg2
 23   0.00  8.08M   0:02.66 Nd6 Rc2 Kf8 Kc1 Qh4 Qd1 Qg5+ Qd2 Qh4
 22   0.00  6.73M   0:02.22 Nd6 Rc2 Kf8 Kc1 Qh4 Qd1 Qg5+ Qd2 Qh4
 21   0.00  6.37M   0:02.10 Nd6 Rc2 Kf8 Kc1 Qh4 Qd1 Qg5+ Qd2 f6 Nfg3 Qxd2+ Rxd2 Nh4 Ng1 Ke7 Bf1 Ng6 N1e2 Nh4 Ng1
 20   0.00  4.68M   0:01.55 Nd6 Kc1 Kf8 Kb1 Nh4 Nc1 Ng6 Ne2
 19   0.00  3.15M   0:01.05 Nd6 Kc2 Nxc4 dxc4 Bxc4 Neg3 Be6 Nf5+ Bxf5 exf5 Nf4 Ng3 c4 Bf1 c3 Qf2 Kf8 Kb1 Qb4+ Ka1 Qb3 Qc2 Qd5 Qe4 Qb3 Qc2
 18   0.00  1.40M   0:00.49 Kf8 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 Ne2
 17   0.00  1.06M   0:00.37 Kf8 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 Ne2
 16   0.00  907018  0:00.32 Kf8 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Ng6 Ne2
 15   0.00  844636  0:00.30 Kf8 Kc2 Qf6 Kc1 Nd6 Kb1 Nh4 Ng1 Qf4 Qxf4 exf4 Re2 Ke7 e5 Nxc4 dxc4
 14  -0.02  695493  0:00.25 Kf8 Kc1 Qh4 Kb1 Nd6 Qd1 Qg5 Nfg3 Nh4 Nc1 Ke7 Nb3 Ng6 Nh5 f6 Rd2 Qh6 Qf1 Nf4 Nxf4
 13  -0.02  586496  0:00.21 Kf8 Kc1 Qh4 Kb1 Nd6 Qd1 Qg5 Nfg3 Nh4 Nc1 Ng6 Nh5 Ke7 Ne2 f6
 12   0.00  465014  0:00.17 Kf8 Kc1 Nd6 Qd1 Qg5+ Kb1 Ke7 Nfg3 Nh4 Nc1 Ng6 Nh5 f6 Nb3 Nf4 Nxf4
 11  -0.02  223297  0:00.08 Nd6 Kc1 f6 Kb1 Qf7 Rc2 Kf8 Rc1 Qc7 Nfg3 Rh2 Rg1
 10  -0.11  146186  0:00.05 Kf8 Rc2 Nd6 Kc1 Kg7 Ra2 Qf6 Kb1 Nh4 Neg3
  9 +0.22   43968   0:00.02 Nd6 Kc1 Qf6 Kb1 Bd7 Rb2 Nh4 Neg3 Nxf3 Bxf3 Qxf3
  8 +0.50   17059   0:00.01 Qf6 Kc1 Nd6 Kb1 Nf4 Neg3 Qe7 Nf5+ Bxf5 gxf5
  7  -0.01  8306        0:00.00 Nd6 Neg3 Nf4 Nh5+ Nxh5 gxh5 f6
  6 +0.06   5350        0:00.00 f6 Ke1 Nh4 Neg3 Nd6 Nh5+ Kf8
  5 +0.10   3739        0:00.00 f6 Nfg3 Nh4 Nc1 Nd6 Nh5+ Kf8
  4 +0.33   1085        0:00.00 Nh4 Nc1 Nd6 Ng3
  3 +3.51   451         0:00.00 Nh4 f4 Nxg2
  2 +3.51   334         0:00.00 Nh4 f4 Nxg2
  1 +0.43   101         0:00.00 Nd6
  1 Found 145 tablebases
  0 #

So, although AF plays 25...Nd6 and SF plays 25...Kf8 at move 14, in the final analysis they reverse their preferences.

tthsqe12 commented 7 years ago

Alright, I can reproduce this. It takes the whole game history to find differences.

tthsqe12 commented 7 years ago

Not an evaluation bug. Not a search bug. Silly piece list ordering issue corrected in my fork.

lantonov commented 7 years ago

I supposed that the the fault is not at the first different move but further down the PV so planned to search it for large discrepancies in evaluation. You beat me to it with the patch. Continuing the hunt for some hopefully more interesting cases. Should I switch TB on or off. The testing on cutechess-cli for differences is with TB off. Also, if the GUI (Winboard) complicates the search / eval, I will give the pure engine thinking (without GUI) Checked with the new AF (July 9) that it prefer 25...Nd6 at ply 14 and also in final eval (ply 40 or so) In fact, at ply 40 the latest SF and AF choose the same variation SF

info depth 40 seldepth 42 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 617081551 nps 1394544 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 442497 pv e8d6 a2c2 f7f6 d1c1 e7f7 c1b1 d6c4 d3c4 e6c4 e2g3 c4b3 g3h5 h8h5 g4h5 b3c2 d2c2 g6f4 f1g3 d4d3 g3f5 g7h7 c2b2 f4g2 b2g2 f7b3 g2b2 b3d1 b2c1 d1b3 c1b2


info depth 40 seldepth 42 multipv 1 time 377444 nps 1634895 score cp 0 nodes 617081551 tbhits 0 hashfull 999 pv e8d6 a2c2 f7f6 d1c1 e7f7 c1b1 d6c4 d3c4 e6c4 e2g3 c4b3 g3h5 h8h5 g4h5 b3c2 d2c2 g6f4 f1g3 d4d3 g3f5 g7h7 c2b2 f4g2 b2g2 f7b3 g2b2 b3d1 b2c1 d1b3 c1b2
lantonov commented 7 years ago

Maybe ply 14 is too early. Should I try ply 20 or 25 for the choice to stabilise? The test will be much longer then

lantonov commented 7 years ago

I tested the new version of July 9 with the same conditions as above: latest SF vs AF depth=14 for 100 games. AF behaves much differently than July 4 and is worse IMO. The result was +21 =59 -20 for SF with SF leading all the time, at one moment with 6 points. Out of 50 pairs of games, 49 pairs were different. I consider reverting the patch "ensure that search threads get rootmoves in the order determined by the piecelists in the gui thread" in master and preserving it in a separate branch so not to lose the code. Before I do this, I wait for your opinion and permission.

tthsqe12 commented 7 years ago

if 49/50 pairs were different, post the pgn of the game where the first different move has the lowest move number. That is will make it easiest for me. Also, are you sure you tested supposedly functionally identical AF and SF's?

lantonov commented 7 years ago

For the above test (49/50 pairs different), I used the SF of July 8 (with QueenMinors Imbalance) vs AF of July 10 which are supposedly functionally identical. Also, I did a further test with depth=20, this time AF of July 4 vs SF of July 10 (which are not identical as AF July 4 doesn't have QueenMinors Imbalance). On this second test I again obtained only 2/50 different pairs (result again +21 =59 -20 for SF with 1 pair AF:SF draw and SF:AF draw and the other pair AF:SF draw and SF:AF 1-0). In a third experiment AF (July 10) vs AF (July 10) with depth=14, I obtained 50/50 pairs identical. In the first experiment (SF July 8 vs AF July 10) many of the differences start even from the first move after the opening. For example:

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2017.07.10"]
[Round "77"]
[White "stockfish"]
[Black "asmfish"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppp2/6p1/4P2p/8/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -"]
[PlyCount "181"]
[SetUp "1"]
[TimeControl "inf"]

