lanwuwei / SPM_toolkit

Neural network toolkit for sentence pair modeling.
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SSE Model pertained word vectors loading #22

Open Shuailong opened 5 years ago

Shuailong commented 5 years ago

Hi Wuwei,

Thanks for sharing the code and learned from your code! I have a small question below:

I found that for other models you use from torchtext.vocab import load_word_vectors to load pretrained word vectors while for SSE model, you directly use torch.load(EMB_FILE) to load the pickled embeddings. However, I could not find the embedding files in the data folder you provided. Could you please upload this file?


Regards, Shuailong

lanwuwei commented 5 years ago

Hi Shuailong,

When you specify the embedding path and name, torchtext will automatically download data from GloVe website: , which is saved into your local machine.

Best, Wuwei

Shuailong commented 5 years ago

Hi Shuailong,

When you specify the embedding path and name, torchtext will automatically download data from GloVe website: , which is saved into your local machine.

Best, Wuwei

So How shall I set the EMB_FILE variable?

lanwuwei commented 5 years ago

just run this command: wv_dict, wv_arr, wv_size = load_word_vectors('/your/local/path/', 'glove.840B', 300) It will download Note: the torchtext version in my code is 0.1.1