I cannot properly analyse the logs of the tests. See the screenshots below how unpractical it is.
[ ] Add a horizontal scrollbar, so that I can see what's beyond the screen edge. Or introduce line wrapping. Right now, the <pre> element is offset from the left, but doesn't have a limit on the right causing it to overflow the screen.
[ ] Decrease font size of the <pre> element. I would even go as low as 10px. Right now it's too large.
[ ] Parse and render terminal escape sequences, so that I can see the formatting and colours instead of raw ANSI escape codes (such as [90m │[39m [90mTests:[39m [32m1[39m). We could use ansi_up.js or xterm.js.
[ ] Try to remove timestamps from the logs. Please use regex ^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+(Z|[+-]\d{2}:\d{2})\s, which should match a ISO timestamp at the start of a line. If at least one instance of timestamp is removed after this, then include a checkbox above the text with label "Show Timestamps". It should be unchecked by default.
I cannot properly analyse the logs of the tests. See the screenshots below how unpractical it is.
element is offset from the left, but doesn't have a limit on the right causing it to overflow the screen.<pre>
element. I would even go as low as 10px. Right now it's too large.[90m │[39m [90mTests:[39m [32m1[39m
). We could use ansi_up.js or xterm.js.^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+(Z|[+-]\d{2}:\d{2})\s
, which should match a ISO timestamp at the start of a line. If at least one instance of timestamp is removed after this, then include a checkbox above the text with label "Show Timestamps". It should be unchecked by default.Screenshots