1. d4 {+0.64/14 0.56s} d6 {-0.51/14 0.22s} 2. f4 {+0.47/14 0.42s}
Nh6 {-0.46/14 0.10s} 3. Nf3 {+0.27/14 0.24s} Bg7 {-0.37/14 0.27s}
4. Bc4 {+0.31/14 0.40s} O-O {-0.23/14 0.16s} 5. O-O {+0.28/14 0.25s}
Nf5 {-0.14/14 0.34s} 6. Na3 {+0.26/14 0.47s} c5 {-0.31/14 0.26s}
7. dxc5 {+0.47/14 0.16s} Nc6 {-0.03/14 0.12s} 8. cxd6 {+0.20/14 0.30s}
exd6 {-0.06/14 0.13s} 9. c3 {+0.08/14 0.14s} Qb6+ {+0.11/14 0.14s}
10. Kh1 {-0.13/14 0.079s} dxe5 {+0.03/14 0.075s} 11. Qe2 {+0.14/14 0.14s}
e4 {+0.15/14 0.20s} 12. Ng5 {-0.03/14 0.12s} Bd7 {+0.17/14 0.095s}
13. Bd5 {-0.25/14 0.30s} Nce7 {+0.19/14 0.13s} 14. Bxe4 {-0.19/14 0.12s}
Rae8 {+0.36/14 0.15s} 15. Bd3 {-0.17/14 0.24s} Nd5 {+0.32/14 0.053s}
16. Nc4 {-0.37/14 0.12s} Qc7 {+0.24/14 0.051s} 17. Ne5 {-0.56/14 0.11s}
Nxf4 {+0.25/14 0.053s} 18. Bxf4 {-0.43/14 0.083s} Bxe5 {+0.20/14 0.015s}
19. Bxe5 {-0.28/14 0.032s} Rxe5 {+0.12/14 0.054s} 20. Qf2 {-0.33/14 0.063s}
Bc6 {+0.14/14 0.14s} 21. Rae1 {-0.39/14 0.12s} Rfe8 {+0.32/14 0.077s}
22. Bxf5 {-0.49/14 0.15s} Rxf5 {+0.46/14 0.075s} 23. Rxe8+ {-0.60/14 0.096s}
Bxe8 {+0.61/14 0.060s} 24. Nf3 {-0.50/14 0.059s} Qc4 {+0.41/14 0.083s}
25. Rd1 {-0.64/14 0.14s} Bc6 {+0.47/14 0.12s} 26. a3 {-0.65/14 0.076s}
Bxf3 {+0.55/14 0.17s} 27. gxf3 {-0.74/14 0.19s} Kh7 {+0.64/14 0.088s}
28. h4 {-0.37/14 0.19s} Qc6 {+0.33/14 0.27s} 29. Kg2 {-0.25/14 0.14s}
g5 {+0.27/14 0.092s} 30. hxg5 {-0.25/14 0.099s} Rxg5+ {+0.24/14 0.22s}
31. Kh2 {-0.33/14 0.12s} Qc7+ {+0.31/14 0.13s} 32. Kh1 {-0.40/14 0.073s}
Qf4 {+0.32/14 0.015s} 33. Rg1 {-0.53/14 0.052s} Rg6 {+0.71/14 0.085s}
34. Rxg6 {-0.65/14 0.085s} fxg6 {+0.66/14 0.031s} 35. Kg2 {-0.69/14 0.063s}
h4 {+0.55/14 0.064s} 36. b4 {-0.67/14 0.041s} Kh6 {+0.81/14 0.062s}
37. a4 {-0.77/14 0.10s} b6 {+0.75/14 0.084s} 38. a5 {-0.70/14 0.032s}
bxa5 {+0.45/14 0.053s} 39. bxa5 {-0.22/14 0.16s} a6 {+0.57/14 0.037s}
40. Qe2 {-0.17/14 0.048s} Qg5+ {+0.24/14 0.15s} 41. Kh2 {-0.16/14 0.26s}
Qf5 {+0.15/14 0.065s} 42. Qe4 {-0.18/14 0.087s} Qxa5 {+0.16/14 0.049s}
43. Qf4+ {-0.34/14 0.041s} Kg7 {+0.20/14 0.069s} 44. Qd4+ {-0.43/14 0.10s}
Kg8 {+0.18/14 0.15s} 45. Qc4+ {-0.62/14 0.26s} Kf8 {+0.33/14 0.10s}
46. Qf4+ {-0.54/14 0.11s} Qf5 {+0.35/14 0.078s} 47. Qd6+ {-0.44/14 0.042s}
Kf7 {+0.36/14 0.10s} 48. Qc7+ {-0.43/14 0.059s} Ke6 {+0.34/14 0.026s}
49. Qc4+ {-0.37/14 0.13s} Kd7 {+0.42/14 0.10s} 50. Qa4+ {-0.22/14 0.084s}
Kc7 {+0.35/14 0.026s} 51. Qc4+ {-0.31/14 0.068s} Kb6 {+0.27/14 0.033s}
52. Qb4+ {-0.43/14 0.17s} Kc7 {+0.27/14 0.018s} 53. Qc4+ {-0.37/14 0.041s}
Kb6 {+0.27/14 0.031s} 54. Qb4+ {-0.43/14 0.10s} Kc6 {+0.22/14 0.022s}
55. Qc4+ {-0.25/14 0.032s} Kd7 {+0.31/14 0.084s} 56. Qa4+ {-0.25/14 0.032s}
Qb5 {+0.22/14 0.031s} 57. Qg4+ {-0.25/14 0.085s} Kc7 {+0.18/14 0.027s}
58. Qf4+ {-0.37/14 0.041s} Kb6 {+0.20/14 0.026s} 59. Qd6+ {-0.39/14 0.070s}
Kb7 {+0.18/14 0.037s} 60. Qe7+ {-0.34/14 0.049s} Kc8 {+0.18/14 0.017s}
61. Qf8+ {-0.45/14 0.083s} Kb7 {+0.18/14 0.031s} 62. Qg7+ {-0.25/14 0.17s}
Kb8 {+0.23/14 0.057s} 63. Qxg6 {-0.30/14 0.057s} Qe2+ {+0.18/14 0.20s}
64. Kg1 {-0.08/14 0.16s} Qe3+ {+0.15/14 0.052s} 65. Kg2 {-0.08/14 0.12s}
h3+ {+0.12/14 0.014s} 66. Kxh3 {-0.08/14 0.004s} Qxf3+ {+0.08/14 0.16s}
67. Kh2 {-0.08/14 0s} Qf2+ {+0.08/14 0.016s} 68. Kh3 {-0.12/14 0.084s}
Qf1+ {+0.08/14 0s} 69. Kh2 {-0.12/14 0.016s} Kc7 {+0.08/14 0s}
70. Qg7+ {-0.04/14 0.087s} Kc6 {+0.08/14 0.004s} 71. Qd4 {0.00/14 0.031s}
Qf5 {+0.08/14 0.015s} 72. Qc4+ {-0.08/14 0.016s} Kb6 {+0.08/14 0.015s}
73. Qb4+ {-0.08/14 0s} Kc7 {+0.08/14 0.016s} 74. Qc4+ {-0.08/14 0s}
Kb6 {0.00/14 0.016s} 75. Qb4+ {-0.08/14 0s} Qb5 {0.00/14 0s}
76. Qd6+ {-0.04/14 0.069s} Kb7 {0.00/14 0s} 77. Qe7+ {-0.08/14 0.053s}
Kc6 {+0.08/14 0.047s} 78. Qf6+ {-0.08/14 0.016s} Kd5 {+0.08/14 0.015s}
79. Qd4+ {-0.08/14 0.020s} Ke6 {+0.08/14 0.032s} 80. Qg4+ {-0.08/14 0.14s}
Kf6 {+0.08/14 0.035s} 81. Qf4+ {-0.08/14 0.057s} Ke6 {+0.08/14 0.036s}
82. Qg4+ {-0.08/14 0.026s} Kf6 {+0.08/14 0.005s} 83. Qf4+ {-0.02/14 0.038s}
Ke7 {+0.05/14 0.083s} 84. Qc7+ {0.00/14 0.069s} Ke6 {0.00/14 0.037s}
85. Kg2 {0.00/14 0.031s} a5 {0.00/14 0.025s} 86. c4 {-0.07/14 0.12s}
Qe5 {0.00/14 0.031s} 87. Qc6+ {0.00/14 0.069s} Qd6 {0.00/14 0.016s}
88. Qe4+ {0.00/14 0.031s} Qe5 {0.00/14 0.017s} 89. Qc6+ {0.00/14 0.004s}
Qd6 {0.00/14 0s} 90. Qe4+ {0.00/14 0s} Qe5 {0.00/14 0s}
91. Qc6+ {0.00/14 0s, Draw by 3-fold repetition} 1/2-1/2

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2017.07.10"]
[Round "78"]
[White "asmfish"]
[Black "stockfish"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppp2/6p1/4P2p/8/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -"]
[PlyCount "93"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[TimeControl "inf"]

