lao8n / cnstlltn

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google auth login in not working #6

Closed lao8n closed 1 year ago

lao8n commented 1 year ago
2023-06-28T15:29:57.698702522Z       Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET  
2023-06-28T15:29:57.700224762Z info: MiddlewareConsoleLogs[0]
2023-06-28T15:29:57.700250446Z       {"Timestamp":"2023-06-28T15:29:57.7000596Z","Hostname":"","Path":"/.auth/login/google","SiteName":"","TaskName":"RequestCompleted","ModuleRuntimeVersion":"1.6.7","StatusCode":302,"SubStatusCode":0,"RedirectHostname":"","ProviderName":"Microsoft-Azure-AppService-Middleware","Level":4,"EventId":3}
2023-06-28T15:29:57.700845806Z info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Diagnostics[2]
2023-06-28T15:29:57.700863481Z       Request finished in 1.8857ms 302 
2023-06-28T15:29:58.036495014Z info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Diagnostics[1]
2023-06-28T15:29:58.037067347Z       Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET  
2023-06-28T15:29:58.039640237Z info: MiddlewareConsoleLogs[0]
2023-06-28T15:29:58.039819005Z       {"Timestamp":"2023-06-28T15:29:58.0385405Z","SiteName":"","TaskName":"TraceIO","Message":"Starting","ProviderName":"Microsoft-Azure-AppService-Middleware-Authentication","Level":4,"EventId":201,"ActivityId":"2b88c8f1-72c9-455d-9f61-9b2736743b57","ActionTaken":"HttpRequest POST","Location":"","TimeTaken":0}
2023-06-28T15:29:58.226794570Z info: MiddlewareConsoleLogs[0]
2023-06-28T15:29:58.227141847Z       {"Timestamp":"2023-06-28T15:29:58.2265333Z","SiteName":"","TaskName":"TraceIO","Message":"Completed with 200. Partial response if failure: .","ProviderName":"Microsoft-Azure-AppService-Middleware-Authentication","Level":4,"EventId":201,"ActivityId":"2b88c8f1-72c9-455d-9f61-9b2736743b57","ActionTaken":"HttpRequest POST","Location":"","TimeTaken":188}
2023-06-28T15:29:58.229128474Z info: MiddlewareConsoleLogs[0]
2023-06-28T15:29:58.258475354Z       {"Timestamp":"2023-06-28T15:29:58.2289867Z","Hostname":"","SiteName":"","TaskName":"LoginComplete","ClientId":"","ModuleRuntimeVersion":"1.6.7","ProviderName":"Microsoft-Azure-AppService-Middleware-Authentication","Level":4,"Issuer":"","Authenticated":true,"AuthenticationMethods":"","UserDomain":"","UserHash":"34079853C5BF347A5B7271B9754DB8C1","EventId":200}
2023-06-28T15:29:58.258523889Z info: MiddlewareConsoleLogs[0]
2023-06-28T15:29:58.258531804Z       {"Timestamp":"2023-06-28T15:29:58.2294963Z","SiteName":"","TaskName":"MiddlewareInformation","Message":"Login completed for 'he**PII**'. Provider: 'google'.","ModuleRuntimeVersion":"1.6.7","ProviderName":"Microsoft-Azure-AppService-Middleware","Level":4,"EventId":1}
2023-06-28T15:29:58.259548180Z info: MiddlewareConsoleLogs[0]
2023-06-28T15:29:58.259594913Z       {"Timestamp":"2023-06-28T15:29:58.259352Z","Hostname":"","Path":"/.auth/login/google/callback","SiteName":"","TaskName":"RequestCompleted","ModuleRuntimeVersion":"1.6.7","StatusCode":302,"SubStatusCode":0,"RedirectHostname":"","ProviderName":"Microsoft-Azure-AppService-Middleware","Level":4,"EventId":3}
2023-06-28T15:29:58.259898421Z info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Diagnostics[2]
2023-06-28T15:29:58.259944820Z       Request finished in 223.3015ms 302 
2023-06-28T15:30:40.964103744Z info: MiddlewareConsoleLogs[0]
2023-06-28T15:30:40.964148252Z       {"Timestamp":"2023-06-28T15:30:40.9639245Z","SiteName":"","TaskName":"MiddlewareInformation","Message":"{\"numberOfSuccessfulSessionTokenAuthentications\":0,\"numberOfSuccessfulBearerTokenAuthentications\":0,\"numberOfSuccessfulCookieAuthentications\":1,\"numberOfUniqueAuthenticatedUsers\":1,\"numberOfUnsuccessfulAuthentications\":0}","ModuleRuntimeVersion":"1.6.7","ProviderName":"Microsoft-Azure-AppService-Middleware","Level":4,"EventId":1}

