lao8n / cnstlltn

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trying to query backend function which calls open ai but nothing is happening #15

Closed lao8n closed 11 months ago

lao8n commented 11 months ago


lao8n commented 11 months ago

not sure what is going on above i echod allowed origins on api and it included when i sh into api container i can see that $API_ALLOW_ORIGINS is set to which matches

so it seems like console.log("onQueryCreated called" + query) const queryResponseList = await actions.queryResponseList.getQueryResponseList(query); console.log("query response returned" + queryResponseList); so i guess that queryresponselist is hanging...

and it doesn't get to this next console log async (dispatch: Dispatch) => { const queryResponses = await queryService.getList(query); console.log("query responses", queryResponses) dispatch(getQueryResponseListAction(queryResponses)); return queryResponses; }

lao8n commented 11 months ago

yeah tracing through the code from infrastructure i can see what API_ALLOW_ORIGINS is there and i confirm it on sh and the url looks correct but there in azure portal it looks like it isn't set... image

lao8n commented 11 months ago

now i can't even connect to the container INFO: Connecting to the container 'main'... ERROR: {"Error":{"Code":"ClusterExecEndpointWebSocketConnectionError","Message":"Failed to establish WebSocket connection with the container, error is Failed to establish WebSocket connection with Kubsernetes cluster exec endpoint, error: The server returned status code \u0027500\u0027 when status code \u0027101\u0027 was expected..","Details":null,"Target":null,"AdditionalInfo":null}}

lao8n commented 11 months ago


problem seems to be that the getQueryResponseList function does not return anything... console.log("query", query.userTxt) const queryResponses = await queryService.getQueryResponseList(query);

  i can see that 

@app.get("/queryAi", response_model=List[QueryAiResponseBlock], response_model_by_alias=False) async def query_ai(query: Query) -> List[QueryAiResponseBlock]: print("allow origins" + app.allow_origins) print is not printing - although maybe i need to check the console logs for the api - let's check taht

lao8n commented 11 months ago

so progress where now getting this error . To change or disable, go to /code/todo/ 2023-07-27T17:09:44.849367250Z INFO: - "OPTIONS /queryAi HTTP/1.1" 200 OK 2023-07-27T17:09:44.943170926Z INFO: - "GET /queryAi HTTP/1.1" 422 Unprocessable Entity so clearly the backend is beign called but somethign isn't quite right

o {message: 'Request failed with status code 422', name: 'AxiosError', code: 'ERR_BAD_REQUEST', config: {…}, request: XMLHttpRequest, …} code : "ERR_BAD_REQUEST" config : {transitional: {…}, transformRequest: Array(1), transformResponse: Array(1), timeout: 0, adapter: ƒ, …} message : "Request failed with status code 422" name : "AxiosError" request : XMLHttpRequest {ajaxData: null, _aiDataEvents_2_8_142_bAJ90M: {…}, onreadystatechange: null, readyState: 4, timeout: 0, …} response : {data: {…}, status: 422, statusText: '', headers: {…}, config: {…}, …}

lao8n commented 11 months ago

memory sized has reduced to 0.5 cpu cores and memory size of 1Gi (from 2) although i thought i set it to 0.5 image so the problem was it was being overrided somewhere else

lao8n commented 11 months ago

error might be that i have set up get method which doesn't take an argument rather than a post"/queryAi", response_model=List[QueryAiResponseBlock], response_model_by_alias=False)
async def query_ai(query: Query) -> List[QueryAiResponseBlock]:

new code to try

lao8n commented 11 months ago

new error image

lao8n commented 11 months ago


lao8n commented 11 months ago

confirmed that API_ALLOW_ORIGINS is set echo $API_ALLOW_ORIGINS when ssh into api which does match

lao8n commented 11 months ago

so i think i might have solved that problem image

lao8n commented 11 months ago

image error in the api backend is fastapi has no attribute allow origins - line 19.. seems like import was wrong - it is really annoying that suggested imports are now ai generated rather than based off what is actually in the code - in a language like python it becomes really unworkable

lao8n commented 11 months ago

new error is didn't provide an api key openai.error.AuthenticationError: You didn't provide an API key. You need to provide your API key in an Authorization header using Bearer auth (i.e. Authorization: Bearer YOUR_KEY), or as the password field (with blank username) if you're accessing the API from your browser and are prompted for a username and password. You can obtain an API key from

but i tried to set it here openai.api_key = settings.OPENAI_API_KEY

i can see in settings there is some code to load OPENAI_API_KEY class Settings(BaseSettings): def init(self, *args, *kwargs): super().init(args, **kwargs)

    # Load secrets from keyvault
        credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
        keyvault_client = SecretClient(self.AZURE_KEY_VAULT_ENDPOINT, credential)
        for secret in keyvault_client.list_properties_of_secrets():

AZURE_KEY_VAULT_ENDPOINT: Optional[str] = None
OPENAI_API_KEY: str = ""

however when i go onto key value store i can see that the open ai key is there but the value is an empty string 

module keyVaultOpenAiApiKey './core/security/keyvault-secret.bicep' = { name: 'openai-api-key' scope: rg params: { keyVaultName: name: 'openai-api-key' secretValue: openAiApiKey } } "openAiApiKey": { "value": "${OPENAI_API_KEY}" }

lao8n commented 11 months ago

so i thought i had solved the corsAcaUrl issue by passing it into allowedOrigins in app for api but have the same error as before image

although admittedly this is only for the pre-flight request, where i'm getting a post request error

for the actual post request where we now have this info

2023-08-09T12:57:19.663570460Z Allowing requests from . To change or disable, go to  /code/todo/

so actually i think this is working okay, it is because i was using hte website url not the azure one - i guess i need to add as a link as well

so incredibly we are now printing a response from open ai locally it isn't showing up on the web page but progress!! image i feel completley exhausted though omg hmm going to pop out to the shops but big moment nonetheless

lao8n commented 11 months ago

and we actually do get something back in query responses now image thus we are getting to here in the code

        appContext.dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.POST_QUERY_RESPONSE_LIST, payload: queryResponseList });
lao8n commented 11 months ago

seems like we are dispatching twice so removed the dispatch above in the onQueryCreated function and instead kept the one in queryActions

in the template code the only reason they return anything is to navigate to a new page - but actually i don't need that information so there is no reason to need to return actually the dispatch should be sufficient... anyway chatgpt couldn't see anything majorily wrong so i'm adding a console log in the app reducer to see if i can debut it there

holy shit - it is being displayed just not umm in the correct font colour.. lol image

seems to be only if that is the only thing being shown on the page.. not quite sure that is goning on there - so okay it is just because it takes 10s roughly for the response to be returned which is fine for now i think