1. f4 {+0.64/14 0.24s} c5 {-0.15/14 0.25s} 2. Nf3 {+0.15/14 0.33s}
d5 {-0.10/14 0.36s} 3. d4 {+0.37/14 0.28s} cxd4 {-0.14/14 0.19s}
4. Nxd4 {+0.10/14 0.13s} Nh6 {-0.19/14 0.40s} 5. Nc3 {+0.12/14 0.22s}
e6 {-0.12/14 0.17s} 6. Be3 {+0.23/14 0.20s} Nc6 {-0.11/14 0.21s}
7. Be2 {0.00/14 0.18s} Bd7 {+0.02/14 0.14s} 8. O-O {+0.10/14 0.19s}
Bc5 {+0.02/14 0.15s} 9. Ncb5 {-0.19/14 0.12s} Ng4 {+0.25/14 0.075s}
10. Bxg4 {+0.02/14 0.14s} hxg4 {+0.18/14 0.019s} 11. Qxg4 {-0.22/14 0.13s}
Nxd4 {+0.44/14 0.053s} 12. Nxd4 {-0.22/14 0.096s} Qb6 {+0.27/14 0.065s}
13. Qd1 {-0.51/14 0.077s} Qxb2 {+0.43/14 0.024s} 14. Qd2 {-0.52/14 0.068s}
Qa3 {+0.54/14 0.18s} 15. Rfb1 {-0.37/14 0.057s} b6 {+0.72/14 0.10s}
16. c3 {-0.75/14 0.30s} Rc8 {+0.58/14 0.14s} 17. g3 {-0.83/14 0.15s}
Kf8 {+0.85/14 0.14s} 18. h4 {-0.79/14 0.091s} Be7 {+0.73/14 0.066s}
19. Rc1 {-0.88/14 0.11s} Rc4 {+0.88/14 0.21s} 20. Nf3 {-0.96/14 0.13s}
Kg7 {+1.09/14 0.17s} 21. Bd4 {-0.91/14 0.40s} Qa6 {+0.94/14 0.089s}
22. Rc2 {-0.67/14 0.17s} Ra4 {+0.67/14 0.17s} 23. Rb2 {-0.62/14 0.087s}
Bb5 {+0.52/14 0.18s} 24. Qf2 {-0.61/14 0.073s} Bd3 {+0.59/14 0.075s}
25. g4 {-0.45/14 0.12s} Kf8 {+0.65/14 0.032s} 26. Ng5 {-0.52/14 0.12s}
Qc8 {+0.46/14 0.49s} 27. Rd1 {-0.43/14 0.079s} Bc4 {+0.39/14 0.085s}
28. Kg2 {-0.42/14 0.083s} Ra3 {+0.48/14 0.081s} 29. f5 {-0.08/14 0.096s}
gxf5 {+0.26/14 0.20s} 30. gxf5 {-0.36/14 0.12s} Bxg5 {+0.36/14 0.19s}
31. hxg5 {-0.22/14 0.064s} Rg8 {+0.14/14 0.11s} 32. Qf4 {0.00/14 0.18s}
Ke8 {+0.34/14 0.15s} 33. Kf2 {-0.31/14 0.14s} Qc7 {+0.45/14 0.22s}
34. Qg4 {-0.44/14 0.20s} Qd7 {+0.28/14 0.19s} 35. fxe6 {-0.50/14 0.038s}
Qxe6 {+0.08/14 0.040s} 36. Kg3 {-0.27/14 0.13s} Qxg4+ {+0.26/14 0.012s}
37. Kxg4 {-0.23/14 0.001s} Ba6 {+0.10/14 0.064s} 38. Rh1 {-0.20/14 0.018s}
Bc8+ {+0.10/14 0.012s} 39. Kf4 {-0.15/14 0.039s} Bd7 {+0.06/14 0.047s}
40. Rg2 {-0.12/14 0.035s} Ra4 {0.00/14 0.031s} 41. Rh7 {-0.12/14 0.084s}
Rg6 {0.00/14 0.032s} 42. Rh8+ {0.00/14 0.015s} Ke7 {0.00/14 0.038s}
43. Rb8 {0.00/14 0s} Be6 {0.00/14 0.062s} 44. Rb7+ {0.00/14 0s}
Kd8 {0.00/14 0.017s} 45. Rh2 {0.00/14 0.002s} Kc8 {0.00/14 0.005s}
46. Re7 {0.00/14 0.002s} Kd8 {0.00/14 0.002s}
47. Rb7 {0.00/14 0.001s, Draw by adjudication} 1/2-1/2

The test with depth=20 (the pair that has different results)

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2017.07.10"]
[Round "1"]
[White "stockfish"]
[Black "asmfish"]
[Result "1-0"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pp2pppp/3p4/2p5/3P4/6P1/PPP1PP1P/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -"]
[PlyCount "168"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[TimeControl "inf"]

1. dxc5 {+0.56/20 3.5s} Nf6 {-0.49/20 1.7s} 2. cxd6 {+0.59/20 1.0s}
e5 {-0.54/20 0.94s} 3. Nc3 {+0.45/20 1.2s} Bxd6 {-0.41/20 0.47s}
4. Bg2 {+0.61/20 1.6s} O-O {-0.53/20 2.8s} 5. Bg5 {+0.64/20 0.89s}
Bb4 {-0.80/20 2.1s} 6. Qxd8 {+0.73/20 2.2s} Rxd8 {-0.79/20 1.3s}
7. Nf3 {+0.60/20 1.0s} Nc6 {-0.86/20 2.2s} 8. Nd2 {+0.66/20 0.86s}
Bf5 {-0.79/20 2.1s} 9. Bxc6 {+0.54/20 1.5s} bxc6 {-0.69/20 1.1s}
10. O-O-O {+0.64/20 0.55s} Bxc3 {-0.53/20 0.57s} 11. bxc3 {+0.47/20 0.70s}
Rdb8 {-0.42/20 0.53s} 12. Bxf6 {+0.47/20 1.2s} gxf6 {-0.37/20 1.3s}
13. f3 {+0.42/20 1.1s} Rb6 {-0.64/20 0.82s} 14. g4 {+0.45/20 0.41s}
Be6 {-0.77/20 1.1s} 15. Ne4 {+0.71/20 1.1s} Ra6 {-0.74/20 1.2s}
16. Rd6 {+0.80/20 1.4s} Rxa2 {-0.67/20 1.2s} 17. Kd2 {+0.83/20 1.6s}
Kf8 {-0.74/20 0.94s} 18. Rb1 {+0.89/20 1.1s} f5 {-0.81/20 1.0s}
19. Nc5 {+0.83/20 0.50s} Ke7 {-0.79/20 0.93s} 20. Rd3 {+0.83/20 1.3s}
fxg4 {-0.85/20 1.3s} 21. Rb7+ {+0.96/20 1.3s} Kf6 {-0.74/20 0.44s}
22. Nxe6 {+0.95/20 1.8s} Kxe6 {-0.79/20 0.39s} 23. fxg4 {+0.99/20 2.5s}
Ra4 {-0.87/20 0.46s} 24. Rbd7 {+0.72/20 0.94s} Rxg4 {-0.78/20 1.2s}
25. R3d6+ {+0.83/20 1.8s} Kf5 {-0.80/20 0.74s} 26. Rxf7+ {+0.69/20 0.82s}
Kg5 {-0.54/20 1.0s} 27. Rg7+ {+0.45/20 0.88s} Kf5 {-0.84/20 0.99s}
28. Rxh7 {+0.69/20 0.82s} a5 {-0.79/20 0.31s} 29. h3 {+0.70/20 2.2s}
Rgg8 {-0.66/20 0.94s} 30. Rh5+ {+0.93/20 0.86s} Kf4 {-0.88/20 0.54s}
31. Rh4+ {+0.76/20 1.3s} Kg3 {-0.75/20 1.0s} 32. Ra4 {+0.76/20 0.057s}
Kxh3 {-0.79/20 0.28s} 33. c4 {+0.85/20 0.32s} Rg3 {-0.92/20 1.2s}
34. Rxc6 {+0.85/20 1.0s} Rd8+ {-0.54/20 1.7s} 35. Kc1 {+0.75/20 0.48s}
Rg1+ {-0.54/20 0.45s} 36. Kb2 {+0.81/20 0.16s} Rb8+ {-0.49/20 0.11s}
37. Kc3 {+0.61/20 0.27s} Rg3+ {-0.52/20 0.49s} 38. e3 {+0.78/20 0.39s}
Rxe3+ {-0.71/20 1.7s} 39. Kd2 {+0.58/20 2.3s} Re4 {-0.73/20 1.3s}
40. Kd3 {+0.49/20 2.1s} Rg4 {-0.62/20 0.46s} 41. Re6 {+0.41/20 3.1s}
Rd8+ {-0.34/20 1.3s} 42. Kc3 {+0.50/20 0.23s} Rg3+ {-0.18/20 0.54s}
43. Kb2 {+0.49/20 0.029s} Rb8+ {-0.18/20 0.15s} 44. Ka2 {+0.57/20 0.047s}
Rb4 {-0.48/20 0.18s} 45. Rxb4 {+0.67/20 0.039s} axb4 {-0.48/20 0.012s}
46. Rxe5 {+0.71/20 0.019s} Rc3 {-0.56/20 0.051s} 47. Re4 {+0.70/20 0.020s}
Kg3 {-0.41/20 0.017s} 48. Kb2 {+0.73/20 0.020s} Kf3 {-0.58/20 0.037s}
49. Rh4 {+0.71/20 0.061s} Ke2 {-0.64/20 0.071s} 50. c5 {+0.83/20 0.12s}
Rxc5 {-0.77/20 0.095s} 51. Rxb4 {+0.92/20 0.082s} Kd2 {-1.03/20 0.16s}
52. Rd4+ {+0.94/20 0.018s} Ke3 {-1.03/20 0.004s} 53. c3 {+0.95/20 0.028s}
Rc8 {-1.05/20 0.089s} 54. Kc2 {+1.00/20 0.12s} Rh8 {-1.10/20 0.018s}
55. Kb3 {+1.35/20 0.28s} Ra8 {-1.10/20 0.014s} 56. Rd5 {+1.35/20 0.013s}
Rb8+ {-1.28/20 0.11s} 57. Ka4 {+1.35/20 0.005s} Rc8 {-1.89/20 0.22s}
58. Kb3 {+1.35/20 0.007s} Rb8+ {-1.97/20 0.10s} 59. Ka4 {+1.35/20 0.004s}
Rc8 {-2.00/20 0.25s} 60. Kb4 {+1.35/20 0.015s} Rb8+ {-2.40/20 0.20s}
61. Rb5 {+1.90/20 0.25s} Rd8 {-2.45/20 0.048s} 62. c4 {+2.12/20 0.25s}
Kd4 {-2.45/20 0.039s} 63. Rb6 {+3.07/20 0.39s} Ke5 {-2.45/20 0.037s}
64. c5 {+4.29/20 0.59s} Rc8 {-3.84/20 0.32s} 65. Kb5 {+4.32/20 0.025s}
Rh8 {-4.08/20 0.064s} 66. Rg6 {+4.47/20 0.11s} Kf5 {-2.88/20 0.20s}
67. Rd6 {+5.73/20 0.32s} Ke5 {-5.03/20 0.19s} 68. Kb6 {+6.51/20 0.18s}
Rh3 {-5.65/20 0.18s} 69. Rg6 {+6.95/20 0.073s} Kf5 {-5.65/20 0.12s}
70. Rg2 {+5.85/20 0.11s} Rb3+ {-5.73/20 0.65s} 71. Kc7 {+5.93/20 0.29s}
Ke6 {-5.69/20 0.066s} 72. c6 {+4.08/20 0.21s} Rb1 {-5.65/20 0.012s}
73. Re2+ {+5.69/20 0.26s} Kf7 {-5.65/20 0.023s} 74. Rd2 {+5.69/20 0.004s}
Ke8 {-5.65/20 0.020s} 75. Rd5 {+5.73/20 0.026s} Re1 {-5.65/20 0.050s}
76. Kc8 {+5.73/20 0.020s} Ke7 {-5.65/20 0.011s} 77. c7 {+5.77/20 0.17s}
Rb1 {-5.73/20 0.070s} 78. Re5+ {+46.09/20 2.4s} Kf6 {-5.77/20 0.037s}
79. Re4 {+46.09/20 0.010s} Kf7 {-46.01/20 1.3s} 80. Kd7 {+46.09/20 0.008s}
Rd1+ {-46.01/20 0.028s} 81. Kc6 {+46.09/20 0.011s} Rc1+ {-46.09/20 0.073s}
82. Kd6 {+46.09/20 0.009s} Kf6 {-46.09/20 0.010s} 83. Kd7 {+46.09/20 0.016s}
Rd1+ {-46.09/20 0.061s} 84. Ke8 {+46.09/20 0.007s}
Rc1 {-46.09/20 0.006s, White wins by adjudication} 1-0