also it doesn't load the constellation page

Screenshot 2023-06-28 at 16 32 23

and when it does the user hasn't logged in

lao8n commented 1 year ago

google login in works but doesn't show login screen - not sure if that is working...

Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 14 51 29

key trick was to add secret separately and refer to it

Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 14 53 25

and to add some allowed token audiences

Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 14 53 37

not sure exactly which matter

lao8n commented 1 year ago

same problem again - perhaps because something is getting wiped everytime i re-push with github action

lao8n commented 1 year ago

despite adding secret via google and everything being the same as above the login still isn't working

lao8n commented 1 year ago

so i've tried setting image image where the secret is defined as image image image

lao8n commented 1 year ago

so i tried using inprivate mode and the issue seems to be the cache image i think this confirms that this approach to referencing a secret is valid however as i got to the login screen and only the redirect failed. i'm not sure what is wrongw ith the redirect

lao8n commented 1 year ago thinking of giving up on key vault secrets entirely and instead pass the secret into the container directly

lao8n commented 1 year ago

trying a few new approaches

  1. adding some request options to the fetch /.auth/me
      "id": "/subscriptions/98d3a17a-a631-4a58-85f7-db2d9a7abae6/resourceGroups/rg-cnstlltn-prod/providers/Microsoft.App/containerApps/ca-web-4a73yskoiju2e",
      "name": "ca-web-4a73yskoiju2e",
      "type": "Microsoft.App/containerApps",
      "location": "eastus",
      "tags": {
        "azd-env-name": "cnstlltn-prod",
        "azd-service-name": "web"
lao8n commented 1 year ago

image only set these in google following instructions image

lao8n commented 1 year ago

image i.e. correct setup should be (although it isn't working) image image image tehcnically i think the /.auth/me stuff never worked so it's just that the setting the true worked but that is different

lao8n commented 1 year ago

maybe the answer is i shouldn't use /.auth/me at all on the front end image and instead access the information on the backend and use that userid etc. that way

lao8n commented 1 year ago

so to be fair in this the microsoft tutorial it never mentions querying /.auth/me image i think i hsould do do it in the bakcend using the x-ms-client-prinicpal-id thing isntead - turns out i was barking up the wrong tree the whole time - i have screenshots of all the key variables so yeah looks okay

lao8n commented 12 months ago

so worryingly it looked like i lost the authentication again (although not the secret) i think this is okay because for a while iw as mainly deleting the container apps and their environment because i didn't realise the thing i needed to stop was the deployment not the actually containers - i think that now i've added it back it will stay there - we'll see if i'm wrong i did have to updat ethe name of the app domain as well although i think this is a one off there basically isn't a good reason to go deleting instances really hmm because i switched from 2023-04-01-preview (check this) to 2022-11-01-preview i had to comment out the service binds - not sure what they are and if they are relevant umm if i'm feeling brave mabye i'll try adding them back but it's been so long since iv'e had a working deployment i'll wait a bit beofre updating - it's possible that is the reason but i think the main reason is i just deleted and as far as i know there is no way to add authentication via bicep you have to do it in the portal