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2017.07.10"]
[Round "2"]
[White "asmfish"]
[Black "stockfish"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[FEN "rnbqkbnr/pp2pppp/3p4/2p5/3P4/6P1/PPP1PP1P/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -"]
[PlyCount "114"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[TimeControl "inf"]

1. dxc5 {+0.56/20 2.8s} Nf6 {-0.49/20 2.0s} 2. cxd6 {+0.59/20 0.87s}
e5 {-0.54/20 1.1s} 3. Nc3 {+0.45/20 1.0s} Bxd6 {-0.41/20 0.58s}
4. Bg2 {+0.61/20 0.96s} O-O {-0.53/20 3.3s} 5. Bg5 {+0.64/20 0.73s}
Bb4 {-0.80/20 2.5s} 6. Qxd8 {+0.73/20 1.8s} Rxd8 {-0.79/20 1.5s}
7. Nf3 {+0.60/20 0.84s} Nc6 {-0.86/20 2.6s} 8. Nd2 {+0.66/20 0.74s}
Bf5 {-0.79/20 2.6s} 9. Bxc6 {+0.54/20 1.3s} bxc6 {-0.69/20 1.3s}
10. O-O-O {+0.64/20 0.46s} Bxc3 {-0.53/20 0.68s} 11. bxc3 {+0.47/20 0.58s}
Rdb8 {-0.42/20 0.62s} 12. Bxf6 {+0.47/20 1.0s} gxf6 {-0.37/20 1.6s}
13. f3 {+0.42/20 0.94s} Rb6 {-0.64/20 1.0s} 14. g4 {+0.45/20 0.34s}
Be6 {-0.77/20 1.3s} 15. Ne4 {+0.71/20 0.93s} Ra6 {-0.74/20 1.4s}
16. Rd6 {+0.80/20 1.1s} Rxa2 {-0.67/20 1.5s} 17. Kd2 {+0.83/20 1.4s}
Kf8 {-0.74/20 1.1s} 18. Rb1 {+0.89/20 0.89s} f5 {-0.81/20 1.2s}
19. Nc5 {+0.83/20 0.41s} Ke7 {-0.79/20 1.1s} 20. Rd3 {+0.83/20 1.1s}
fxg4 {-0.85/20 1.5s} 21. Rb7+ {+0.96/20 1.0s} Kf6 {-0.74/20 0.51s}
22. Nxe6 {+0.95/20 1.5s} Kxe6 {-0.79/20 0.47s} 23. fxg4 {+0.99/20 2.1s}
Ra4 {-0.87/20 0.55s} 24. Rbd7 {+0.72/20 0.78s} Rxg4 {-0.78/20 1.5s}
25. R3d6+ {+0.83/20 1.5s} Kf5 {-0.80/20 0.91s} 26. Rxf7+ {+0.69/20 0.69s}
Kg5 {-0.54/20 1.2s} 27. Rg7+ {+0.45/20 0.73s} Kf5 {-0.84/20 1.2s}
28. Rxh7 {+0.69/20 0.68s} a5 {-0.79/20 0.38s} 29. h3 {+0.70/20 1.8s}
Rgg8 {-0.66/20 1.1s} 30. Rh5+ {+0.93/20 0.73s} Kf4 {-0.88/20 0.65s}
31. Rh4+ {+0.76/20 1.1s} Kg3 {-0.75/20 1.2s} 32. Ra4 {+0.76/20 0.048s}
Kxh3 {-0.79/20 0.34s} 33. c4 {+0.85/20 0.27s} Rg3 {-0.92/20 1.4s}
34. Rxc6 {+0.85/20 0.84s} Rd8+ {-0.54/20 2.1s} 35. Kc1 {+0.75/20 0.40s}
Rg1+ {-0.54/20 0.54s} 36. Kb2 {+0.81/20 0.14s} Rb8+ {-0.49/20 0.13s}
37. Kc3 {+0.74/20 0.18s} Rg3+ {-0.52/20 0.58s} 38. e3 {+0.75/20 0.23s}
Rxe3+ {-0.71/20 2.0s} 39. Kd2 {+0.80/20 0.044s} Re4 {-0.73/20 1.3s}
40. Kd3 {+0.36/20 2.5s} Rg4 {-0.62/20 0.53s} 41. Re6 {+0.31/20 3.7s}
Rd8+ {-0.34/20 1.5s} 42. Ke3 {+0.24/20 0.50s} Rg3+ {-0.18/20 2.2s}
43. Ke4 {+0.08/20 1.2s} Kg2 {-0.29/20 0.67s} 44. Rxe5 {+0.08/20 0.14s}
Kf2 {-0.08/20 0.23s} 45. Kf5 {+0.08/20 0.43s} Rc8 {-0.08/20 1.2s}
46. Ke6 {+0.08/20 0.58s} Rc3 {-0.08/20 0.48s} 47. Kd5 {+0.08/20 0.041s}
Rxc2 {-0.08/20 0.083s} 48. Kd4 {+0.08/20 0.051s} Rc1 {-0.08/20 0.053s}
49. Ra2+ {+0.08/20 0.57s} Kf1 {-0.08/20 0.15s} 50. Ra4 {+0.03/20 0.50s}
Kf2 {-0.08/20 0.049s} 51. Ra2+ {0.00/20 0.15s} Kf1 {-0.08/20 0.17s}
52. Rf5+ {0.00/20 0.083s} Ke1 {0.00/20 0.20s} 53. Ra4 {0.00/20 0.21s}
Ke2 {0.00/20 0.095s} 54. Ra2+ {0.00/20 0.036s} Ke1 {0.00/20 0.006s}
55. c5 {0.00/20 0.028s} Rd8+ {0.00/20 0.078s} 56. Ke4 {0.00/20 0.030s}
Rc4+ {0.00/20 0.028s} 57. Ke3 {0.00/20 0.017s}
Rc3+ {0.00/20 0.017s, Draw by adjudication} 1/2-1/2
lantonov commented 7 years ago

I just ran another test of 1000 games SF(July 8) vs AF(July 10). Result +191 -189 =620 so the earlier statement that latest AF loses Elo is not supported (too small difference, not statistically significant). To establish difference, much larger number of games is required. However, almost all pairs of games are different, so formally speaking now SF and AF are much different regarding evaluation.

tthsqe12 commented 7 years ago

Are you sure you have the right version of stockfish? Both the SF and AF that I am running below have bench 6258930. Your pgn claims that SF does 1. d4, but it clearly does 1. f4.

$ ./pfish
position fen rnbqkbnr/pppppp2/6p1/4P2p/8/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
go depth 14
info depth 1 seldepth 1 multipv 1 time 1 nps 30000 score cp 167 nodes 30 tbhits 0 pv d2d4
info depth 2 seldepth 2 multipv 1 time 1 nps 61000 score cp 179 nodes 61 tbhits 0 pv d2d4 h5h4
info depth 3 seldepth 3 multipv 1 time 1 nps 99000 score cp 212 nodes 99 tbhits 0 pv d2d4 h5h4 d4d5
info depth 4 seldepth 4 multipv 1 time 2 nps 221000 score cp 130 nodes 442 tbhits 0 pv d2d4 e7e6 c2c3 d7d6
info depth 5 seldepth 5 multipv 1 time 3 nps 346000 score cp 113 nodes 1038 tbhits 0 pv g1f3 b8c6 d2d4 d7d5 d1d3
info depth 6 seldepth 6 multipv 1 time 7 nps 527285 score cp 74 nodes 3691 tbhits 0 pv d2d4 d7d6 f2f4 c8g4 g1f3 b8c6
info depth 7 seldepth 7 multipv 1 time 9 nps 511222 score cp 68 nodes 4601 tbhits 0 pv d2d4 d7d6 g1f3 b8c6 e5d6 c7d6 c1g5
info depth 8 seldepth 9 multipv 1 time 16 nps 594687 score cp 33 nodes 9515 tbhits 0 pv d2d4 d7d6 g1f3 b8c6 d1d2 d6e5 d4e5 d8d2 b1d2
info depth 9 seldepth 13 multipv 1 time 27 nps 740407 score cp 72 nodes 19991 tbhits 0 pv d2d4 d7d6 g1f3 d6e5 f3e5 f8g7 b1c3 e8f8 d1d3
info depth 10 seldepth 14 multipv 1 time 36 nps 926833 score cp 74 nodes 33366 tbhits 0 pv g1f3 d7d6 b1c3 d6e5 f3e5 d8d4 e5f3 d4b4 d2d4 f8g7
info depth 11 seldepth 15 multipv 1 time 57 nps 1221385 score cp 50 nodes 69619 tbhits 0 pv f2f4 d7d6 g1f3 d6e5 f4e5 c7c5 b1c3 b8c6 f1b5 a7a6 b5c6 b7c6
info depth 12 seldepth 18 multipv 1 time 115 nps 1413652 score cp 63 nodes 162570 tbhits 0 pv g1f3 d7d6 d2d4 d6e5 f3e5 f8g7 b1c3 g7e5 d4e5 d8d1 e1d1 b8c6 c1f4 c8g4 f2f3 e8c8 d1c1
info depth 13 seldepth 21 multipv 1 time 171 nps 1461099 score cp 64 nodes 249848 tbhits 0 pv f2f4 d7d6 d2d4 d6e5 f4e5 c8g4 g1f3 g4f3 g2f3 e7e6 f1b5 c7c6 b5f1 c6c5 f1b5 b8c6 c2c3 c5d4
info depth 14 seldepth 22 multipv 1 time 260 nps 1499692 score cp 64 nodes 389920 tbhits 0 pv f2f4 b8c6 g1f3 d7d5 d2d4 g8h6 f1e2 h6f5 c2c3 e7e6 e1g1 f8g7 e2d3 e8g8 h2h3
bestmove f2f4 ponder b8c6
$ ./stockfish
Stockfish 080717 64 POPCNT by T. Romstad, M. Costalba, J. Kiiski, G. Linscott
position fen rnbqkbnr/pppppp2/6p1/4P2p/8/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
go depth 14   
info depth 1 seldepth 1 multipv 1 score cp 167 nodes 30 nps 15000 tbhits 0 time 2 pv d2d4
info depth 2 seldepth 2 multipv 1 score cp 179 nodes 61 nps 30500 tbhits 0 time 2 pv d2d4 h5h4
info depth 3 seldepth 3 multipv 1 score cp 212 nodes 99 nps 49500 tbhits 0 time 2 pv d2d4 h5h4 d4d5
info depth 4 seldepth 4 multipv 1 score cp 130 nodes 442 nps 147333 tbhits 0 time 3 pv d2d4 e7e6 c2c3 d7d6
info depth 5 seldepth 5 multipv 1 score cp 113 nodes 1038 nps 259500 tbhits 0 time 4 pv g1f3 b8c6 d2d4 d7d5 d1d3
info depth 6 seldepth 6 multipv 1 score cp 74 nodes 3691 nps 461375 tbhits 0 time 8 pv d2d4 d7d6 f2f4 c8g4 g1f3 b8c6
info depth 7 seldepth 7 multipv 1 score cp 68 nodes 4601 nps 460100 tbhits 0 time 10 pv d2d4 d7d6 g1f3 b8c6 e5d6 c7d6 c1g5
info depth 8 seldepth 9 multipv 1 score cp 33 nodes 9515 nps 559705 tbhits 0 time 17 pv d2d4 d7d6 g1f3 b8c6 d1d2 d6e5 d4e5 d8d2 b1d2
info depth 9 seldepth 13 multipv 1 score cp 72 nodes 19991 nps 799640 tbhits 0 time 25 pv d2d4 d7d6 g1f3 d6e5 f3e5 f8g7 b1c3 e8f8 d1d3
info depth 10 seldepth 14 multipv 1 score cp 74 nodes 33366 nps 794428 tbhits 0 time 42 pv g1f3 d7d6 b1c3 d6e5 f3e5 d8d4 e5f3 d4b4 d2d4 f8g7
info depth 11 seldepth 15 multipv 1 score cp 50 nodes 69619 nps 1039089 tbhits 0 time 67 pv f2f4 d7d6 g1f3 d6e5 f4e5 c7c5 b1c3 b8c6 f1b5 a7a6 b5c6 b7c6
info depth 12 seldepth 18 multipv 1 score cp 63 nodes 162570 nps 1204222 tbhits 0 time 135 pv g1f3 d7d6 d2d4 d6e5 f3e5 f8g7 b1c3 g7e5 d4e5 d8d1 e1d1 b8c6 c1f4 c8g4 f2f3 e8c8 d1c1
info depth 13 seldepth 21 multipv 1 score cp 64 nodes 249848 nps 1249240 tbhits 0 time 200 pv f2f4 d7d6 d2d4 d6e5 f4e5 c8g4 g1f3 g4f3 g2f3 e7e6 f1b5 c7c6 b5f1 c6c5 f1b5 b8c6 c2c3 c5d4
info depth 14 seldepth 22 multipv 1 score cp 64 nodes 389920 nps 1265974 tbhits 0 time 308 pv f2f4 b8c6 g1f3 d7d5 d2d4 g8h6 f1e2 h6f5 c2c3 e7e6 e1g1 f8g7 e2d3 e8g8 h2h3
bestmove f2f4 ponder b8c6
lantonov commented 7 years ago

Oops, you are right! I have put the directory with the old SF in the batch file. Sorry, disregard the previous tests, I am doing new tests with the new SF.

lantonov commented 7 years ago

With the last SF (July 8) vs AF (July 10) both with bench 6258930, 100 games at depth=14, result +25 =50 -25, 50/50 pairs the same. No different games!

lantonov commented 7 years ago

At depth=20, result +14 =72 -14, again no differing pair. Sorry, @tthsqe12 for blaming your patch. It was all my fault.

lantonov commented 7 years ago

In the latest batch of 2000 games depth 12, the python script found the following difference:

======================85. Kc4 vs 85. Rf5=========================
[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2017.07.21"]
[Round "719"]
[White "stockfish"]
[Black "asmfish"]
[Result "1-0"]
[FEN "rnbqkb1r/ppppppp1/7n/7p/8/1PN5/P1PPPPPP/R1BQKBNR w KQkq - 1 1"]
[PlyCount "208"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[TimeControl "inf"]

1. e4 {+0.99/12 0.13s} e5 {-0.81/12 0.20s} 2. Nf3 {+0.91/12 0.083s}
Nc6 {-1.02/12 0.17s} 3. Bb2 {+0.89/12 0.14s} Ng4 {-1.06/12 0.080s}
4. Bc4 {+1.11/12 0.11s} Bc5 {-0.81/12 0.062s} 5. O-O {+0.77/12 0.055s}
a6 {-0.79/12 0.040s} 6. Nd5 {+0.96/12 0.12s} d6 {-1.08/12 0.11s}
7. c3 {+0.97/12 0.058s} Nf6 {-1.01/12 0.046s} 8. Re1 {+0.90/12 0.098s}
Bg4 {-1.14/12 0.17s} 9. h3 {+1.26/12 0.24s} Kf8 {-0.93/12 0.33s}
10. b4 {+0.95/12 0.23s} Ba7 {-1.01/12 0.034s} 11. Bb3 {+1.12/12 0.049s}
Be6 {-1.03/12 0.12s} 12. Ng5 {+1.38/12 0.088s} Nxd5 {-1.38/12 0.078s}
13. Nxe6+ {+0.93/12 0.079s} fxe6 {-1.58/12 0.023s} 14. exd5 {+1.23/12 0.011s}
exd5 {-1.59/12 0.010s} 15. Bxd5 {+1.33/12 0.068s} Qf6 {-1.14/12 0.021s}
16. Re2 {+1.37/12 0.10s} g6 {-1.10/12 0.041s} 17. Qc2 {+1.22/12 0.11s}
Rb8 {-1.35/12 0.098s} 18. Rae1 {+1.56/12 0.049s} Ne7 {-1.52/12 0.065s}
19. Bb3 {+1.31/12 0.055s} Nc6 {-1.73/12 0.030s} 20. Bd5 {+1.31/12 0.012s}
Ne7 {-1.78/12 0.021s} 21. Bb3 {+1.48/12 0.059s} Re8 {-1.64/12 0.031s}
22. d4 {+1.55/12 0.043s} Nf5 {-1.40/12 0.050s} 23. Bc1 {+1.74/12 0.058s}
Kg7 {-1.50/12 0.049s} 24. Qd2 {+1.70/12 0.10s} c6 {-1.63/12 0.088s}
25. a4 {+1.75/12 0.10s} Rd8 {-1.42/12 0.017s} 26. Bc2 {+1.29/12 0.17s}
Bb8 {-1.21/12 0.12s} 27. Qd3 {+1.35/12 0.16s} Rde8 {-1.35/12 0.17s}
28. d5 {+1.19/12 0.059s} Rd8 {-1.37/12 0.064s} 29. a5 {+1.31/12 0.073s}
cxd5 {-1.07/12 0.020s} 30. Qxd5 {+1.51/12 0.081s} Qf7 {-1.39/12 0.012s}
31. Qxf7+ {+1.70/12 0.049s} Kxf7 {-1.62/12 0.064s} 32. Bg5 {+1.70/12 0.010s}
d5 {-1.93/12 0.067s} 33. Bxf5 {+1.91/12 0.11s} gxf5 {-1.87/12 0.030s}
34. Bxd8 {+1.77/12 0.028s} Rxd8 {-1.76/12 0.025s} 35. Rd2 {+1.70/12 0.021s}
Ke6 {-1.92/12 0.022s} 36. Red1 {+1.80/12 0.039s} f4 {-1.89/12 0.020s}
37. Kf1 {+1.92/12 0.069s} Ba7 {-1.89/12 0.028s} 38. c4 {+1.91/12 0.035s}
Bd4 {-1.93/12 0.014s} 39. Rc2 {+1.88/12 0.054s} dxc4 {-1.85/12 0.052s}
40. Rxc4 {+1.98/12 0.055s} Rd5 {-1.87/12 0.010s} 41. Rb1 {+1.85/12 0.034s}
Rb5 {-1.72/12 0.057s} 42. Rc8 {+1.95/12 0.081s} e4 {-1.79/12 0.032s}
43. Rc4 {+1.83/12 0.034s} Kd5 {-1.69/12 0.005s} 44. Rc7 {+1.67/12 0.014s}
Ke6 {-1.85/12 0.030s} 45. Rc4 {+1.67/12 0.021s} Kd5 {-1.60/12 0.015s}
46. Rc7 {+1.69/12 0.010s} Ke6 {-1.58/12 0.017s} 47. Ke2 {+1.65/12 0.030s}
Be5 {-1.89/12 0.010s} 48. Rc4 {+1.47/12 0.024s} Kd5 {-1.70/12 0.010s}
49. Rc5+ {+1.59/12 0.016s} Ke6 {-1.95/12 0.009s} 50. Kd2 {+1.80/12 0.027s}
h4 {-1.70/12 0.064s} 51. Rc4 {+1.82/12 0.050s} Kf5 {-1.64/12 0.020s}
52. Rc5 {+1.66/12 0.025s} Ke6 {-1.64/12 0.011s} 53. Rc8 {+1.60/12 0.053s}
Kf5 {-1.50/12 0.063s} 54. Rf8+ {+1.66/12 0.021s} Kg5 {-1.50/12 0.001s}
55. Re8 {+1.66/12 0.046s} Kf5 {-1.67/12 0.015s} 56. Rf8+ {+1.53/12 0.018s}
Kg5 {-1.48/12 0.021s} 57. Re8 {+1.56/12 0.004s} Kf5 {-1.51/12 0.019s}
58. Rd8 {+1.56/12 0.036s} Ke6 {-1.52/12 0.036s} 59. Ke2 {+1.77/12 0.010s}
Bd6 {-1.49/12 0.017s} 60. Rh8 {+1.43/12 0.044s} Be7 {-1.55/12 0.041s}
61. Kf1 {+1.41/12 0.012s} Kf7 {-1.44/12 0.026s} 62. Ke2 {+1.40/12 0.013s}
Ke6 {-1.44/12 0.008s} 63. Rh6+ {+1.39/12 0.064s} Bf6 {-1.51/12 0.010s}
64. Kd2 {+1.50/12 0.023s} Kf7 {-0.90/12 0.033s} 65. Rh7+ {+1.56/12 0.010s}
Kg6 {-0.87/12 0.027s} 66. Rc7 {+1.62/12 0.008s} Rg5 {-1.33/12 0.028s}
67. Rg1 {+1.53/12 0.009s} f3 {-0.91/12 0.10s} 68. Ke3 {+0.46/12 0.079s}
Be5 {-0.95/12 0.049s} 69. Rxb7 {+0.62/12 0.033s} Kf5 {-0.77/12 0.015s}
70. g4+ {+1.62/12 0.083s} hxg3 {-1.16/12 0.042s} 71. fxg3 {+0.79/12 0.049s}
Bxg3 {-0.75/12 0.013s} 72. Rf7+ {+0.77/12 0.016s} Ke6 {-1.31/12 0.007s}
73. Rf8 {+1.01/12 0.028s} Ke7 {-1.48/12 0.016s} 74. h4 {+1.31/12 0.023s}
Bxh4 {-1.24/12 0.024s} 75. Rg8 {+1.08/12 0.017s} Rxg8 {-0.81/12 0.009s}
76. Rxg8 {+1.18/12 0.011s} Be1 {-0.87/12 0.008s} 77. Rg4 {+0.85/12 0.029s}
Kd6 {-0.87/12 0.004s} 78. Rxe4 {+0.87/12 0.006s} f2 {-0.87/12 0.008s}
79. Ke2 {+0.87/12 0.002s} Kc6 {-0.87/12 0.002s} 80. Re5 {+0.87/12 0.004s}
Bxb4 {-0.93/12 0.004s} 81. Kxf2 {+0.87/12 0.001s} Kc7 {-0.93/12 0.003s}
82. Ke3 {+0.96/12 0.008s} Kb7 {-1.60/12 0.012s} 83. Kd4 {+1.57/12 0.027s}
Bd6 {-1.59/12 0.008s} 84. Rd5 {+1.54/12 0.003s} Bc7 {-1.64/12 0.003s}
85. Kc4 {+1.56/12 0.011s} Ka7 {-1.64/12 0.002s} 86. Rg5 {+1.47/12 0.013s}
Kb7 {-1.64/12 0.003s} 87. Rd5 {+1.43/12 0.005s} Ka7 {-1.52/12 0.002s}
88. Kb4 {+1.43/12 0.004s} Kb7 {-1.52/12 0.004s} 89. Rf5 {+1.51/12 0.007s}
Bd6+ {-1.50/12 0.001s} 90. Ka4 {+1.56/12 0.008s} Kc8 {-1.52/12 0.004s}
91. Rf6 {+1.47/12 0.014s} Kc7 {-2.81/12 0.024s} 92. Kb3 {+1.81/12 0.005s}
Kc6 {-3.04/12 0.004s} 93. Kc4 {+1.58/12 0.006s} Kc7 {-2.76/12 0.024s}
94. Kd5 {+2.28/12 0.023s} Be7 {-2.66/12 0.011s} 95. Rf7 {+3.11/12 0.014s}
Kd8 {-2.88/12 0.012s} 96. Kc6 {+3.35/12 0.007s} Ke8 {-3.22/12 0.009s}
97. Rf5 {+4.20/12 0.008s} Ba3 {-4.02/12 0.025s} 98. Kb7 {+5.40/12 0.010s}
Kd7 {-5.48/12 0.014s} 99. Rd5+ {+7.01/12 0.013s} Ke6 {-6.86/12 0.013s}
100. Rd1 {+7.52/12 0.010s} Ke5 {-7.06/12 0.015s} 101. Kxa6 {+12.20/12 0.011s}
Ke4 {-12.57/12 0.044s} 102. Kb5 {+50.95/12 0.066s} Ke3 {-50.87/12 0.026s}
103. a6 {+50.91/12 0.012s} Ke2 {-45.97/12 0.017s} 104. Rd7 {+51.03/12 0.019s}
Bc1 {-51.07/12 0.014s, White wins by adjudication} 1-0

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2017.07.21"]
[Round "720"]
[White "asmfish"]
[Black "stockfish"]
[Result "1-0"]
[FEN "rnbqkb1r/ppppppp1/7n/7p/8/1PN5/P1PPPPPP/R1BQKBNR w KQkq - 1 1"]
[PlyCount "320"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[TimeControl "inf"]

1. e4 {+0.99/12 0.11s} e5 {-0.81/12 0.23s} 2. Nf3 {+0.91/12 0.063s}
Nc6 {-1.02/12 0.21s} 3. Bb2 {+0.89/12 0.11s} Ng4 {-1.06/12 0.10s}
4. Bc4 {+1.11/12 0.082s} Bc5 {-0.81/12 0.082s} 5. O-O {+0.77/12 0.042s}
a6 {-0.79/12 0.063s} 6. Nd5 {+0.96/12 0.10s} d6 {-1.08/12 0.16s}
7. c3 {+0.97/12 0.056s} Nf6 {-1.01/12 0.049s} 8. Re1 {+0.90/12 0.10s}
Bg4 {-1.14/12 0.31s} 9. h3 {+1.26/12 0.19s} Kf8 {-0.93/12 0.24s}
10. b4 {+0.95/12 0.17s} Ba7 {-1.01/12 0.038s} 11. Bb3 {+1.12/12 0.036s}
Be6 {-1.03/12 0.16s} 12. Ng5 {+1.38/12 0.069s} Nxd5 {-1.38/12 0.092s}
13. Nxe6+ {+0.93/12 0.074s} fxe6 {-1.58/12 0.028s} 14. exd5 {+1.23/12 0.008s}
exd5 {-1.59/12 0.015s} 15. Bxd5 {+1.33/12 0.051s} Qf6 {-1.14/12 0.026s}
16. Re2 {+1.37/12 0.082s} g6 {-1.10/12 0.054s} 17. Qc2 {+1.22/12 0.098s}
Rb8 {-1.35/12 0.11s} 18. Rae1 {+1.56/12 0.037s} Ne7 {-1.52/12 0.094s}
19. Bb3 {+1.31/12 0.047s} Nc6 {-1.73/12 0.044s} 20. Bd5 {+1.31/12 0.011s}
Ne7 {-1.78/12 0.030s} 21. Bb3 {+1.48/12 0.039s} Re8 {-1.64/12 0.034s}
22. d4 {+1.55/12 0.036s} Nf5 {-1.40/12 0.064s} 23. Bc1 {+1.74/12 0.054s}
Kg7 {-1.50/12 0.065s} 24. Qd2 {+1.70/12 0.084s} c6 {-1.63/12 0.090s}
25. a4 {+1.75/12 0.086s} Rd8 {-1.42/12 0.028s} 26. Bc2 {+1.29/12 0.13s}
Bb8 {-1.21/12 0.11s} 27. Qd3 {+1.35/12 0.14s} Rde8 {-1.35/12 0.21s}
28. d5 {+1.19/12 0.051s} Rd8 {-1.37/12 0.076s} 29. a5 {+1.31/12 0.067s}
cxd5 {-1.07/12 0.021s} 30. Qxd5 {+1.51/12 0.074s} Qf7 {-1.39/12 0.015s}
31. Qxf7+ {+1.70/12 0.030s} Kxf7 {-1.62/12 0.068s} 32. Bg5 {+1.70/12 0.007s}
d5 {-1.93/12 0.077s} 33. Bxf5 {+1.91/12 0.11s} gxf5 {-1.87/12 0.027s}
34. Bxd8 {+1.77/12 0.024s} Rxd8 {-1.76/12 0.029s} 35. Rd2 {+1.70/12 0.014s}
Ke6 {-1.92/12 0.033s} 36. Red1 {+1.80/12 0.030s} f4 {-1.89/12 0.025s}
37. Kf1 {+1.92/12 0.062s} Ba7 {-1.89/12 0.039s} 38. c4 {+1.91/12 0.029s}
Bd4 {-1.93/12 0.016s} 39. Rc2 {+1.88/12 0.044s} dxc4 {-1.85/12 0.067s}
40. Rxc4 {+1.98/12 0.043s} Rd5 {-1.87/12 0.013s} 41. Rb1 {+1.85/12 0.029s}
Rb5 {-1.72/12 0.075s} 42. Rc8 {+1.95/12 0.064s} e4 {-1.79/12 0.035s}
43. Rc4 {+1.83/12 0.033s} Kd5 {-1.69/12 0.006s} 44. Rc7 {+1.67/12 0.015s}
Ke6 {-1.85/12 0.036s} 45. Rc4 {+1.67/12 0.017s} Kd5 {-1.60/12 0.014s}
46. Rc7 {+1.69/12 0.009s} Ke6 {-1.58/12 0.027s} 47. Ke2 {+1.65/12 0.026s}
Be5 {-1.89/12 0.017s} 48. Rc4 {+1.47/12 0.023s} Kd5 {-1.70/12 0.016s}
49. Rc5+ {+1.59/12 0.013s} Ke6 {-1.95/12 0.008s} 50. Kd2 {+1.80/12 0.022s}
h4 {-1.70/12 0.069s} 51. Rc4 {+1.82/12 0.042s} Kf5 {-1.64/12 0.023s}
52. Rc5 {+1.66/12 0.014s} Ke6 {-1.64/12 0.021s} 53. Rc8 {+1.60/12 0.049s}
Kf5 {-1.50/12 0.071s} 54. Rf8+ {+1.66/12 0.021s} Kg5 {-1.50/12 0.002s}
55. Re8 {+1.66/12 0.032s} Kf5 {-1.67/12 0.022s} 56. Rf8+ {+1.53/12 0.012s}
Kg5 {-1.48/12 0.027s} 57. Re8 {+1.56/12 0.004s} Kf5 {-1.51/12 0.018s}
58. Rd8 {+1.56/12 0.034s} Ke6 {-1.52/12 0.041s} 59. Ke2 {+1.77/12 0.011s}
Bd6 {-1.49/12 0.022s} 60. Rh8 {+1.43/12 0.046s} Be7 {-1.55/12 0.048s}
61. Kf1 {+1.41/12 0.009s} Kf7 {-1.44/12 0.034s} 62. Ke2 {+1.40/12 0.011s}
Ke6 {-1.44/12 0.008s} 63. Rh6+ {+1.39/12 0.052s} Bf6 {-1.51/12 0.012s}
64. Kd2 {+1.50/12 0.016s} Kf7 {-0.90/12 0.040s} 65. Rh7+ {+1.56/12 0.008s}
Kg6 {-0.87/12 0.032s} 66. Rc7 {+1.62/12 0.006s} Rg5 {-1.33/12 0.029s}
67. Rg1 {+1.53/12 0.007s} f3 {-0.91/12 0.11s} 68. Ke3 {+0.46/12 0.053s}
Be5 {-0.95/12 0.055s} 69. Rxb7 {+0.62/12 0.022s} Kf5 {-0.77/12 0.023s}
70. g4+ {+1.62/12 0.075s} hxg3 {-1.16/12 0.054s} 71. fxg3 {+0.79/12 0.043s}
Bxg3 {-0.75/12 0.017s} 72. Rf7+ {+0.77/12 0.016s} Ke6 {-1.31/12 0.008s}
73. Rf8 {+1.01/12 0.026s} Ke7 {-1.48/12 0.016s} 74. h4 {+1.31/12 0.018s}
Bxh4 {-1.24/12 0.035s} 75. Rg8 {+1.08/12 0.011s} Rxg8 {-0.81/12 0.012s}
76. Rxg8 {+1.18/12 0.006s} Be1 {-0.87/12 0.011s} 77. Rg4 {+0.85/12 0.021s}
Kd6 {-0.87/12 0.005s} 78. Rxe4 {+0.87/12 0.005s} f2 {-0.87/12 0.012s}
79. Ke2 {+0.87/12 0.001s} Kc6 {-0.87/12 0.002s} 80. Re5 {+0.87/12 0.003s}
Bxb4 {-0.93/12 0.004s} 81. Kxf2 {+0.87/12 0.002s} Kc7 {-0.93/12 0.003s}
82. Ke3 {+0.96/12 0.005s} Kb7 {-1.60/12 0.013s} 83. Kd4 {+1.57/12 0.018s}
Bd6 {-1.59/12 0.007s} 84. Rd5 {+1.54/12 0.003s} Bc7 {-1.64/12 0.005s}
85. Rf5 {+1.51/12 0.007s} Ka7 {-1.57/12 0.005s} 86. Kc4 {+1.44/12 0.008s}
Kb8 {-1.63/12 0.006s} 87. Kb4 {+1.46/12 0.007s} Kb7 {-1.63/12 0.002s}
88. Rf6 {+1.48/12 0.008s} Bd8 {-1.63/12 0.005s} 89. Rf7+ {+1.48/12 0.004s}
Bc7 {-1.63/12 0.003s} 90. Ka4 {+1.48/12 0.001s} Kb8 {-1.63/12 0.003s}
91. Rg7 {+1.50/12 0.004s} Bf4 {-1.63/12 0.009s} 92. Rg4 {+1.51/12 0.002s}
Bd2 {-1.54/12 0.010s} 93. Rg2 {+1.51/12 0.004s} Bf4 {-1.61/12 0.008s}
94. Rg7 {+1.51/12 0.002s} Be3 {-1.61/12 0.003s} 95. Rg3 {+1.44/12 0.002s}
Bd2 {-1.63/12 0.008s} 96. Rg2 {+1.44/12 0.002s} Be1 {-1.61/12 0.003s}
97. Rg8+ {+1.44/12 0.003s} Ka7 {-1.61/12 0.002s} 98. Rg7+ {+1.44/12 0.003s}
Kb8 {-1.61/12 0.001s} 99. Rg2 {+1.44/12 0.002s} Ka7 {-1.61/12 0.002s}
100. Rg5 {+1.44/12 0.002s} Kb7 {-1.63/12 0.010s} 101. Rg1 {+1.44/12 0.001s}
Bd2 {-1.63/12 0.005s} 102. Rg2 {+1.44/12 0.002s} Be1 {-1.63/12 0.003s}
103. Rg1 {+1.44/12 0.001s} Bd2 {-1.56/12 0.002s} 104. Rg6 {+1.44/12 0.001s}
Ka7 {-1.63/12 0.004s} 105. Rg2 {+1.44/12 0.001s} Be1 {-1.63/12 0.002s}
106. Rg7+ {+1.44/12 0.001s} Ka8 {-1.63/12 0.003s} 107. Re7 {+1.44/12 0.003s}
Bg3 {-1.63/12 0.002s} 108. Rg7 {+1.44/12 0.002s} Be5 {-1.61/12 0.004s}
109. Rg6 {+1.44/12 0.004s} Kb7 {-1.60/12 0.004s} 110. Kb4 {+1.44/12 0.001s}
Ka7 {-1.63/12 0.005s} 111. Rg2 {+1.44/12 0.003s} Bd6+ {-1.63/12 0.005s}
112. Kc4 {+1.44/12 0.004s} Kb8 {-1.63/12 0.004s} 113. Rg6 {+1.59/12 0.016s}
Bf4 {-1.64/12 0.012s} 114. Rxa6 {+2.25/12 0.014s} Be3 {-3.05/12 0.018s}
115. Re6 {+2.32/12 0.006s} Bg1 {-3.05/12 0.005s} 116. Re8+ {+3.14/12 0.017s}
Ka7 {-3.05/12 0.006s} 117. Kb5 {+1.87/12 0.006s} Bf2 {-3.05/12 0.005s}
118. Re2 {+1.95/12 0.002s} Bd4 {-3.05/12 0.005s} 119. Re7+ {+2.16/12 0.003s}
Kb8 {-3.05/12 0.002s} 120. Re8+ {+2.08/12 0.006s} Ka7 {-3.05/12 0.001s}
121. Re2 {+2.02/12 0.002s} Kb7 {-3.05/12 0.002s} 122. Re4 {+2.02/12 0.004s}
Bf2 {-3.05/12 0.002s} 123. Re7+ {+2.02/12 0.004s} Kb8 {-3.05/12 0.002s}
124. Re2 {+2.33/12 0.002s} Bg1 {-3.05/12 0.002s} 125. Re8+ {+1.88/12 0.003s}
Ka7 {-3.05/12 0.002s} 126. Re4 {+3.12/12 0.002s} Bf2 {-3.05/12 0.002s}
127. Re7+ {+2.24/12 0.002s} Kb8 {-3.05/12 0.003s} 128. Re2 {+2.13/12 0.001s}
Bg1 {-3.05/12 0.002s} 129. Re8+ {+2.24/12 0.004s} Ka7 {-3.05/12 0.001s}
130. Re1 {+1.64/12 0.003s} Bf2 {-3.05/12 0.002s} 131. Re2 {+1.61/12 0.002s}
Bd4 {-3.05/12 0.001s} 132. Re4 {+1.51/12 0.004s} Bf2 {-3.05/12 0.002s}
133. Rf4 {+1.61/12 0.008s} Be3 {-3.05/12 0.003s} 134. Rf6 {+1.61/12 0.003s}
Bd4 {-3.05/12 0.002s} 135. Rf7+ {+1.72/12 0.011s} Kb8 {-3.05/12 0.002s}
136. Kc4 {+3.22/12 0.004s} Ba7 {-3.05/12 0.003s} 137. Rg7 {+2.52/12 0.007s}
Bf2 {-3.05/12 0.001s} 138. Rg2 {+3.14/12 0.004s} Be3 {-3.05/12 0.002s}
139. Rg3 {+2.18/12 0.006s} Bf4 {-3.05/12 0.007s} 140. Rf3 {+2.69/12 0.010s}
Bh2 {-3.05/12 0.004s} 141. Rf1 {+3.60/12 0.005s} Ka7 {-3.52/12 0.009s}
142. Kb5 {+3.62/12 0.003s} Be5 {-3.81/12 0.006s} 143. Rf7+ {+3.91/12 0.006s}
Ka8 {-3.05/12 0.004s} 144. Kc4 {+3.91/12 0.001s} Bh2 {-3.86/12 0.006s}
145. Rg7 {+3.91/12 0.001s} Bf4 {-3.85/12 0.008s} 146. Re7 {+3.91/12 0.002s}
Bh2 {-3.92/12 0.008s} 147. Rg7 {+3.91/12 0.002s} Bf4 {-3.80/12 0.003s}
148. Re7 {+3.85/12 0.003s} Bh2 {-3.89/12 0.003s} 149. Re1 {+3.61/12 0.002s}
Bg3 {-4.08/12 0.006s} 150. Re2 {+3.61/12 0.003s} Kb8 {-3.93/12 0.005s}
151. a6 {+2.54/12 0.004s} Ka7 {-3.93/12 0.006s} 152. Kb5 {+3.96/12 0.004s}
Bh4 {-3.69/12 0.005s} 153. Rh2 {+46.09/12 0.014s} Bg3 {-4.09/12 0.008s}
154. Rh7+ {+46.17/12 0.002s} Ka8 {-4.58/12 0.006s} 155. a7 {+46.17/12 0.002s}
Be5 {-46.09/12 0.005s} 156. Rd7 {+46.17/12 0.002s} Bc7 {-46.21/12 0.008s}
157. Ka6 {+46.25/12 0.002s} Bb6 {-46.21/12 0.003s} 158. Rg7 {+M23/12 0.001s}
Bxa7 {-M22/12 0.002s} 159. Rxa7+ {+M21/12 0.001s} Kb8 {-M20/12 0.001s}
160. Kb6 {+M19/12 0.001s} Kc8 {-M18/12 0.001s, White wins by adjudication} 1-0

I could not reproduce it though: both engines play 85. Kc4 at depth 12 and 85. Rf5 at higher depths

fabadrifay commented 7 years ago

hello lantonov where are the pgn 15000 games ? for download

lantonov commented 7 years ago

I use the pgn only for the job at hand and then delete it

fabadrifay commented 7 years ago

please i need the pgn 15000 games for to use personal

De: Lyudmil Antonov Enviado: martes, 15 de agosto de 2017 4:24 Para: lantonov/asmFish Cc: fabadrifay; Comment Asunto: Re: [lantonov/asmFish] asmFish vs Stockfish (#66)

I use the pgn only for the job at hand and then delete it

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fabadrifay commented 7 years ago

i pay for tit

lantonov commented 7 years ago

I would gladly give you the pgn for free if I had it. As I said, I don't save the games permanently.